it's just phuking spelling, people! get over it!
the newz: ok, so i finally got a response back from *visionaryartists, but he, just like everyone else, and just like every group or club i've tried to submit to, and just like every other website dedicated to poetry, refuzed to post my poem, 'all that could be', becauze of my spelling. phuking naziz. so, i'm posting this to try and make myself clear one more time.
this iz my note correspondence with 'vizionaryartists':
InMyDisk3yez said the following:
first of all, i don't know if i have joined this club yet, but i have been watching for a while now, and would like to join.
secondly, i would like to submit a poem, if that's ok. (i don't know if i should've sent you two separate notes to join and submit, but you didn't specify that in your journal, so if i'm wrong, pleaze excuze my mistake).
i consider myself to be a poetik vizionary. i write about our future, our 3volution, and our consciousness. so, in (sort of a) response to your journal on 'art and the sacred', i would like to submit a poem of mine that i consider to be rather vizionary. but, the thing iz, i spell 'deviously'. my spelling haz meaning for me, it's creative. so i hope that doezn't hinder you from posting my poem. i would sure appreciate it. thank you. the poem i would like to submit iz called 'all that could be'. (the poem iz posted in the category: literature, poetry, tranzgressive, open).
here iz my artist comment that i would like to have posted with this poem: first of all, i'm an 3volutionist. i spell it with a '3', for the Th3rd 3ye, and becauze some people say that we are 3volving up to our Th3rd stage of 3volution, and growing two more chromosomez, to achieve 4orty6ix and 2. secondly, i spell deviously. it holdz creative meaning for me. i spell certain wordz certain wayz, so that people will pay attention to that word, or, in some casez, 'stumble' over it. and, in other wayz, for example, i spell some wordz uzing a 'z' if it haz a 'z' sound, or an 's' if it haz an 's' sound. for example, the word 'rezistance', or 'cats and dogz'. to me, it's logikal; it makes sense. so if you want to comment negatively about my spelling, pleaze, don't waste your time; i've heard it all.
this poem, 'all that could be', iz about our 3volution, and our way out of this politikally stagnant mess we're currently in. i have a theory, i call it my 'spring theory'. we are like a spring sitting upright on a table. if you push down on it, or 'suppress' it, it will rezist, and push back upwardz. eventually, it will win, and bounce out from under your hand. so, we are like a slinky going up stairz. in this case, religion and the government are the oppressorz, and people creating poetry and art like this, are the rezistance.
i consider this poem to be 'vizionary', becauze it spæks about our future, and our unity az a collective, in a way that we should all be conscious of. we are 3volving, and we eventually need to join in the collective consciousness, and 3volve together, so that we can ascend to the next level. in fact, this waz inspired by a vizion i had, about our future. sylvia browne said once that this world iz going to end in about ninetyfive yearz. although, many people believe that we're going to 3volve, or ascend, or that something magikal iz going to happen on december twentyfirst, twentytwelve. something iz obviously happening, and if you can't see it, then you need to 'squeegee' your Th3rd 3ye. the symbolizm in this poem comez from my dreamz, and my yearz of selfdiscovery and 3volution. it makes me pheel confident that we are all 3volving, and that, soon, we will all see where this iz going. thank you for reading.
InMyDisk3yez said the following:
did you not want to post my poem?
visionaryartists said the following:
(all my responsez to hiz comments are in parentheses, and all the links are my doing).
ImMyDisk3yez (you can't even spell my name right, and you're bitching about my spelling, just like every other group or website i've tried to post my poetry on. you're all the same, you're a bunch of hypocrites).
I apologize for taking unprofessionally, ridiculously long to respond (you have formed your first sentence wrong. you should have said ...'an unprofessional, ridiculously long time'...). To be honest, I've been considering your work for a while and have been on the fence about it. (being on the fence, or waffling, or flipflopping iz politikally incorrect now). Your spelling, at first read, which you've heard many times, (sooo, like, you need to repeat it) is at first obnoxious and even offensive to the reader (offensive? ignorance and an unwillingness to 3volve, and accept change iz offensive. offensive? really? my spelling iz offensive? are you shytting me? if change iz obnoxious and offensive, then i'm on the wrong planet. phuk, i'm even in the wrong universe, apparently. why did people freak out for so many yearz over e e cummingz uzing only lowercase letterz and no capitalz, especially when there waz meaning and purpose behind it? doez something like that phyzikally hurt you? or hurt your brain? imagine how you're hurting mine). But, of course, once one gets over that initial reaction (which apparently seems to be really difficult for some), some interesting questions arise from reading it (and yet you fail to mention what thoze questionz may be), in other words, that reaction shows there's some significant energy in the writing (do you protest the war, or fight for human rights, or anything important, or do you just sit around bitching about someone'z spelling that's of no consequence to you in any way whatsoever?).
