Wednesday, September 20, 2017

couldn't post this on fetlife

nazis at fetlife wouldn't let me post this, it's too much for their attention span to handle.

fetlife wouldn't even let me post this in my writings. it was too long to send as a message, so i'm still trying to post it here. i'm just not allowed to fit anywhere.

imagine having a large family, who say they love you, but you never see them. you live in a big house, but every room you check, no one is ever there. a ghost house. or ghost family, if you will. it's been ten years since you've seen any of them, or heard anything. would you still feel like they are your family?

yes. when everyone is always too busy to spend time with me, including my family, for most of my life, and all i ever get from most of my family, is 'get a job', they don't feel like family to me. most of my friends, i had to realize, were not geniune friends. they were social filler. or maybe i was their social filler. either way, it's not a life i should have been living. empty. isolated. and when all anyone ever says to you is just some default form of telling you how to live their life, and think the way they think, cause whatever you're doing is wrong... would you see much value in it? i don't. i never have. people who don't have time for me... the way i see it, that's your loss, but i'm fucking sick of being so lonely on a planet with seven billion fucking people. i seriously refuse to believe that not a single fucking person has one day when they don't have to do something stupid, consuming some stupid product that makes a parasitic choice in your head, and takes ownership over whatever you were. i refuse to live that way. when you can't afford the lie, all you can accept is the truth, and it helps to further define the absurdity in their lie. it's a product with a price tag on it, that's all it is. i'm sick of every person i encounter thinking that consumption is the be all end all to human existence on this planet, isn't it wonderful, we can just shop, shop, fuckin' shop! i never want to do anything else, this is the best possible existence ever! livin' the dream!

yeah. i'm aware that i'm living on the surface of a living organism, and that above my head is infinity. i'm not in denial of anything, i don't fear anything, not even death, i buy no product, i follow no trend, and i'm proud of that, i just wish i could find someone else who feels the same. this world is a fake, plastic lie. a product credit card playpen that perpetuates ignorance.

i have much higher intellectual standards, and i'd give anything to see them reflected in the world around me. i don't know how better i can say it, but this existence makes me fucking sick, every day, every moment, and it does not fucking stop. how can you people stay sane when you're living the same day over and over again in the same world... no, you're not sane, because you're living the same day over and over again! and no one can beg otherwise!

(not you personally, none of this is directed at you, rather society).

i can't say it any better. but i am not happy in this life. alienation, rejection, feeling unwanted, repulsive, repugnant, ugly, detested... how could that possibly make for a healthy mindset? how the fuck is that expected to inspire hope and change? i cannot afford that shit! all i can afford is to watch people pass by me, ignoring me, frowning at me, in denial that they're miserable, and it hurts me the most because i'm the only one who can see it. i've observed society for thirty years now. i've studied their actions, their emotions, their thoughts, their intentions (even the unspoken ones). i question everything like my mother taught me to do. that's never been a bad thing. it's gotten me this far out of society, which is where i wanted to be. i'm not trying to get back into society, i'm trying to pull someone else out with me.

there are people dangling off the bottom of this pyramid. left hand hanging on for dear life, mouth hooked up to the consumption tube, little screen infront of them, right hand sticking the credit card into the slot.

if you look at the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill with a microscope, you can clearly see the broom handle hanging between you and i. on the handle of the broom, it says 'revolution solution'. the idea is, if you sweep the poor people over here, and let them start rebuilding their lives without so many ruthlessly, retardedly, childishly paranoid restrictions... you can watch that fucker crumble, can't you?

just because you may be happy with this life, just because you may be living comfortable, doesn't mean everyone is. but it means everyone should be, if we were to call this world 'fair'. if we were to call ourselves mature, responsible.

personally, i'm fucking sick of so many homeless people coming up to me asking me for drugs. i'm sick of the fact that only desperate males approach me begging for shit (a total count of thirteen yesterday alone), yet no female ever approaches me. ever. ever. ever. ever. it just does not fucking happen. i sit every moment of every day, aching for a female to walk past, notice me, and end up not walking away. curious enough to stay. that never fucking happens. nothing out of the ordinary ever fucking happens. i'm dying to see nudity, sex, anything. i'll never see it. it will never fucking happen. not in a world owned by paranoid children. consumers. products with shoes. walking credit tards.

i'm sorry if this offends these people, but i can't make it not. it's intended to wake up, to shock... i'm into shock value as a fetish, a kink. are you starting to see my intentions? the world i'm dreaming of is not this one. can you understand? i was not meant to spend money, i was meant to learn how to live without it, so i can teach others. that is my gift, my ability, but it interests no one. i interest no one. i can't sell my product to anyone. is that an enjoyable life? would you like to live that life? would you like to have your house taken from you, and spend four years of your life being told only where you don't belong, being kicked down the street like a piece of trash, kicked when you're down, in so much physical pain and emotional trauma that you can't even think most of the time, you don't feel like yourself anymore, and people get off on ignoring you... would that make you happy?

how is it that society thinks i'm not allowed to not be a consumer, i'm not allowed to not be just like them? are we happy with the fact that our only option in life, is to be born wealthy, or work like a slave until someone notices you? are we content with the fact that jobs are our only option out of this hell?

i wrote a poem in twenty thirteen, while my life was being destroyed. it was a poem about poverty. i was so poor, i could barely get it written, let alone keep it. i lost the poem, it was called 'god's gravity', and all i can remember is the last two lines:

'the only solution i can see from my hell,
is for your expensive heaven to fall'.

this may not answer your question, but... i know who i am, i know the life i want, and i know what i don't want. i don't want to be like anyone else, i don't want to be told to be like anyone else, i don't want my friends to expect me to be someone else, i want people who value me for who the fuck i am, because i know who i am, and i don't need anyone fucking telling me.

recently, i locked a bunch of males out of my life. my buddy james... coming off heroin. he can't stop telling me to wear pants. 'if you wanna find a girl, you gotta put some big boy pants on'. does he assume i want to date some shallow twat who cares more about how i dress than who i am? cause that would make him officially wrong, wouldn't it? or can others dictate my life? which planet are we living on? am i delusional here? am i not making any sense?

buying products and following orders for a paycheck does not make me happy. in any way whatsoever. it never has, and never will. what makes me happy, is heavy fucking metal, talking about evolution, psychedelics, laughing my ass off at comedy, and being fucking naked as much as possible, having people want to see me, want to touch me.

not being avoided like i have ebola.

and i have to ask you... why are you happy with this world? what about this world satisfies you? why are you still happy working a job and buying products? wasn't there some point in your life where you maybe perhaps wanted to educate yourself on something cool, something interesting, and you never got that chance because you had to work that day? any other regrets or things you missed out on that might have fulfilled your life a little more?

i'll bet you twenty bucks you can think of at least one thing.

i know i can. it's not hard.

i wanted to learn computer programming.
i wanted to learn chemistry, physics.
i was always fascinated by chinese puzzle boxes when i was a kid.
stereograms, optical illusions, and those 'glass dirt mountain' things.

