[part one: sometimez]
sometimez reality izn't quite what it seemz
sometimez reality iz a dream
sometimez reality iz a nightmare
drowning your mind in screamz
sometimez reality cannot be understood
sometimez reality iz an illuzion
hidden in a house of mirrorz
sometimez reality iz a sandtrap
when you're stuck in a dream that doezn't seem real
sometimez reality iz a wolf in sheep's clothing
hiding in the bushez of your biggest fearz
waiting to chew you up and spit you out
[part 2wo: cleanzing pond]
i pheel like i waz this big tree
finally standing proud and tall, after so much growing
roots, firmly and comphortably planted in the ground
and some lunatik comez along and stomps on me
kicks me over, and chops up all my roots
i pheel like the whole ocean waz drained like a dirty pool
i just want to be taken away, and when i come back
wake up refreshed, and not remember anything, a coma
not have this fakeness, and reazonless depression anymore
i want to drown in a sea of new life
and wake up in a cleanzing pond, floating
i want to shæd all this skin, and start again
[part thr3e: a poem with no name]
a spirit in light blue trailz.
a pond without a ripple.
a book with no writing.
a clock with no handz.
a mind with no thoughts.
a sound with no vibration.
a colour with no light.
a room with no windowz.
a world with no plants.
a song with no sound.
a bird with no wingz.
a flower with no petalz.
a roze with no scent.
a tree with no roots.
a riddle with no rhyme.
a nightmare with no exit.
a question with no answer.
an emptiness with no pheeling.
a balloon in the sky, with no string.
staring thru a mirror, with no reflection.
building a puzzle, with no piecez.
flying in a plane, with no wingz.
driving in a car, with no motor.
eating a meal, with no flavour.
like a cloud without water.
a forest with no treez.
a sun with no phire.
[part 4our: shattered]
i'm in piecez, broken and shattered.
trying to put myself back together
by looking into a shattered mirror.
my piecez pheel like the mirror.
i sympathize.
but I can't pheel anything
but sharp edgez of my skin
scattered across the floor.
blood everywhere.
(you don't understand, something must be done)
pulling little piecez of glass out of my soul.
a hole in my head.
sometimez life izn't like a box of chocolates.
sometimez it's a box of broken glass.
blood everywhere.
[part 5ive: coming back]
sacrifice the lamb, my child.
be cleanzed, purified, washed clean.
broken piecez of a galaxy
each falling into some new world
to heal, and make whole.
(this iz a revolution of the mind.)
a candle with no flame.
a face with no name.
i'm slipping away, turning grey.
just take my piecez and burn them away.
(i'm talking to myself, from beyond the grave.)
i want to pheel clean again. whole again.
falling back into myself, like rayne.
a hug with no sweet embrace.
an emptiness with no filling.
a murder with no body.
just blood. everywhere.
[part 6ix: haunted]
black, like the devil'z birth.
black, like a paintbrush on phire.
black, like art without meaning.
scared, like a fish in the sky.
in a grey cloud.
like a child, lost in a fair.
in the haunted house.
in the dark.
in texas.
in june.
blood everywhere.
and all I want, iz to hear my name.
just take this away. (az it came to me.)
[part se7en: black water]
and then she walked in. (black az the devil painteth.)
like an ocean of dark black mystery, flooding towardz me.
(washed clean. cleanzed. purified.)
submerged in water, az a chill inhabits my spine.
pleaze god, wash it all away.
submerged in water, the blood of the lamb.
cleanze and purify, wash it all away.
cauze when she turnz black, it all fadez away.
the smooth black ripplez, surrounding her body, in a sea of silk.
purified, but someone lied.
submerged in black, I see the light.
it's coming back again.
cauze when she turnz black, it all fadez to grey.
and then another one came.
a puddle of light in an ocean of darkness.
the burning of blue in a world turned black.
her face comez out of the water, the light subsidez.
i remember this, it never did a thing to me.
they'll purify, az the rozez die, leaving a trail of black in the rayne.
but it's the blood again, it's coming again, that will take us all back home.
cauze when she turnz black, it alwayz floodz away.
(it all really came from her face. her 3yez. unreal.)
don't you ever forget who you are, åstrid.
[part ei8ht: a song from beyond]
just let the blood breathe and mourn
cauze the body won't be here for long
just let the rayne fall thru the sky
like the tearz falling from your 3yez
just say it with love
and then you'll know my name.
let the paint peel away
let it all turn grey
just say it in pain
and then you'll know my name.
let it all come down
let the wallz come tumbling down
like a king without a throne
like an emperor with no empire
let the spirit walk you home
let the ghost come home again
let the song play from beyond
let the gravestone cry in the rayne, alone
just write it in blood
let the tearz flood in
and then you'll know my name.
Monday, December 06, 2004
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