Saturday, May 14, 2011

reazonz to upgrade my ass

here are microsoft's so called 'reazonz' to upgrade to windowz7, listed on their own website.

'make the thingz you do every day eazier with improved desktop navigation'.

first of all, i have no trouble navigating my desktop. i guess cauze i have a brain. secondly, 'make the thingz you do eazier', what thingz? what everyone else doez? and third, it's not improved. you took out many optionz that i uze, so how would that be making it eazier? can you make a hidden icon bar on the right of your desktop? no, you can't. can you customize your taskbar layout? no, you can't. how iz that eazier, what it's eazy cauze there'z less shyt you can do to customize anything? my ass. you have less cuntrol over what your desktop looks like, so it just looks like everyone else'z? iz 'uniformity' 'in' this year? i don't think so.

'start programz faster and more eazily (now you can't even word thingz correctly), and quickly find the documents you uze most often'.

you could do all of that in xp, so how iz that 'new'. my programz start just fine. it doezn't depend on windowz speed, but rather your processor, so you're selling a lie. and 'find the documents', yeah, that would be nice, if your 'search' worked at all. my 'search' works just fine, no need to change that.

'make your web experience faster, eazier (finally uzed the right wording), and safer than ever with ie8'.

yeah, that's not a windowz7 feature, any idiot knowz that. i have ie8, and i hate it, too.

'watch many of your favourite tv showz for free when and where you want with internet tv'.

again, not a windowz7 feature, any idiot can get that on the internet, just like netflix and youtube and all the other tv sites out there, so now you're just making shyt up, you can't even have a decent list of reazonz to upgrade. if you've got nuthing to sell, no wonder you're selling liez.

'eazily create a home network and connect your pcz to a printer with homegroup'.

again, i can do that with xp.

'run many windowz xp buziness programz in windowz xp mode'

now that's just stupid. why upgrade to 7, if you're just going to be uzing xp still. duh. the dumbest reazon yet. also, not only do you have to have a more expensive verzion of 7 just to do that, but it's also a seperate download!!! what a phuking joke! now that's something to advertize.

'connect to company networks eazily and more securely with domain join'.

first of all, that's a dumb name. and second, it's still not a good enuph reazon to upgrade. how many people would need, or actually uze that feature. and i'm sure they could all do it just az good with xp. how about a reazon not to upgrade. one: less problemz with xp. two: i get to keep my stylez and phylez where i like them, not to mention all my settingz.

'in addition to full system backup and restore found in all editionz, you can back up to a home or bizness network'.

first, again, mom'z backup shyt came with her toshiba laptop, not windowz7. second, i can do all that shyt with xp. still not a reazon to upgrade. 7 iz dezigned for idiots, making everything 'eazier' to do. if you're a retard, sure, you'd want to upgrade to a phuked up os, just cauze shyt's 'eazier'. if you have half a brain, you can phigure out how to do all this shyt yourself, just fine, on xp. shyt, i bet i could do some of this shyt on windowz 98 without any problemz or knowledge. this iz just dumb.

'help protect data on your pc and portable storage devicez against loss or theft with bitlocker'.

again, not a windowz7 feature. and you don't need 'bitlocker' to do that with. i have mirrored harddrivez. my phylez are safe. and why advertize two featurez that are that similar. most people don't care about file safety, when all they do iz gamez, and it takes ten minutes to reinstall your game, and pick up where you left off. and the people who do care about file safety, have better wayz of protecting filez, so your 'featurez' are a bunch of horseshyt.

and last one... 'work in the language of your choice and switch between any of 35 languagez'.

and still not a windowz7 exclusive feature. that's just sad, you couldn't come up with one good reazon to upgrade to 7. the only reazon to upgrade, iz for better animationz and transparenciez, which a: you didn't advertize, b: iz so minor, most people would never notice or care. it's not a technologikal breakthrough. and c: i can get with xp.

so what's my incentive to upgrade? more problemz, less functionality and featurez, less optionz, almost no customization, and did i mention, more problemz? and to get the last few of thoze featurez you listed, you have to pay more, and get a better, more expensive verzion. where'z the good in that? people are sheep, they will believe anything, and they will buy anything. well, you can all kiss my xp ass. my computer iz better than yourz. in ten yearz, microsoft haz taken us backwardz... ten yearz. we're no more technologikally advanced than a monkey who sat on a keyboard that waz hooked up to a windowz 98 computer. that's just retarded. pathetik. sad. dumb duhdumb dumb dumb. dumb. dumb.

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