i like cats, heavy metal, muscle cars, hot chocolate, mexican food.
i do not like dogs, rap music, trucks, coffee, and fuckin' tofu.

can you see it yet?

i never got to learn computer programming. when i tried a community college, they couldn't stop raping my ear with the word 'prerequisites', and stuck me in a classroom without computers, and beginner guitar... i'm sitting there on the first day, back of the room, jamming slayer on this little acoustic like i did through high school till i dropped out because they weren't teaching me anything. which is always my fault, of course. it's always good for a teacher to blame the student for not wanting to learn, right? isn't that how we got here? boundaries, limitations, restrictions, paranoia, excuses, and irresponsible childish behaviour and treatment of our fellow scumtards? what's the price tag on that wonderful product? i'll pay double for the answer! i would surrender my flabby white ass to the master of all lies for that one answer.

i'd sell my ass to a catholic priest for a legitimate answer to this question:

your god has eighty billion voicemail messages from me on his machine. i'd just like to know why he hasn't been able to answer a single one yet?

i've been praying for a sober female who actually likes me.
i've been praying to get this stupid body out of pain.
i've been praying to pursue my talents as if anyone actually cared.

is it fair that my prayers should go unanswered?

begging, pleading, yearning, constantly, for three fucking years.

is that a product you'd purchase?

am i worth more than your morning starfucks latte?

would it be worth it to sacrifice a couple meals to get me off the streets, give me a heart to heal in, a room to live in, and is it too much to ask for a little inspiration? wouldn't it be worth it to watch that dude take off? perhaps he'd send you a check of gratitude someday? no?

cause if i had a company, if i ran a business, that would be its focus.

find the talented homeless people, and launch them.

i would hope that would make it easier for society to decide what to do with the rest, but i hope for way too fucking much. obviously.

but this consumer world is just so fuckin' great, isn't it! aren't you havin' a fuckin' ball! whoo, party!

i don't like alcohol, drugs, jesus, jobs, television, wallets, credit cards, capitalism, corruption, fascism, tyranny, lies, excuses, immaturity, authority...

i'm sorry, i guess i really don't know how better to say it.

the truth is just the truth. this is a consumerist nightmare. only those who can afford the lie, are comforted, satiated, and pleased with the results.

i don't want the intravenous mayonnaise television incision.

i want nudity, comedy, metal, evolution, anarchy, utopia.

is that not worth a fucking dime to anyone else? because i can't fucking find anyone. other metalheads i've talked to, show no interest.

is that a product you'd buy?

yes. to answer your question the best i can, the shortest i can... yes, people are too busy consuming to give a fuck about anyone but themselves. that vanity satiation station is all that matters, and we pour the dollars into that machine every day, not even dreaming of anything better. we drift off to sleep each night, comforted by the snow on the screen. into the darkness of demise. hushed to sleep by a needle and a lullaby.

why is it a bad thing that i feel that way? why does it have to be wrong?

i think that way because it's all i see. i'm left alone on these streets for the majority of each day. trying to connect with someone who might help me start my career.

how rejected have you been in your life?
how many people have physically kicked you away from them?
how repulsive do you feel?
how important do you feel?
does anyone look up to you?
does anyone admire you?

then what did it get you?
working all that way, all those days, years... for what?
did you get what you wanted out of life?

i don't want to be spoiled, pampered, and entitled to everything.

rich people have that product.

but i'm too poor to be noticed or valued in the rich man's world?

i'd rather take my chances finding a different planet. honestly.

that's how much this world disturbs me. it's evil. as long as money exists on this planet, as long as we can't think of anything better... this will be a hell i'm not allowed to participate in, and not even really willing either.

but... if someone had a couple days off, and nothing better to do, nothing more vitally important like saving the earth from an alien invasion, and they spent that couple days getting to know me, and decided to let me stay on their laundryroom floor for a couple months, and even got me to a few open mic shows... if a human could dedicate that much time to helping a fellow human... it would restore my faith in humanity.

am i not allowed to be resentful?
am i not allowed to feel this way?
am i supposed to be smiling while i'm being shit on?

cause i don't make the best slave, i'm not very obedient, i've got too big of a reason to fight back. is that painting a vivid picture yet? am i being explicit enough? am i making sense? am i even halfway answering your question yet? is my answer satisfactory yet? cause i've repeated this shit about a billion and a half times in my life, and it's still getting me nowhere. into no other human's heart. because all i see in those hearts, are dollar bills. endless 'to do' lists. priorities. morning walks to starfucks with your dog.

i'm so poor i can't even formulate my own 'to do' list.
i'm so poor i can't even afford "FREE WIFI".
i'm so poor i can't afford to wipe my nose or my ass most the time.
you know paper costs money, too, right?
can you afford restroom tissue right now?
can you afford free wifi right now?
are you dragging a corpse through the streets with you?
is your heart dragging like an anchor through the concrete?
do you check your phone every morning and fail to see any evidence of humanity?

when you say something cool, or write something cool... does someone comment on it? do they say more than one sentence about it?

cause i'm starting to wonder if that's ever happened to anyone.

i'd imagine plato, socrates, sitting on their thinking bench, and waiting for a thousand years for someone to walk up and say 'dude, you're cool'.

or 'that idea you had about wormholes was brilliant!'.

see, i picture a silent world of dirt, dust, ghost echoes, and eternal twilight. one man, sitting at the evolution bell curve. tiny tree next to him, with a hanging dragon. maybe a puff of smoke once in a while.

as the aeons slip through the mirage betwixt the horizon and its predecessor.

that's where i reside. and i am not happy. i am lonely. against my will.

tarzan no want jesus, tarzan want jane!

if you want me to think society is actually helping people, you have to show me proof. evidence. fact. you have to show, not tell. i don't just take anyone's word for it, i need to see it. because i fucking don't. i do not see it.

what street corner does this happen?

cause i'm mister wrong place wrong time, so i'd sure love to know. if a human were kind enough to let me in on that little piece of knowledge i seem to have missed, would be fucking wonderful, i'd be eternally grateful, i'd make it worth their while, i wouldn't waste their time, i wouldnt' waste that chance, and i would show my gratitude in any way i could. but that's not enough of a guarantee to make any other human think in their own minds, 'hey, i don't think i need to keep my receipt with this guy'.

i'm no thief. i'm no liar. i'm no drug addict. i'm no criminal. i'm no pervert (well, maybe thirty percent, if you're counting exhibitionism).

i fit perfectly on a laundryroom floor. i'm not completely useless.

if i have given, and given, and given...
if i have given more than enough of myself...
and gotten nothing in return...
and my life is destroyed, and i relocate...
and it's time for me to start getting something back...

why then...
why the fuck does society say 'we have no evidence of what you've given, so you have to keep on giving us more, before we have any reason to give back'.

first of all, that society, whether you think so or not, desperately needs to be executed without hesitation or reconsideration. if you deny that, you're part of the problem. it's my job to break the concrete beneath the cold hard truth with my head. and i have done so. now it's your turn to purchase the product.

