Thursday, July 23, 2009

butting headz

the newz: this iz some correspondence i had with another da uzer. for the sake of not pissing anyone off, or making this go any further, i'll just refer to her az 'she', in this journal. the reazon i'm posting this here, iz not to piss her or anyone else off, but to give people who watch me something to think about. i am hoping that this will not piss anyone off, and i am hoping that 'she' doezn't comment on this, to push this argument on any further. i am hoping that this endz the argument, and gets this whole issue out of the way, so that we can talk about something else, something better. if not, then i apologize, and wish 'her' the best. in that case, i am just asking that she ignore this journal, and move on. i don't mean to cauze any humiliation or anger, or any other emotion in posting this. i just want to share this with the few people who watch me, that iz all. (all my afterthoughts are in parentheses).

(here iz the original conversation that started it all):

The Reverend says:
she says:
hey there
haha jinx
The Reverend says:
how are you?
she says:
good, long time no talk
well kinda good.
The Reverend says:
long time no rhyme
how kinda good?
she says:
eh..just work getting me down a bit. plus two boring days. I went to my boyfriends tonight and he just like..slept.
it was boring lol
The Reverend says:
she says:
wow how weird..
i go on deviant art and i have no comments and no devwatchs..
The Reverend says:
woah, weird... da haz been a little lame lately... inactive
she says:
i guess man
i wrote a new poem and everything..
The Reverend says:
i haven't even gone thru my devwatch yet today
been burning and ripping cdz, talking to people, burning more cdz, watching youtube shyt... haven't even been on da, except to read the last poem i posted
she says:
talking to whom?
The Reverend says:
my mom, bobbi (a little bit), heather... mostly my mom
asking what muzik she wants burned
been adding to my playlist, takin shyt out... you know
anywayz, what's goin on with you, i'm sure you don't care about how many cdz i've burned today
she says:
haha sure i do
nothing really..mostly work
crappy work
The Reverend says:
work sucks
oh, haha... i wrote down this thought last night...
name: the reverend
occupation: phuk occupationz, i'm preoccupied with something better
she says:
something better?
The Reverend says:
being a writer, a father, and being free
she says:
how are you free?
The Reverend says:
who sayz you have to get paid for working
i don't have a job, i'm free of the man
she says:
yeah but without a live with your cant be alone in your own place to be free. youre the opposite of free. I am aswell.
The Reverend says:
i'm on disability, so i get paid to do nuthing
she says:
oh well..
thats not something to brag about lol you must get so bored!
The Reverend says:
i'd rather live with my mom than have a job
she says:
The Reverend says:
not az much az you'd think... i write alot, i have alot to occupy my time
she says:
dont you feel useless? I would without a job..
The Reverend says:
no, just while i'm on probation, then i'm publishing a book
she says:
in your different style of writing?
cause i know a lot of people wouldnt publish that style hun
The Reverend says:
no, see, that's the freedom i'm talking about, i don't pheel useless, i do plenty
she says:
im going to college so I can get a full time job and finally be free to start my life. (how can you call working, being free?)
The Reverend says:
well, i phigure it like this... when i publish my book, i'll publish two verzionz... the politikally correct verzion, and the deviant verzion... that way people have a choice, 'well, i can read different spelling, sure'
she says:
i gotta tell you...not a lot would want to read the different spelling
and its not politically incorrect to spell deviously haha
The Reverend says:
i'd like to do college someday, but first i want to make muzik... that's my plan... while i'm on probation, i ain't doin jack shyt... but when i get off probation, i'm moving to new york, starting a band, and recording my shyt
she says:
i would read it, but i know people are spelling nazis
newyork sucks my friends
The Reverend says:
well, you know what i mean... politikally correct iz a joke
she says:
it is too expensive to live there
too many bands live there and arent getting out there..
The Reverend says:
hey, if they have a muzik scene, i don't care how much it iz... there'z no muzik scene here
she says:
you gotta be better than good with your band..and unfornatly be marketable.
theres a music scene many other places
trust me ive been to NY
The Reverend says:
oh, phuk that, i know when someone hearz 'aquarius', a record deal iz on its way, guaranteed, i have no doubt about it
she says:
and it is crowded, no nature, just bad people, so much crime, no good places to live anymore and the rent is SOOO high
how do you possibly know that
and like i said..marketable.
The Reverend says:
well, phuk it, i don't care, i would go to la, but i don't want to drop off into the ocean while i'm recording 'the speed of mind'
she says:
im sorry but i gotta be realistc...making it in NY would be soo tough.
espcially since you are a little older.
The Reverend says:
phuk marketable, i plan to change the market, phuk record companiez, phuk the riaa
she says:
i love the fact you say fuck it toi the man
thats why i like you
but you gotta be a realist sometimes.
the man calls the shots sometimes...and doing somekthing like that works maybe 20% (or less) of the time.
The Reverend says:
dude, you're canadian, man, why are you hitting me with all theze misconceptionz and preconceived notionz? i don't give a phuk about that shyt, i just want to make my muzik, however that iz
she says:
what the FUCK
The Reverend says:
realists are just people who refuze to evolve
she says:
dude, im canadian? as in..I dont know shit? I dont anything about where you live?
The Reverend says:
no, az in you know more
she says:
I am a realist.
Id love to believe in peace, and I try to be peaceful
but that is something that will never happen./
The Reverend says:
i respectfully disagree... i plan to change shyt, that's what i'm here for
she says:
Id love to believe you at 30 can make it in the music business, but the world is mean and cruel and you have to be the whole package...maybe you do have a wonderful badn at your side, I wouldnt know.
The Reverend says:
she says:
but how can you plan to change 'shit'
when some people hate your spelling so they dont read it
and how do you plan to change 'shit'
when youre on probabtion?
you want to leave your children behind to chase a musical dream?
thats a perfect example right there of a cruel cruel world
and i hate to say it, but I am a realist, and it IS a cruel world.
thjats why you gotta get a good paying job and try to live
because thats all you can do
raise a family, be happy, and try to live.
because man...