You say your work is poetik vizionary (no, i said i am a poetik vizionary. saying my work iz ' poetik vizionary' doezn't make any sense) - and in ways I see that some of your subject matter is (you have barely seen any of my subject matter), yet I do not see that the method or technique is (actually, if you knew anything about method or technique, you would see that my 'method and technique' are very 3volved. it's not just my spelling, it's my style of writing. it seemz to be eazy for you to post picturez, and consider them vizionary, but they're just phuking picturez. my poetry sayz alot more than most people'z picturez, and i'm damn proud of that fact). Many of the lines are pretty mild (you're judging me on one poem, by the way. i've written alot of shyt that iz far from 'mild'. and so what if they're mild? that haz nuthing to do with being a 'vizionary' or not. if you want to post something 'spicy', i've got plenty of that), especially if looked at without any of the juice (juice???) from the spelling. Some of the subject matter is inspriring indeed (so, inspiring iz your idea of vizionary?), yet it is articulated without much force (uh... excuze me? again, what doez this have to do with whether it's vizionary or not? if you want force, i can show you force), like a watered-down McKenna rant (what? do you even know who terrence mckenna iz? shouldn't you be talking about bill hicks, or george carlin, or denis leary? theze mutherphukerz know how to rant. i know how to rant. i've learned from the best. you, apparently, have not). The spelling seems to be done without honoring or awareness of the tradition of poetry (first of all, phuk tradition. secondly, you seem to have to think inside the box, and think like everyone else. 'tradition' of poetry? do everything like it's alwayz been done, and don't step outside the box? bullshyt). Of course spelling rules, like all rules, can ultimately be broken (dude, rulez are meant to be broken), but when done haphazardly (haphazardly? like i haven't given it any thought? there clearly iz a reazon for it, and i've given yearz of thought to it), and without mastery of the medium (mastery of the medium? you have to be a master before you can write great poetry? how clozedminded. most of the good shyt would never have been written or read if you had to master it first. and i don't believe in masterz. i am my own master), it reads at best unconcerned with the tradition (no famous artist or writer haz ever stuck to tradition. sure, they learn the correct method, techniques, and tradition, but then, what makes them great, or even different, iz their ability to expand and go way beyond what they have learned, and create their own technique), and at worst, infantile (infantile? well, now you're just being an asshole). The fact that reading your work has given me this much of a challenge (if it's such a challenge for you, then you're really not getting it, and you're really not 3volved, and you're really not a vizionary) says, at least to me, that it has real power (earlier you said it was pretty mild, then you said it had significant energy, waz inspiring, and didn't have much force. make up your phuking mind), and I won't forget it (finally, after all your whining and complaining, you say that my work haz real power, and will not be forgotten. what, then, iz your definition of a 'vizionary artist'???). But I don't think it really works in visionaryartists. Thank you (no, no, thank you, mr. holierthanthou), honestly, for the submission. namaste (i can't help but wonder about the 'namasté' in your signature. first of all, if you're smart enuph to know what that word meanz, then you should be smart enuph to phigure out how to put the accent above the 'e'. if not, then you shouldn't be uzing that word. and secondly, you are obviously not the peaceful, loving, accepting, 'all humankind iz 3qual' type of person, but, instead, you come off sounding like every average, boring college professor, who dronez along, day after day, year after year, saying 'you must do it right, it's how it's alwayz been done, and the only way it can be done, you have to do it this way, or you'll never get it right, thus you'll never be successful, blah, blah, blah'. everything in life, the cozmoz, the 3arth, energy, everything changez. it iz meant to change. 3volve, change, crumble away, erode, something new comez to replace it, and iz different, new, changed. we'd still be cavemen if it didn't. the grand canyon wouldn't exist if it didn't. the pyramidz wouldn't exist if it didn't. and all the great artists and writerz, throughout our known history, have known that, and worked with it, not against it. you act like you're the be all end all of poetry experts, and that you have the power to judge whether my poetry iz good enuph to post in your group, but you judge me on my spelling, and not my poetry. that iz infantile. if you're such an expert, why aren't you teaching a class, instead of running a group on da?). greg / ~turance (by the way, for the people reading this, this guy, 'turance', doezn't even have any poetry in hiz gallery. he'z not even a writer, of any kind. he'z twentyfour phuking yearz old, and livez in phuking new york. yeah. get a rope).