if society has no 'evidence' of me giving and giving and giving, can't they consider the fact that i have nothing left? is that not evidence?

three years.
four cities.
three blogs.
two deviant art pages.
two facebooks.
a fetlife.
a twitter.

not one human.

okay, so... you tell me what i'm doing wrong.

i'm a writer, i make the best panhandling signs i can think of, but i see every other drug addict panhandler making so much more than i do, while i sit there, hurting, suffering, sober, crying, shaking, and watching frown after frown walk past, and each one is like a nuke in my heart. just sending me further and further into the concrete. would you like to do that?

okay, then tell me what i'm doing wrong.

if you answer includes the word 'job' even once, this friendship is over, because you clearly don't understand me, and how different i am from this society.

on the other hand...

if your answer includes love, acceptance, forgiveness, compassion, sympathy, empathy, anything like that... a little dose of humanity from an actual beating heart... a little love... some warmth... humanity... a hand reaching out...

anything but a carrot on a stick or a cartoon stick figure with a stick up its ass...

aren't we friends? aren't i worth knowing? aren't you worth the effort it took to reach out to someone else?

why does personal experience matter so much, especially when it's mostly silenced and stomped by society, and shown to be less valuable than greed, selfishness, and the voice of society telling you to be just like them?

and why would anyone want to be what society wants them to be?

did you lose your inner child in some fuckin' cave lookin' for a treasure?

i saw this thing when i was a kid...

'your inner child would be whippin' your ass right about now'.

and a friend in high school told me this...

'i'd rather stay a child and keep my self respect, if being an adult means being like you'.

i wrote that on the jail cell walls. cause they kept calling me a child.

i can't help if society actually thinks that way. all i can control is how i feel about it. and i'd rather feel disgusted than try to mask that hatred, lie to myself, and paste a smile on my face to appease someone who doesn't appreciate me. i'm sorry, but i don't see the point, the price tag, or the receipt for that product, so i'm not buying it.

and if value is only taken on someone's word for it...

then i say my product is more valuable than yours.

oh, so you can dictate my life then?

another buddy of mine just walked up to me, right here in this starfucks, six thirty am, not even a full minute ago... and said 'how are you doing', i said 'still lonely', he says 'you gotta get yourself out there', i said 'i've been trying for three years, why does everyone assume i haven't tried', and he walks away.

why the fuck does everyone assume i'm not trying?
why the fuck is it everyone's natural fucking instinct to assume i haven't been fucking trying!!!???!!! WHY, LORD, WHY THE FUCK!!!


when does anyone understand who the fuck i am?
when the fuck does anyone give a shit!

my other buddy david... a fuckin' mooch, a leech, always hanging around me, nothing to offer, nothing to say, and can't even tell me why he hangs around me, but smokes my weed and cigarettes, won't even help me panhandle or carry my case for me or anything, won't even watch it for me while i use a restroom, is this a friend that's valuable enough to keep around?

my other buddy bob, and his 'wife' jamie... they break up every month. constant drama. they're both uglier than a goat's ass. i've given bob a bunch of weed and smokes over the last year, even cash here and there, food. but damned if they can't stop body shaming me for not showering and being a nudist. so i told them to fuck off, called them mooches and leeches.


so i told them to fuck off. while doing so, they had to body shame me once again, for being a nudist who doesn't like to shower.

seems to me, that if they wanted a friend who showered and dressed like a paranoid fundamentalist christian freak... if they wanted that friend, wouldn't they look somewhere else? just... elsewhere? anywhere else?

but... play with this theory... if someone wanted a friend who was a nudist who smelled more like a human than a product... you think they could have found me by now, it's not like i'm invisible, i've been all over the internet for twenty fucking years. i've been through four of the most 'open minded' cities on this coast, you'd think we would have run into eachother by now?

no, cause i forget that there are seven billion consumers on this planet that i have to sift through to find the one other nudist metalhead in existence. the other fucking unicorn. mythical creature. possibly fictional.


what the fuck do you want from me that you're not getting...

cause i can tell you exactly what i want from each and every one of you, all of you, that i'm not getting.


all things that i have given, and given, and given.

i have compromised myself, sacrificed myself, wounded myself to make others happy. to help them. it wasn't even worth returning the favour.

and apparently, i need to do it even more, so new people can have their evidence that i'm a human, though i have no evidence, and can't even ask for that from them. boy, oh, yeah, that's so fuckin' fair, makes me wanna cum.

do greed and paranoid not go hand in hand?
do immaturity and excuses not go hand in hand?

then where are my leaders that don't acknowledge the fact that i don't need them, don't want them, where are they? why do they hide?

no one is looking to have a psychedelic nudist metalhead anarchist evolutionist comedian as a friend.

did i miss something?

'connecting with friends and family and having fun'???

gee, doesn't that sound like the exact reason i hate them so much?

i'm not worth a friendship to these people...
i'm certainly not family...
and i don't offer them any fun...
i think their 'fun' is fake, and undeserved.

i'm sorry. if you wanted me to see it differently, maybe you should have cared a long time ago. or point me to someone who might.

that's no humanity i'd like to be a part of.

the people i see frowning when i panhandle... they are my enemy. and, ironically, my target audience. demographic, i think they call it.

oh, i see exactly how well i belong here. it's hilarious. i could sell that joke if it wasn't an 'inside joke'. completely unwanted mcdonald's nuclear cheeseburger, raped in its wrapper, and thrown to the street. i know i'm fooling myself. and i don't know why. but i do know i'd rather die.

no, people who get to 'connect with friends and family and have fun'...

you don't deserve it. you take it for granted, while the rest suffer.

if you can't accept that...
that blame...
that responsibility...

you're not worth the dollar you're printed on.

do me a favour then, if you want more 'evidence'. sit on a street corner with a cardboard sign, and wait for a security guard to tell you to move. and tell me how you feel in that moment. let it happen to you a thousand times, and tell me how you feel. get woken up by a security guard at two in the morning, by him banging his stick on the metal pole next to your head, setting off every ptsd alarm in a twenty mile radius, and then taking you to jail for a month for defending or protecting yourself. and tell me how you feel.

have your house taken from you. your wallet. your kids. your car. your computer. your wealth of writings. your heart. your soulmate. your cat. your mother. your dignity. your confidence. and tell me how you feel.

be single against your will for three years, lonely, rejected at every turn, by every possible female, even the old ones, the ugly ones, the fat ones, the stupid ones, the drug addicted bum skanks, the rich women, the beautiful women, the perfect women, the plastic women, the fake women, the sidesluts, the fearfully excusedriven monogamous tainted whores, the shiny whiny bitches with silver price tags on their panties, the makeup, the mannequins, the hair, the dresses, the shoes, the purses, ass hanging out on display every day, but only for a certain price bracket to have access?

my ass doesn't cost a dime to touch, to fuck, to hold.

ever hear the term, 'the undesirables'?
ever hear the term, 'the peasants'?

i want to make a couple metal bands out of those names.

i'd be shot before i hit the stage, and you fuckin' know it.

i'd be nuked and burnt to the ground like the branch davidian in waco.

machine head, davidian

blind man ask me forgiveness
i won't deny myself
disrespect you have given
your suffering's my wealth
i feed off pain, force fed to love it
and now i swallow whole
i never live in the past
let freedom ring with a shotgun blast.

burn my fist to the concrete
my fearlessness is my strength
power, rage unbound because
been pounded by the streets
cyanide blood burns down the skyline
hatred is purity
the bullet connects at last
let freedom ring with a shotgun blast.

scarred, pour the salt in the wound, unscarred.

one of my favourite songs right there. one of my favourite metal bands, one of the few that's gotten me through this shit word for fucking word. one of my main influences for starting writing, the other two being geezer butler and maynard james keenan.

i.e.: machine head, black sabbath, and tool.

their lyrics not only gave me direction, but fuel.

what has society ever given me that's matched that in any way?

