Monday, January 05, 2015

common sense defined

here is a list of psychedelics.

marijuana (mandatory).
psilocybin mushrooms.
dimethyltriptamine (dmt).
ayahuasca (dmtea mix).

on this list, ayahuasca is like a psyche-delicacy.

now, here is a list of psychotics.

alcohol. cocaine. crack. meth. heroin. television. bibles.

any questions?

now here's what i plan to do with that.

give the homeless people jobs working for eachother. go out and get whatever food and money you can, and bring it all back here, and we make sure everyone gets a cigarette. that can't be bad.

once you have enough homeless people working for you, and enough donations coming in for everyone, they have more ability to go out and do more.

if you keep them away from psychotics, and inspire them in a more psychedelic direction, you get a better attitude of cooperation out of them. if you convert them to logic, and give them a clue, they will understand how to take it in an upward direction from there, and you basically just got yourself a loyal friend who will spread your word further for you. what's wrong with that?

if you get some of them who have any building capabilities to build a shelter... that's another obstacle down right there. figure out what their skills are and use them. if this guy's only skill is panhandling, fucking use it, that's his job, you go out and panhandle for me, i make sure you eat every day.

what could possibly be bad about that idea. i'm sure some idiot will think of something negative and offensive to logic. you don't want me cursing your god, then don't offend my logic. when your god gets pissed off, people die. when my god gets pissed off, you die. that's a bumpersticker, you can fuckin' copyright it. it's also a scratch and sniff, so you can suck on it and actually taste something. bonus!

and here's the kicker. get your brain ready for this. if you can't open your third eye wide enough for this one, you might get something similar to brain freeze. so please, get ready, and step away from the slushie.

once you have converted enough homeless people, and started a shelter for them that's self sufficient, you're one step away from creating a church, then a religion, then taking over. ooh, i shouldn't give away that last piece out loud, should it. people might disagree. hmm...

looks like those people need to be the first ones i convert.

that's right, bible thumper. i'm coming for you.

i'm gonna turn you into a stable thumber.

take that any way you want it.

take it to a pawn shop, see if it's worth anything.

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