ok. let me explain my reazonz for my style of spelling, one more time, so that people can understand why i spell this way, since people are so shocked, and appalled by it, and conphuzed. and someone actually once told me that it 'hurt their brain'. yeah. well, i'm not suprized. 3volution hurts, especially for people who don't want to 3volve. so, hopefully, this will make my spelling eazier to swallow, even though, it's not that big of a pill.
the 'z': i uze the z when it's a z sound. it makes sense to me. spelling the word 'resistance' with two s'z and a c, doez not make sense. if it's an s sound, it should be spelled with an s, not a c or a z. but if i spelled it 'rezistanse', that would be an obvious misspelling, and wouldn't make sense, and people, at this point, i think, are too 'stuck in their wayz' to recognize the word without the c in it. but you can clearly recognize the word when it's spelled with a z, becauze it's a z sound. would you recognize the word if it were spelled 'resiztanse'? no. but 'rezistance' makes sense, and it's still recognizable. i'm slowly changing, and 3volving my spelling style, az i pheel that people are slowly coming into new wayz of understanding it.
when i read one of my poemz to a room full of people, i can ' pheel', or 'sense' how, or if they're understanding it. and that's when i'm reading it, that's without the spelling to 'conphuze' them. i can sense it. so, in the same way, i can sense how people are getting uzed to my style of spelling, and 'understanding' it. some people are too 'stuck in their wayz', and will never be able to '3volve' their ability to change and 3volve our language. but how do you think the english language waz created? it waz created slowly, by adapting wordz, and changing spellingz, and '3volving' whatever language, or languagez it came from. and the english language came from many different languagez. that meanz that a bunch of people, with knowledge about many different languagez, got together, and agreed that they wanted to create a new language. but you can't just make up wordz out of the blue, you need to take a word that already exists, and 3volve it. change it. recreate it, to where it makes sense to you.
i created the word ' pheel'. it meanz to abzorb thru all your sensez, not just five, far beyond five. the sense of love, the sense of humour, the sense of passion, and that's not even including all the myriad different sensez related to the Th3rd 3ye. and that's another spelling of mine. i spell '3ye' with a 3, becauze, in this day and age, if you actually read a book, you'll discover that we have three of them. do some research on the pineal gland.
it's time to 3volve our language, ladiez and gentlemen. but, since it's starting with one man, me, it's starting off slowly. i started spelling 'differently' in highskool. becauze certain spellingz appealed to me, and made sense to me. since then, i have adapted one thing after another into my style of spelling, becauze it made sense to me.
the ' ph': i spell ' phuk' the way i do, becauze a many yearz ago, when i waz young, when i started uzing the computer, the most popular way to get online in thoze dayz, waz aohell, and i, of course, discovered the chatroomz. i met two really phunny people back then, treez and hunny, and we started dominating thoze chatroomz, and uzing ' punterz' to ' punt' people offline. kick them out of the chatroomz, if you will. some punterz were more powerful, and we could actually make people'z computerz freeze, and they had to restart. it waz phun. the three of us had alot of phun, and molded our sensez of humour, and pissed alot of people off. it waz great. but after a while, some of the chatroomz, mainly nonaol chatroomz at first, started censoring people, and making it to where you couldn't type the word 'fuck', it would show up in the chatroom az 'f*ck'. that pissed me off. and i'm sure i'm not the only one it pissed off. no artist likes to be censored. and they call it 'strong language'. iz that becauze the rest of our language iz weak? i like 'strong language', and i uze it alot. i think it enhancez the language we uze, and gets our pheelingz across better. every language haz it's own 'dirty language', so we aren't the only onez who like to uze it. there are so many people all over the world, that have so many different wayz to say ' phuk off'. if you say 'oh, that sucks', well, you don't seem to be that angry. but if you say 'man, that really phuking sucks dick', i think people would get your pheelingz alot clearer. so, since thoze chatroomz phelt that they had the 'authority' to censor people, i discovered a way to 'slip thru the cracks'. i started spelling it ' phuk'. that way, it waz still a 'four letter word', and it still had the same meaning, and the same punch, but it also had a touch of originality. and, of course, it couldn't be censored in thoze chatroomz. it's my own (possibly ironik) way of saying ' phuk you' to censorship. and i'm proud of it. and i'm sure when other people catch on, they'll agree.