'choosing to participate in society, having commitments to jobs and property that they must answer to and care for'.

i'm really sorry, and really ashamed if you can't understand how wrong, how sickening, how evil that statement is. no one in society is capable of understanding just how wrong that is. it's ugly, vile, disturbing.

why do you think that way? and why can you think no other way?

how about this... i choose not to participate in such an evil, hateful, cold, cruel, heartless, apathetic society.

i have no commitments to property, because i was never allowed that luxury.
i have no job, because i'm sick of that being the only option out of this.
i'm literally trying to invent another option.

and 'that they must answer to and care for'...

first of all, who the fuck ever gave a fuck about me?

and secondly... i have nothing and no one to answer to or care for.

i don't need someone telling me what to do.

oh, yeah, and we're almost missing another vital piece of why i'm not allowed to make a fuckin' friend, another piece of me that society constantly misunderstands or assumes should be their way... i love this one...

people love to tell me that i only care about myself and no one else.

yeah. oh. wow. see? yeah. fuckin'... whoo! yeah, what a zinger, huh?

felt the heat off that one... my ear's deaf now. my eye's watering. cough, hack, sputter. yeah!

no, see, i have no one to care about because no one gives a fuck about me. i know you think that's just an excuse, but i'm living in a world of pots and kettles that are completely unaware of eachother right now, but oh so destructive to eachother, and... is that 'spin the bottle'? if i had someone to care about, don't you think i'd care about them? or do you assume i'm more of a robotic clone than you are, and i'd take advantage of it?

fuck, i hate cologne and perfume. plastic fucking products.

see, it makes you sick that i smell like a human.
it makes me sick that you smell like a plastic product.
but you did throw the first insult/punch.
so if you cower from this war... that means i win.

does it not?

and secondly... the exact same could be said about you, and is said about society frequently, by those who don't belong there. but how would society know that? you have no ears, no heart, and your head is filled with parasitic product choices... so... you know... oh, but i'm sure you'd know anyway.

infallible idols, dishonest leaders, and a chain of command...

but you can't even acknowledge the bedrock on which you grow this delusion?

and you think society is all that great.
you think participating in this nightmare is getting you further ahead.
you have to realize, your humanity, your conscience, your truth, must realize, that you participating in this nightmare means that someone else doesn't.

that is the essence of this spinning bone machine.

and society itself calls that 'fair'.

i call that delusional. i'm sorry. i know you think i'm wrong, but...

i own my eyes.
i know what my heart yearns for.
and you've never been able to convince me otherwise.
you'll never be able to convert me, buy me, sell me, own me, enslave me, control me, or silence me.

i'm sorry if that offends society, but it's kind of intended to.

remember... shock value?

i should be valuable to you, to her, to anyone else.
i could be valuable to her, to her, or even her.
i could matter to someone.

but society whines and cries like a spoiled little child, throwing tantrums and knives, bitching, crying, and always getting its way, while the poor suffer.

that's okay to you? because you benefit from it, that's okay to you?

does that mean i have to be okay with it even though i don't benefit from it?

i'm not okay with it. i'm repulsed by the very theory. it should have been discarded immediately, instead of turned into a ten thousand year fuckin' scam. oh, sorry, i keep forgetting, i'm still wrong no matter what.

i have no proof to back up my claims, theories, and assertions.
i haven't done enough research.

i know my place, you don't have to stomp me, master.

(again, still talking to society, not you personally).

i disagree with everything society says. i can't help that.

my question is, how do i fix this?

and if anyone says 'do it yourself' to me one more time, i'm taking my head off, and throwing it into the street sweeper.

i don't want to hear the phrase 'do it yourself' ever again.
i don't want to hear the phrase 'love yourself' ever again.
i don't want to hear the phrase 'get a job' ever again.

how much do i have to pay to have that understood?
how much of my ass do i have to sell?
how much more loneliness do i have to live through?
to deserve that much respect back from humanity?
this wonderful, flawless, perfect society.


every time i see a hot woman walking past, my heart stabs itself, and i can't help but think in my head, 'fucking fake plastic slut'. simultaneously realizing she'll never ever ever touch me, or even look at me, and for me to touch her, i'd have to take it up the ass for about fifty years, polishing knobs to a golden shimmer, carrying buildings on my back full of the wealthiest scumroaches, while they toss monkey turds down at me... for fifty years, before i could afford to even ask that lady for physical contact.

hell, i probably know that better than you do.

all i wanted to do was touch. but your paranoia assaulted me.
your fears imprisoned me, and your excuses shot me down.

you and all my male friends i just recently pushed away... just answer me this one quick question, if i'm even halfway worth it. humour me, please.

am i allowed to be myself?

yes or no?

it's that simple. just answer yes or no. am i allowed to be myself?

'yeah, but you'll never make any friends that way'.

gee, thanks for the truth there, sparky. i feel so human!

'consider that it is not neglect of another, but that time and energy can feel finite'.

okay. considered.

now consider this. if this is fair.

i have nothing but free time because i achieved that for myself by sacrificing everything else, so that i could pursue my talents without other 'commitments' thinking they own me. and i'm extremely, immensely proud of that.

i was brave enough to achieve that, why can't you?

it's never too late...
'every passing moment is another chance to turn it all around'... (vanilla sky).

also consider this. i have absolutely no energy. i'm sapped, drained, overwhelmed, exhausted, constantly overexerting myself and getting nowhere because i have to do everything alone, by my fucking self. with no help from anyone. ever. my fucking self. butt fucking alone! me!

goddamned alone!
mutherfucking alone!!!
my godfucking self!!!

dragging a case around with me... alone.
dragging this corpse through the streets with me... alone.
trying to heal this stupid pathetic heart... alone.
getting to places... alone.
thinking of shit... alone.
rocking to my tunes... alone.
watching my movies... alone.
sending out emails... alone.

i know that sounds like paradise to everyone with money, but...

you have to 'consider'...

that life makes me want to carve this heart out and fucking eat it.

do i need to repeat myself? because i will anyway. i feel i need to.

that life makes me want to carve this heart out and fucking eat it.

can you understand yet? please?

your life does not make me happy.
why must i live it, when i can't even afford to?