(so i say) you are suppozed to know everything about the muzik buziness when you're 19, and get into it then, instead of waiting and maturing a while, and learning more about life, and the muzik buziness? i'm 30, and i know nuthing, and you're 19, and you know everything?

The Reverend says:
dude, you're thinking that i care what people think about me... i don't give a phuk, i'm not a realist, i live in my childhood imagination, and no one can kill that... and i'm taking my children with me... the world iz what you make of it...
she says:
you cant afford two children and yourself in NY. unless you really do make a lot in a band..and from expereince..I know you dont until youre big. (so, you've lived in new york with two children and a band?)
youre always talking about the 'nazis' and people thinking backwards
The Reverend says:
people think that's all they can do, becauze that's all that's ever been done... i disagree, the only way to evolve iz to do something new
she says:
and ranting about the bad in the worlsd
i agree, i do do NEW things
but youre not doing anything to help is that 'evolving' (what doez evolving have to do with helping anyone?)
The Reverend says:
just becauze i rant doezn't mean i believe or don't believe, i know that the world iz almost ready for me, and the change i bring with me
she says:
and what can you change?
The Reverend says:
if you read my poetry, i am helping people, becauze i'm helping them to wake up and evolve
she says:
suddenly no one will be a homophobe and no one will steal?
The Reverend says:
i can change everything
she says:
ive read your poetry
and although you have great ideas
you are not waking anyone up (well, i'm obviously not waking you up)...its all been said before in many different ways (some dumbass therapist once said 'evolution iz over'. if it's all been said and done, then why the phuk are we still here? people who think it's already been done, have nuthing new to offer, and have no reazon to be here, other than to be in the way of thoze who are doing something new. 'you're either in or in the way', -ozzy ozbourne).
and I love it, I do
but its not helping people evolve (that's what you think).
The Reverend says:
ok, listen, check this out... when we were kidz, we were told that we could be and do anything, but somewhere along the line, that image iz murdered by the 'real' world... well, they didn't kill that idea in me, and i'm still alive, and i've had many many many vizionz about what i have to do here, to change anything, so trust me, i know i can do it, you just have to believe in me
she says:
what can you possibly do
there are little things
but really
The Reverend says:
just sit back and watch, dear
she says:
you CANT do anything have no idea yourself.
its fun to believe in crap, but thats doesnt make it happen.
The Reverend says:
dude, don't tell me what i can and can't do, just believe in me
she says:
if qwe could do anything
i would be a fucking astronaught
we cant
we have to do so much shit
in order to do things
or become things
i understand helping your fellow man
or saving lives something for the BIG picture? its almost all been done.
and you cant stop cant speak with every country
The Reverend says:
dude, are you listening to anything i'm saying? i know i can do it, i've had vizionz out the ass about what i need to do, it iz possible
and no, it hazn't already been done... not what i intend to do
just sit back and watch, and let me prove it to you
she says:
prove it to me?
Im sorry, i dont believe you, you wont tell me.
I think you have no idea for yourswelf.
The Reverend says:
i've had so many people try to crush my dreamz, but i'm 30, and it hazn't happened yet, no one can crush my dreamz, becauze my dreamz are based in the REAL reality, not this phuking dreamland we live in