after i started that spelling, i had an epiphany. some wordz that have the f sound, are spelled with an f, and some are spelled with a ph. that doezn't make sense. i'm sure we would all understand some wordz alot better if they were spelled somewhat phonetikally. example: the th sound. it's a hard sound in the word 'think', and a soft sound in the word 'that'. the t iz the harder sound of the letter d. so the soft 'the' sound should be spelled 'dhe'. but, again, i don't think we're quite ready for that partikular change yet. but the ph iz acceptable for certain wordz, like ' phuk'. another example, the letter 'v'. it's sound iz related to the sound of the f, it's a 'soft' f sound. and the b iz the soft sound of the p. so the ph having the same sound az an f, shouldn't that mean that a 'bh' should have the same sound az a v? see where i'm going with this? we could get rid of some of the letterz in our alphabet, if we started spelling this way. there would be fewer misunderstandingz with the written word. when you're reading a sentence, and someone sayz 'i read books'. you can't phigure out (maybe till later) if they're saying 'i reed books', or 'i red books'. if we spelled wordz the way they should be spelled, we would understand certain thingz alot eazier.
the 'k': some of the same logik appliez here. i hate the letter c. we should not have a letter that soundz like an s sometimez, and a k the rest of the time, especially since the s and the k soundz are not similar at all. stephen colbert (pronounced 'colbare'... ever wonder why?) made a comment about this recently. so you can see, i'm not the only one who'z unhappy with the english language, or alphabet. iz anyone ever gonna read the word 'logik', and pronounce it 'logis'? i don't think so. i also hate the letter w. first of all, we couldn't come up with a better name for it than 'double u'? and secondly, since our handwriting stylez have 3volved, it's now more of a 'double v'. wouldn't you agree? but, the point iz, we already have a letter that makes the 'wa' sound, it's the u. so we don't need two letterz that have the same sound, and we don't need a letter that makes an s sound and a k sound, when we already have an s and a k. it doezn't make sense.
in patch adamz, the "insane" dr. in the mental home, who waz actually still very sane, or bordering between genius and insane, asked patch how many fingerz he saw, when he held up four fingerz. patch said 'four', and he sayz no, no, you're wrong. and then later in the movie, he said look past the four fingerz, and patch finally said eight. you have to look past my spelling, to see the real meaning of the poem. my spelling iz meant to enhance the meaning of certain wordz, and to make the reader take notice of thoze wordz.
and now for the grammar. first of all, i hate when people comment on my spelling, and they call it grammar. theze people are complaining about my spelling? are you shytting me? there'z a huge difference between spelling and grammar. grammar iz sentence structure. i don't say 'i chicken like soup', i'm not that dumb. but some of theze people are, if they don't know what grammar iz. i know how to form a phuking sentence. there are alot of people on da here that can't form a sentence, let alone spell one right, but they don't get thoze spelling comments, or even grammar comments. in fact, they get more pozitive comments than i do. i don't understand that.
i have also made some changez to certain wordz that i think should be put together. someone back in the day, decided to put the wordz 'can' and 'not' together. did someone else after that take that ability away from us? why can't we connect the wordz 'alot' and 'eachother'. we don't pronounce it 'each other' anymore, when we say it, it soundz like 'eachother'. we should be able to connect two commonly uzed wordz, especially when we say them together.
you may have also noticed by now, that i have changed the way i uze some punctuation. for example, when i put something in quotes, i think the quotes should be placed around the sentence, and not after the period or question mark. so, when i type it up, it looks like this: 'he took alot of acid'. or 'are you tripping'?. i also put a period after every sentence, even if it already haz a question mark. to me, it makes the sentence have a proper ending. i don't pheel like a question mark properly endz a sentence. but, that iz just my logik, and doezn't have to be understood by anyone.
people need to understand the differencez between spelling, grammar, and punctuation. especially before they criticize me on how i write. i am very literate, and very well educated, and i have read a shytload of other people'z poetry. i have read amateur poetry, mainly online, and i have read alot of poetry by allen ginzberg, jack kerouac, and other 'beat' poets, and have read tonz of lyriks by black sabbath, tool, machine head, pantera, devin townzend, incubus, life of agony, marilyn manson, metallika (sucks), ozzy, pink floyd (yes, i know about publius enigma), and even rage against the machine. i am very knowledgeable about many different kindz of poetry, and am quite insulted when people question my ability to write, or my knowledge of poetry, or my experience with the english language. if theze people knew half az much az i did, they would commend me on my writing style, instead of stumbling over my spelling. 'this bog iz thick, and eazy to get lost in, cauze you're a dumbass, belligerent phuker', - tool. 'language iz a process of free creation; its lawz and principlez are fixed, but the manner in which the principlez of generation are uzed iz free and infinitely varied. even the interpretation and use of wordz involvez a process of free creation' - noam chomsky. noam chomsky iz a linguistiks professor. so, for now, i'll end this by saying 'READ SOMETHING!!!'.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
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