is society seriously that incapable of understanding, comprehending poverty?
is society really that blind to how harmful this shit is?
is society in denial that poverty has harmed and mangled lives?
is society literally that unaware that poverty shouldn't exist?

the 'american dream' was sold to us, as the 'land of opportunity', that 'opportunity came knocking at your door'.

that's a lie.
that's a scam.
if you couldn't see it, don't blame me.
i fucking smelled it from a thousand years away.

and if this is a contest... i can't even see dust behind me anymore. but i know i'm still alone.

the 'american dream' mentioned nothing about equality, yet called itself 'fair'.

and if the only things you balance are checkbooks... you're failing everyone.

including yourself, considering if we united together and worked for better, better would actually be better.

instead of the defeatist attitude that 'this is as good as it's gonna get'.

or, even worse, 'this is as good as it's MEANT to get'.

i refuse to believe that lie. i refuse to buy that product.

and i have every fucking right to reject that delusion.

if you think this is as good as it's gonna get, go find a history book and go back to sleep. cause you're not helping anything get better.

those who are displeased with this world, of course want better.

that means there are two types of people on this planet right now.

those who want change, and those who don't.

those who don't want change, look here, you've gotten to appreciate this earth and take it for granted for a couple thousand years now.

what do you say we get a chance? you know... the 'meek'?

you might have forgotten about us wth all your greedy self worshipping money mongering and boasting and pride and patriotism and children and breeding and colleges and paychecks and nuclear weapons and carbonated drinks and alcohol and crystal meth and heroin and charlie fucking sheen, yeah, i get it, boy, you're so proud, all your achievements and accomplishments, your mountain of success that dwarfs my entire existence, yeah, i'm in awe, i love it, i get it, total worshipper of yours, hello!

'dear meek,

it's time to inherit this earth.


'the meek'
'the peasants'
'the undesirables'

how long do these rich scumfucks keep getting to enjoy their antigravity levitation shoes that run on our blood?

when will we have our turn to just enjoy the ground we walk on, without delusion and concrete around us?

for society to be brought down off its high horse...
another option must be invented.

because whether you think so or not, this world is not fair. it is anything but. it is bloodthirsty. powerhungry. never satisfied, but always satiated.

and any machine that runs on fear...

can you not see it yet? have i not said it well enough yet? cause i'm making so much more of an effort than anyone else is, pouring words out of my heart, trying desperately to tell a story that hasn't been heard yet, and it's just passed off and insulted under the childish assumption that 'this is as good as it's gonna get'. that's exactly what the people said when they stopped heading west and gave up when they got to nebraska.

if only the strong survive, then how is los angeles still alive?

have you any idea how many females i watch pass by me, refusing to notice me? have you any idea? how many a day? too rich, too perfect, too selfish, and way too high above me to even see me. do you have any fucking idea how many? how many women? do you have any fucking clue?

cause i'm waiting for you to try it and tell me what you think.

tell me if your self worth diminishes.
tell me how close you get to stabbing your heart.
tell me how relevant you feel, how necessary.

now, another misunderstanding.

i am not looking to society to care for me. at all. in any way, whatsofuckingever, no fucking way at all am i wanting society's care.

i'm wanting a few people who share my interests to step out of the pyramid, and help me build a new one. one much more flat. with a big fuckin' smiley face on the top. is that getting fucking through yet, cause i've said that one exactly precisely four billion three hundred and forty two million, eight thousand, six hundred and fifty four fucking times in the past two years, and do you see where the fuck it's gotten me!!!??? do you see where the fuck it's gotten me yet!!! yes? no? are you even fucking trying???

i'll repeat that. i'm looking for another metalhead. another nudist. another anarchist. another scientist. another comedian. another fucking hippie who's not acting out some ancient role. anyone who shares even one of my fucking interests. to step out of the woodwork, come out of hiding, find me, have the balls to tell me 'hey, let's do something big', okay! how hard was that? how much was that to ask? how long did that seriously have to take? how difficult did that really have to be? was that worth aching for twenty years for? was that worth sacrificing myself, compromizing myself, bludgeoning myself? was that worth all the crackheads who beat the shit out of me? was that worth my mother calling me delusional? was that worth all the hell, all the pain, all the poverty, all the arguments, all the boredom, all the loneliness, all the rejection, all the alienation, isolation, the walking, the walking, the fucking walking, seeing all the hot plastic mannequins and never getting to touch the plastic surface of the reality of your dream, the membrane surface of the reality of the lie you can't escape, the prison cell walls, the cold, the cruel, the vicious, the attacks, the republicans, the forced sobriety, the orders, the asses, the short skirts never blowing up, the lack of love, nudity and sex in public, but being repulsed whenever i see a rich couple kissing or touching or holding hands, was it worth all the tears, the blood, the pain, the loss, the sacrifice, the damage, the hell, the agony, the misery, the torment and torture, was it fucking worth it? was it fucking worth it?

was it worth the herpes, and the end of my sex life?
was it worth the mother of my children selling my kids?
is it worth every douchebag on this planet staring at me?
is it worth having fifteen desperate males approach me every day begging me for shit, but not one female in three fucking years taking the slightest fucking notice of me, was it fucking worth it?!!!

would you do it?
would you ever consider yourself brave enough?
would you even want to?

no. fuck no. i am absolutely not looking to this sick society for care.

i'm literally trying to invent my way out of it.

but to do so, don't i need to start here? where else would you suggest?

if not the bottom, how do you start near the top?
if not luxury and privilege, how would you start?

if not spoiled and pampered, how would you prefer to carry that?

am i not making sense yet? am i not getting through yet? have i not said this enough times to enough people? what the fuck am i missing? what the fuck am i doing wrong? can anyone tell me? does anyone care enough?

apparently not, i mean, i'm still asking this fucking question.

september twenty, twenty seventeen, eight fifty six am.

my birthday is in six days.

on september twenty six, at six:twelve pm, i turn thirty nine years old.

i don't fuckin' know why.
i don't even know how the fuck i'm still standing.
but i'm seriously considering skipping the party, if you catch my drifter.

condemned to loneliness.

did i inherit hitler's karma, or what?

can anyone answer me?

if not to be your personal ass kisser, why the fuck am i here?

i'm not looking to society to care for me. don't insult me by misunderstanding me that horribly. i'm not stupid, i know i never said that. never even implied it no fucking ambiguous innuendos or anything. 'a few' does not mean the whole of society'. 'like minded' does not mean everyone. and 'to give a shit' does not translate to 'care for me'. and by care, i'd like to point out, most of you just mean me having the ability to shower and bathe myself to your obsessive requirements, which will never fucking happen. you obsess about hygiene, doesn't mean i have to. stop telling me when to shower, how to dress, what to think, and what role to act out, what job to get, what car to drive...

just stop.

get it through your thick fucking skull, society, you childish, evil pond scum!

i do not have to be you!
i do not have to live your fucking pathetic life!
like it's so fucking great in anyone's eyes but yours.
how did you convince everyone that this was so great, that's what i wanna know. besides hitting this planet a thousand years before i did, how the fuck did you sell your product when it was so obviously a scam?