if you don't believe me, that's fine, but i'm doing it anyway, with or without you
i've written about what i intend to do, and i'm putting it all in my book, but i can't put it in this im, it's too much
she says:
we dont live in a dreamland..
The Reverend says:
i do have an idea about myself, it's rooted at the core of my being, it's the reazon i'm here, man, listen to me
she says:
i just explained that we DONT.
i only listen to fact..
The Reverend says:
i respectfully disagree, dude
she says:
disagree with what?
The Reverend says:
with everything you're saying, 'that it's not possible', i say it iz
she says:
if i am realist...talking about the wars and horrible shit happening in the world..I LIVE IN A FUCKING DREAMLAND?
im sorry sir, but you DO.
thinking you can mount to some high pedestal.
Sure, do great things...but how will you change the world?
The Reverend says:
it's not a pedestal, it's POTENTIAL
she says:
gonna kill someone? gonna take power? (iz that what you have to do to change the world? what the phuk?)
The Reverend says:
ok, listen, let me tell you about my pyramid theory
we are all blocks in a pyramid, and thoze of us on the bottom have all the power, becauze we support the top, the people who think they're in cuntrol, but if we walk out from under the pyramid, they have nuthing to stand on
i can't change the top, but i can change the bottom
she says:
uh huh
how can you change the bttom
even in your state there is no way you can get political attention
you dont have schooling for that, i assume.
The Reverend says:
i don't need politikal attention, you're not getting it
she says:
what am i supposed to get
you lead, they follow?
how are they gonna know to follow (uh, they're all sheep, trust me, following iz all they know how to do)
what about the bottom that love the way things are (if you would read a book, you'd discover that no one on the bottom likes the way thingz are. ever hear of noam chomsky? amy goodman? alex jonez? read a book!)
The Reverend says:
i just need people to listen to me, they don't have to follow anything or anyone
she says:
by listening they are following. (there'z a huge difference between listening and following)
espiaclly if they are agreeing (again, a huge difference...)
The Reverend says:
not true, dude
she says:
so they just listen
and the pyriamid tumbles
The Reverend says:
i started off by listening, then i started talking, get it?
she says:
listen to what?
The Reverend says:
i waz turned on, and now i intend to turn otherz on
she says:
to what?
The Reverend says:
it's simple, it's like a lightswitch
not turned on to anything, just turned ON
she says:
it sure is fun to talk shit incircles with no fucking point
that is what you are doing.
The Reverend says:
becauze you aren't listening to me
she says:
i am trying but you arent explaining
The Reverend says:
i've made my point a few timez now, but you just want to argue
she says:
oh man I smoke pot and I make more sense.
no i dont
i want to know
if it is a good idea
id love to hear
but you wont tell me..thus I dont believe you fully have a plan
you havent made a point..youre talking in metaphors
i cant just suddenly 'know' the meanings
The Reverend says:
ok, like i said, my plan haz already been written, and iz on my da page... but i know that my muzik and books will get some people'z attention, and all i need iz a few people, and then it spreadz like a virus, and people start listening, turning on, waking up, and spreading further... what i'm saying iz contagious, becauze it's the truth, that people need to hear, and some of us...
have been wanting to hear
she says: me
i want to read it.

(mom would like to add) the profoundness of the stupidity just numbs my brain.

