well, happy terror day kidz. let's celebrate this wonderful day by watching cnn, and trying to think of something that's not scary. how desensitized are we? unaware of what's not going thru your head. oh, don't worry, i'm just making no sense and conphuzing myself. 10:13am. do good thingz, lunchboy. sit and componder a free world. try to recall the moment we all wake up. this moment. nonsense. it's just something that meanz nuthing. this moment iz when we all realize, bin laden iz on tv, and we're staring at synthaetik shellz, bodiez of text, rather than bodiez of nude bæuty. creationz of nonexistence, and no one readz, no one givez a phuk. a moment of silence for something other than cnn'z topik of the day. this day. today. this moment. try to pheel something outside yourself. try to see thru the screen, look thru the city lights, out into the actual sea of existence. speak nonsense. let the mind wonder. who'z listening anyway. another set of 3yez to look into. sometimez, nuthing matterz more than the wordz on the page. and sometimez it's az superficial az the screen you're staring at. shaking your head, waking your 3yez, you come out of a momentary thought coma, like coming out of water for air, and notice that little w and hiz lizardbitch are nuthing but fleshy suits covering green acid smoke, holding their handz to their membrane for the song of their nation. their song of blind, bloody, greedy patriotizm. later on cnn, bin laden iz still loose in the world, oh no. can you just take one moment, and lòók away from the fearmachine, and not think paranoia iz the latest trend. step into something vizually stimulating, like nudity. let's celebrate today by being naked, and smoking pot. let's celebrate today with a song, shall we? let's see... we'll dig up an old good one for ya. how about...
‹ · ~ • º ° ` ` ` § µ æ Ð · ÌvÍ y · § k i N ´ ´ ´ ° º • ~ · › I can þµeel ånøther wave cøming øn ~ It's ånøther layer øf §kin þeeling øff ~ If yøu kill the brightest fløwer in yøur garden ~ ån even brighter øne will grøw in it’s place ~ -‡- ~ §hæd the head tø grøw a new head ~ Kill my mˆnd and watch the wørld change ~ §hæd my skin tø grøw a new skin ~ Free my søul and þµeel my mˆnd change ~ Learn this lessøn and save søme time ~ §ee their liez and let my mˆnd change ~ (My ƒuture vøice) Søme part øf me haz tø die tønight. This part øf me must die tønight. I must die tønight. ~ ‡ can þµeel ånøther head grøwing back ~ It's ånøther wave øf mˆnd åttack ~ ånd nøw the wørld iz turning ßlack ~ §ø here I stand ~ ‡'m dawning new flesh ~ ånd this iz what ‡ see with my new 3yez ~ §ømething haz tø change nøw ~ §ømeøne'z gøtta empty the trash ~ wash åway åll this ignørance ~ ånd let møther nature grøw a new flesh ~ (Mansøn) Cut the head øff. Grøwz back hard. ‡ åm the hydra. Nøw yøu'll see yøur star. ~ we never knew høw bad it waz ~ we never saw høw sad this waz ~ ånd nøw I knøw why ‡ åm here ~ Tø shøw the truth and make it clear ~ That time haz cøme tø make a change ~ §hæd yøur head tø grøw a new head ~ §høw yøur søul and þµeel yøur mˆnd change ~ §hæd yøur flesh tø grøw a new flesh ~ Free yøur mˆnd and watch the wørld change
well there ya go kidz, how'z that to start the day off with. i still can't find half my writingz, most notes. need to type up think 2.0 and the coward game. need to smoke a bowl. bored off my ass. phukin nuthin on tv. and i'm in a bad, tired phukin mood. my stupid mother wants to publish some of my shyt in a local paper. why are people so phuking stupid. why am i the only one with a brain. and why am i the only one who thinks so. everyone else thinks they're so much smarter than me, or that they've got it right, cauze they do what everyone else doez, cauze they have to be right, they're too scared to be wrong. whatever. assorted ramblingz with no direction, only colour. well, at least we got a chunk out. this day so far bringz blandness and boredom, a rye, satyrikal, humourless, black tar pissphunk. whatever the phuk that iz. just turn back to your tv, and watch the moron with the gaping fishhole of a jawmouth shout about what your cuntry lost three yearz ago. more to come az soon az i can think again.
Saturday, September 11, 2004
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