and why do i have to buy it?
do you not have enough customers?

could i have just a few? 'fuck no'!

boy, where's that exit?

i see it. i see it clearly. in my head. i fucking see it. am i delusional?

is that grounds for my execution?

just because i don't shower doesn't mean i don't care for myself. i don't need to obsess over hygiene like society does, because i'm not going after the same jobs they are, or the same friends they are, or the same plastic fucking life! it's not a life, it's a fucking product! you're just wearing a product, and acting out that role! you fucking morons! how can you not see that! when i see that douchebag in the nineteen fifties business suit with the brown leather shoes and brown leather hat, i ask myself, who the fuck are you trying to be?

when i see the girl dressed in the nineteen fifties polkadot dress, corvette sunglasses, matching purse, and matching dog, i can't help but think to myself, who the fuck are you trying to be???

who the fuck are you trying to be!!!

no, by comparison... black trench coat, black skirt, long hair, cigarette...

ever seen that before?
in history?
throughout history?

search your history books for the word 'outlaw'. go ahead, i'll take a smoke break...

yeah. rogue. see?

not trying to 'fit in', but rather trying to invent 'out'?

so these plastic people can stop worshipping themselves, and forcing their opinions on us, as well as their feet...?

making any sense yet? cause i could keep going. obviously.

i've seen those plastic party masks. the glasses of champagne. sparkly clothing. golf claps. fake laughter. fake smiles. and the thoughts. 'are they looking at me'. 'do they see me'. 'what are they thinking'. the glitter. the lights. the tits. the makeup. the skin. the music. i can feel the numbing of the alcohol around your brain. i can feel the security and paranoia battling in your chest.

i've seen that party. in that golden door.

you think you're so special.

when you turn the lights on, the animation stops, and it's just a bunch of mannequins in a warehouse. didn't we see that movie?

i've seen it.
i've seen it.

why would i ask those people to 'care for me'? do i really seem that weak? fragile? dependent? whiny?

why does society have to be so flawless, blameless, perfect, infallible?

and why do i have to be the lonely enemy. the unwanted wallflower at the wrong party.

do you ever ask yourself these questions?
do you ever find yourself asking anyone else?
do you have to defend yourself and explain yourself as much as i do?


so how the fuck did i even imply that i wanted society to 'care for me'? and when? where? can you copy/paste what i said?

no, see, i care for myself in ways that do not include society's hygiene obsession for the perfect job and the perfect wife and the perfect car and the perfect cologne and the perfect champagne and the perfect dog and the perfect mercedes and the perfect white picket fence and the perfect checking account and the perfect relations with the right neighbors and coworkers...

i'm ashamed of myself. humiliated. disgusted with myself. i feel repulsive. useless. ashamed to be a human. in this rat turd of a body. in a hell of a reality. i'm... sickened. sickened. disturbed. humiliated. can you understand that? can you understand, that underneath all that shame and disgust... i still value myself more than any of society's lies and clone molds?

can you really, truly understand that?

my flesh wants to be touched every moment, and i live among fake plastic fear bags who never touch unless money is involved, they never let anything be seen, and they call that 'class'.

no, see, if women can get popular by posting selfies of their ass on instagram...

what's stopping me?

go ahead, answer that, it's not a rhetorical question. not hypothetical either.

here, write your answer here...


yeah. my point exactly. egg fucking zachary. two dorrah! you pay!

not asking society to 'care for me', i'm asking for a couple other people who have detached themselves from this selfish, selfinflated, selfjustified society, so that i can pursue my talents, and get the fuck out of this nightmare.

does that make sense yet? is that too much to ask for? how long do you think that should take to accomplish? how much pain, how many tears, would you be willing to pour into this endeavor? free time? money? shoes? your cat? your mother? your kids? your dignity? your confidence?

you say that it's 'because time and energy can feel finite'.

am i supposed to be fooling myself thinking they're not?

i wake up exhausted. worn the fuck out. in pain. stiff, sore. i check my phone, and my heart plummets through the concrete. you ever have a morning like that? see, people with homes can say 'i rolled out of bed this morning'... homeless people? yeah, i stumbled out of the concrete. dunk that in your starfucks and choke on it. or, you could be brave, and try it. come back to me with your own statistics. if you think i'm worth a minute of your life.

how many years of your life would you dedicate to a good friend?
how many fingers would you sell to keep them next to you?
if they had straight blonde hair, a plastic looking face that looks like it's covered in meth dust, ultra skinny, billion dollar clothing and golden jewelry, so much plastic surgery you could use her as a hookah...

would you give a finger for that lady?

cause i wouldn't. i don't want her to 'care for me'. i might inhale too much plastic and fuckin' die. i might drown in coffee, or get eaten by her yippie fuckin' little dog. scrodent roach.

'put your shame in a box
how could you be so wrong
you sit there broken as the world moves on

do you fall like rayne on the crying
cold and alone like the bitter and dying
do you fall like dust on a ruin
empty and dead like the life you are losing'

i present in a way that says i care for myself, just not to society's ludicrous demands and paranoid but retardedly low standards and childish fucking intentions and motives, i'm sorry, i don't know why society can't understand this, cause i've explained it a billion fucking times.

i dress the way i like.
i bathe as often as i like.
i like the music i like.
i'm trying to start a metal band, not a 'dress code company'.

why do all mannequins expect you to be just as plastic and just as stupid as they are? why do they fear you if you're smarter or your flesh feels more real? what do they do when you prove yourself more human than them? do they run back to the assembly line crying electrolyte tears?

i'd bet you twenty bucks...

'why do you choose that?'. do i not own my choice? do i have to choose what you choose? seriously? society just cannot handle me thinking for myself? deciding what i like based on my preferences and intellect, and not just doing everything the television tells me to do? does that scare you?

i choose not to be a part of this society because i think it's sick.

simple as that. i picture a better world. a better reality. a better society.

i picture the next phase of human maturity, collective responsibility...


i was born to see that. why would i plaster over that with television commercials and jerry fuckin' springer? doctor fuckin' phil?

what do you call a guy with no arms and no legs in your coffee mug?


what do you call a guy with no arms and no legs in your wallet?


what do you call a guy with no arms and no legs on your lawyer's desk?


don't forget bob, art, and matt. matt's on your doorstep, art's on your wall, and bob is floatin' down the river. my name is no longer joe, and i never worked in a fucking botton factory, cause i ain't no fuckin' slave.

i'm the opposite of a slave. i'm an outlaw. and i can even spell it.

imagine that.

so... i'm sorry, but i take a lot of offense when you say that i said i wanted society to 'care for me'. that's a brutal misunderstanding of what the fuck i've been asking for, for three years now. that's not right. that's not fair.

and usually, when i try to stand up for myself like this at these certain times, i usually get the whole 'if you're taking offense to something that socially accepted, you must be insane, not society' debate that always ends in a fucking terminator scenerio. and then they tell me i watch too many movies, or too much teevee.

pots and kettles...

psychologists actually call that 'projection', where someone projects their problems onto you, and blames you for what they've done wrong. see, my entire family was professionals at that, and i tried not to be anything like my family, so i get thrown into the scapegoat pool and treated like shit because i'm not a hypocrite like them, i don't share their selfish agenda, so i must be insane, i must be labeled and dismissed as such, and never acknowledged again. am i projecting my problems onto anyone else? am i blaming society for my problems? am i just a fragile little weakling that's not happy with his own failures, so i have to hold it against everyone else?

or is that the most maturely a child can comprehend that i am?

