Wednesday, August 15, 2012

a blog to no one

what the phuk is this world coming to. why do my concepts never translate, no matter how mundane i make them. i could have a conversation with phuking michio kaku, and the deeper i go, i could still just see his eyes glaze over and drift away. i say this to someone, and get blamed for not having any faith or trust in humanity. therein lie the dilemma. i can't have any phuking faith or trust in humanity, because my whole life, whenever i try to speak, people just give up and walk away, the ears literally close over, or they argue with me, and bitch at me, and blame me for anything their illogikal minds can conceive. so i say this, and i get told that it's all my fault because i don't have any faith or trust in humanity. uh... wow. what a real mindphuk that is. isn't there a word for that?

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