'the caterpillar cannot understand the butterfly'. (old buddhist proverb).

the way i see it, i have a solution to this problem. the problem keeps telling me that i'm the problem. so i have figured out, if you paint the kettle white...

debate's over.

and like shattered mirrors, we finally recognize eachother.

just two wounded, lost, confused souls swimming in a fish bowl.

two eyes trying to see one another in the darkness of space.

do i still not know what i'm talking about?
am i still living in a fictional reality? a dreamworld?

i'm a dreamer, not an employee.

you're trying so hard, so desperately to make me an employee. why?

do you not have enough already? why do you need one more?

why do christians need one more christian?
why do drug addicts need one more drug addict?
why does any addiction want everyone including you?

cause none of you are ever getting me. you can't afford me. i'm too intense for you. you can't buy me. you don't own me. i am not your puppet. i'm not your dog on a leash. i'm not your mannequin you can dress how you like.

i wear skirts so i don't look like any other male.
why? cause i'm sick of being dominated and told how to dress!
i fucking detest males for this reason!
you're taking all the women, corrupting their minds, and it's still not enough for you, you need to own me, too... i already can't find a fucking girlfriend because they're all under the impression i need a job and a fucking shower first, thank you for that, but i still plan to change that with a brutally offensive debate, tickets are on sale now for 'touch my ass ninety five'.

every douchebag i see wearing jeans or khakis, dress shoes, the perfect haircut... i just think... you fucking clone. you soulless robot piece of shit. you think by being what society wants you to be, that's how you get a girl, but all you're getting is another mannequin like yourself.

if i want a girl with balls, and not a plastic coward...

do you think i'd attract that lady by wearing what that douchebag is wearing?

yeah, fuck no.

see, that's called chemistry. i've got a poem called chemistry. that's called irony. and that's also called bravery. balls. scrotal pulp.

am i just talking myself into my own dream, or are you still following?

cause i'm still getting to your last part.

'why does it feel that you want from society only in the way you want it. why do you not meet them halfway'.

again with society's most common misunderstandings of me.

society is incapable of thinking outside the box, but i'm incapable of talking into the box, cause it's a worse angle than taking out jfk from a school book depository window, so let's try this a different way. i'll use that high and might tone that you're all so fond of. even though, when i've used it on you before, you act attacked, and take offense... not understanding the psychology of hypocrisy in your own head, but luckily, i understand it well enough for the both of us in this instance, so here we go, ready?

knockin' down walls like a bulldozer... that's my job.

the more misunderstandings and roadblocks you put up, the stronger i'm getting at knocking them down, by the way, but let's keep this up!

practice makes perfect, after all...

okay, assuming that i 'want from society only in the way i want it'...

does that mean the only other option is to keep taking it up the ass?

it's too much to ask to be turned over and treated like a human with a face?

society can only give you kindness in the way it wants? you can't even suggest a different delivery system?

is that okay? is that fair? is that mature? is that responsible? is that sane?

fuck no, it's not. that's a child dictating the classroom. if you can't see that, then i shouldn't even be talking to you. i have higher standards. going through this argument over and over again for twenty years, that's the shameful part. how fucking stupid could i be? dumb enough to repeat myself for twenty years without charging for it.

if everyone else can capitalize on their talents, i can capitalize on repetition. you want me to tell you what time it is for a fifth time when i have much more useful information in my brain going to waste?

fifty bucks, mutherfucker. it's not my fault you can't google.

now... sorry that i have my own preferences for how i like to receive random acts of kindness, but when people hand me coffee, i'm not going to just drink it, i fucking detest coffee, the taste, the smell, and more importantly, how fucking retardedly popular it is, so i'm gonna pass on that coffee to the next homeless person i see, and get myself a fucking hot chocolate.

i'm not stupid. i'm not a robot. i'm not a fucking slave!

if it's a 'random act of kindness', you don't get to choose which hole they stuff it in? is that it? is that how society justifies their abuse?

or how about the old lady who passed by me, and said 'you know why women won't talk to you, it's because of all the weenie wackers out there'.

the mentality behind that statement is so sickening... i'm saving it in my arsenal for later. it's gonna take some contemplation. but do you think that's okay? do you think that's excusible? cause i fucking don't. and i shouldn't have to take that shit. being blamed because all other males jerk off, wow. that's high class, lady. fucking elegant. stylin' and profilin'.

if that's how all women think, about all men...

where do i aim the first nuke?

cause i claim zero allegiance to either side of this stupid fucking room.

and fucking wrong. dead fucking wrong.
this classroom of children fighting over who gets to fuck who harder.
and paying for it.
and you think this is so fucking great, there couldn't possibly be anything better comin' down the pipeline?

i asked a cop once, what do you think comes after a monetary society is no longer necessary?

without hesitating or contemplating for more than a second, he spits back 'chaos'.

so i let half of his 'beat' pass, because i already knew what he was going to say (authorities are literally that predictible), and i said 'are you really that paranoid, you fearful coward fuck?'.

it says on my twitter, 'those who think anarchy means chaos, are not meant to survive the chaos, to appreciate the peaceful anarchy which follows'.

i think that says it all. copyright ozztek industries, all rights reserved.

so... for an experiment... what do YOU think comes after a monetary society is no longer necessary? (hint: you win fifty bucks and a chance to touch me if you give a better answer than he did, with a little more... what did you call it... 'consideration'...?).

it's obviously my job to think of this shit... not y'all's. deal?

okay then, stop trying. let me do my work.

am i wrong to think that... everything else i have sacrificed, compromised, and lost already... means that i have already 'met society halfway'.

the twenty years i've been trying to start a metal band without finding any other metalheads dedicated enough to see it through...

i've met you halfway.

losing my kids, my house, my car, my cat, my hair, a hundred pounds of myself, a severed head worth of writings i wanted to build my career with...

i've met you more than halfway.

being homeless, lonely, and rejected by thousands of snobby women for three years...

i'm getting real fuckin' close.

not finding anyone who has any idea how to publish a book, comic book, or even one person willing to get me to an open mic?

oh, i'm almost to your door.

if it was a contest of 'bringing whose fight to whose door', i would have won by now. no?

cowards still won't come out of their docile domicile, but the sun is still calling for them and ignoring me.


but they still think they're winning this war.

studies show alcohol creates delusions like this. and living under a rock.

i say i've met society more than halfway. just because they can't see it, doesn't mean they can deny and dismiss it. it's not my fault they can't see it. it's theirs. blame should be placed where it's earned. and not thrown around like monkey shit. pots and kettles, if you let them rule the classroom for too long, you're gonna have to walk in there with a bazooka to get their attention back. you didn't learn that one either? yeah, neither did columbine.

'son, don't just learn from your own mistakes, watch the show cops'. (mama).

'it's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're stupid, rather than open it and prove it'... sorry mama, i broke that rule. i had to. they wouldn't leave me alone and stop trying to convert me. you remember what that's like. hey, now that you're up there in heaven, can you beat the shit out of pat robertson for me? thanks, mama.

how many fucking times do i have to hit backspace today?
what the fuck is wrong with you! act like my fucking hands!
do what the fuck i tell you! you stupid sacks of meat shit!
i used to be able to fucking type better than this!!!
what the fuck happened!!! these are someone else's fucking fingers!
i swear to fucking christ, i'm cutting them the fuck off!!!
they're not fucking getting me anywhere anyway!!!
i'm gonna fucking castrate myself, cut my fingers off, stab my heart, shoot myself in the head, throw myself off a bridge, and impale my head on a fucking parking meter in front of a pack of christian tourists just to prove a fucking point! godfuckingdamnit!!!



i believe... sorry... breathe... breathe... breathe...

i... believe... that i have met society more than halfway. and that's a sad excuse to not take one step toward me. society just wants, wants, wants, and never justifies, but always gets its way, like a spoiled little child.

i'm the adult here.
i have a lesson to teach.
i know for a fact, the class is not more mature than i.
i need to get their attention, teach something, and relax/retire.

now, if you were in a classroom, trying to teach something by getting everyone to look at you... but the entire classroom is playing videogames on their smartphones, and ignoring you...

when you ask them to look at you...

and they say 'no, you need to look at us first'...

i.e.: 'you need to compromise, come our way, step toward us, do what we say, before we even consider what you're saying, you need to baby us, and treat us like these fragile little flowers, but if you tell us that, we're gonna get offended and waste more of your time, but we aren't going to look at you until you appease us first, and coax our attention out of us nicely'...

would you obey? comply?
or would you get the taser?

society has been vegetized enough. pampered and babied and coddled enough.

all while throwing those dirty diapers at me.

and i'm supposed to 'meet them halfway', and compromise more than i already have because what i have compromised isn't visible or relevant to them, when i have nothing left to give... that's an acceptable excuse to you?

cause i could pay my old psychiatrist five bucks to piss on that with me.

fuck the classroom. fuck the children. i'm not here to coddle.

i'm here to smack the shit out of all of you, wake you the fuck up, superglue balls to your legs, and teach you how to fire a fuckin' weapon.

at this moment, children would start fantasizing about guns and airplanes and army shit and lambourghinis... fucking douchebags.

even when i was a kid, i thought those 'lambo' kids were fucking douchebags! losers! fucking queers in their mother's panties! sad sacks of scrotal goat shit!

am i making myself fucking clear enough yet? i was raised in a seventy one chevy fuckin' nova, three fifty small block, rally rims... not a fucking lambourfuckinghini! you pansy ass fucking posers! fakes! what the fuck was wrong with this boys, and how did they make it to manhood, let alone make it past the fucking scalpel? the hairy legs hanging out from the shorts? seriously? douche fucking bag! is this thing on?

has the terror alert rainbow gone up to nuclear alien neon red blood toxic goat vomit green yet? is that a colour?

i can see it.


yeah, see, the children who, right there, start fantasizing about machine guns and grenades and army uniforms and shit...

right now, they're wearing shorts and flipflops and spending daddy's money on their morning starfucks, and feeling extra spoiled and pampered today.

notice the pink shorts? the strawberry panties underneath?

but i'm the child?
am i wearing pink shorts?
no, i'm wearing a mutherfucking black skirt.
find one other male with the balls to wear this.

in fact, i had a couple gay guys tell me, 'dude, it takes balls to wear a skirt like that'. thank you. i'll stick that compliment on my fuckin' wall. and even though i have no wall, that compliment is still there. i'll take that to the bank, cash it, and spend it on fuckin' pussy!

if i could get my fucking eyes to stop fucking itching!!! for one fucking day!

i swear to christ, i'm taking myself off this planet soon. just the pain alone is reason enough. everyone just wants to tell me what to say, and doesn't want to hear a word i might have... so fuck it... why try to pass on a universal lesson to a classroom full of apathetic spoiled shits. it would be better for the universe to just flush that fuckin' turd party, and move on.

but i'm wrong.

yeah. no. bull fuckin' shit. i refuse to believe i'm always wrong just because society is always right and self justified. fuck you all. ain't no fuckin' slave. as if YOU even deserved a slave.

no, see, i wear a skirt to tell people, in an offensive, scary way, that i don't have to be anything like them, and i'm never going to be.
i wear a trench coat to tell people, in a very abrasive, violent way, you will never own me.
i don't shower because it's my way of telling society, if you don't like my human smell, fuck off back to your plastic product life.
it's my way of weeding out the useless plastic fucking pansy poser fakes phonies and clones that are so readily in my way.

how many of them do there really have to be? seriously?

and there's still no god to wake me from this nightmare? but every fucking one of them gets to tell me daily that i should believe in their god? that makes a lot of aneurysm sense.

ooh, bloodclot, watch it. furball. hack! hey, he's still goin'. tumbled under the house, and swung right back on top. that's what the chinese call a five pointer.

no, i'm offended by this notion that i have to meet society halfway, that i have to do what they say, pamper and coddle them, just to get the attention i deserve in return. see, i think it's much more worthwhile to earn respect. and that's not accomplished easily. and it's never fun for the class. that's why you would get pizza afterward. remember? i was there.

why the fuck should i have to do a single fucking thing society ever tells me. i wasn't planning on begging for their attention, i was planning on acquiring it by force. shock. playing offense, not defense.

the first twenty years of my life was playing defense, and getting no further down the field. it's time to stop playing their game, and start playing mine.

no compromise.
no more fucking lies.
it's not fun till someone dies.
i don't stop till the last pansy cries.

this is my game.

i know that should answer your question. my question is: is that understood yet?

i'm sick of being misunderstood and stuck in your molds. to even conceive me, you need to think way outside your box. stop living under a rock. invent another box, and live way outside of it. i was born outside of your pyramid, and i'm not alone out here. out here, i'm not just your puppet, i'm a fucking hero. an outlaw. the vital opposing perspective required to topple that pyramid delusion and free humanity once and for all.

oh, i know, it's all fiction to you. just let the days keep passing... maybe you'll see it, maybe you won't. doesn't matter to me. but the winds of evolution are blowing.

when i finally escape these walls...
the walls of this mold...
the delusion society puts around me...
the rivers of misconception...
when i finally crack this eggshell...

y'all better run.
it's gon' be fun.

yeah. not trying to fit into society, trying to invent 'out'. so... can i finally be understood yet please? recognized? acknowledged? noticed? thank you! took me four hours to write this fuckin' thing? and how much did i earn for this waste of time? not a dime? perfect!

and hey, it's too fuckin' long to post! haha! wow!

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