The Reverend says:
it's everything... i can't link you every page... just pick something at random, and read it, and then go on to the next thing... but you won't be able to do it tonight, i've written way too much... and i don't expect you to read everything, but if you're interested, just pick something, start somewhere, and it will become clearer after each thing you read...
here, start with this...
she says:
okay so basicallty you dont have a clear idea..
or else you would explain it. (uh, how many timez have i said that it's too much to explain in a phuking im?)
The Reverend says:
i just explained it... 'spread the truth like a virus'... that's it, and you can do that thru books, muzik, moviez, the media
people WILL listen
and they'll turn on
and wake up
and start talking
you like pink floyd, don't you?
she says:
The Reverend says:
do you know about the publius enigma? they were just the first step, timothy leary waz the second, darwin, terrence mckenna... i am the next step (actually, darwin waz the first step, timothy leary waz the second, i'm the third)
she says:
you dont believe we evolved from apes?
The Reverend says:
it's done in steps... where i leave off, someone else will pick up, and we will keep waking up
christianz picked the 'ape' to say we evolved from, becauze the ape looks like a stupid creature, and they can uze it to make phun of us, and refuze to listen to us... the truth iz, we evolved from single celled organizmz read that
she says:
are you fucking serious?
christians dont believe in people evolving.
evolutionists DO
The Reverend says:
i didn't say that
she says:
we did evolve from apes
dont tell me you believe that aliens were here first
The Reverend says:
i didn't say that they believe in people evolving, they just uze the ape to make us look stupid in their 3yez
she says:
we do look like an ape (ok, what the phuk iz she talking about???)
we have some much in common with the creature
it is so sad you dont understand that
The Reverend says:
and yes, alienz planted us on this planet... but i don't believe that... i don't BELIEVE anything... beliefs are dangerous, beliefs allow the mind to stop functioning, a nonfunctioning mind iz clinikally dead, believe in nuthing
no, i didn't say that we didn't evolve from apes.. i'm saying that apes evolved from something
she says:
aliens didnt man..i believe they are real..
oh god
ive heard of this before
that apes evolved from fucking a type of 'sasquatch' that were the aliens slaves
we were created to be there slaves or some shit..
The Reverend says:
i didn't say that either, dude, what the phuk?
she says:
then what
tell me what
The Reverend says:
everything on this planet evolved from some sort of singlecelled organizm... we didn't just appear here az apes, everything evolved from something else
look at how a solar system iz born, and formed... it starts from something small, and growz, and evolvez
she says:
i know that buddy
The Reverend says:
then why are you saying that i said that we were slavez or some shyt?
i never said 'slave'
she says:
i just heard of that beofre
it sounded like you were leading up to that
what else to read
The Reverend says:
nowhere near that, hun
ok, lemme see...
i have tonz of good journalz, and there are actual ideaz in some of them, about what i want to do
she says:
i just read that one..
The Reverend says:
oh, sorry, i didn't know i linked that already
but it's not just in the journalz, it's in my poetry and shyt too... like 'red immunity', and 'shaed my skin', and 'think'
well, hun, i gotta eat something, or i'm going to pass out... but keep reading, and if you have any questionz, i'd be happy to answer them... just give me a minute...
she says:
The title references an idea first conceived by Drunvalo Melchizedek concerning the possibility of reaching a state of evolution at which the body would have two more than the normal 46 total chromosomes and leave a currently disharmonious state.[2][3] The premise is that humans would deviate from the current state of human DNA which contains 44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes. The next step of ev
if we are constantly evolving
why on EARTH would we ever have to think or realize it
wouldnt it just happen (oh, yeah, just sit there starring off into space, and drooling all over yourself, and suddenly you pop a Th3rd 3ye, right, sure, uh huh, so what are people doing thinking about shyt, when we don't have to? oops, i just evolved).
The Reverend says:
that iz my spring theory... have you read that?
she says:
The Reverend says:
sometimez, not all the time, but sometimez, we need oppression in order to jump upwardz
hun, i gotta eat something, or i'm going to pass out... but keep reading, and if you have any questionz, i'd be happy to answer them... just give me a minute...
she says:
so tool made you come on to this (iz that a bad thing?)
just because we have two more chormosones..suddenly there will be grids appearing and shit
this sounds fucking crazy to me (i'm sure the earth revolving around the sun iz crazy to you too).
sure we can evolve, but thatll happen naturally, and over time
jungian theory
you clearly BELIEVE this if you want to go preach it in your poetry (who said anything about preaching? am i preaching?).
im sorry but to me this is pure religious bullshit and i cant believe someone i thought was so intelligent believes this..
this is all based on religion
there is nothing to back it up
and many many MANY people arent gonna listen to more religious crap being thrown there way
The Reverend says:
again, i don't believe anything, dude, i've said that. honestly, i think drunvalo iz nutty, but if i took him out of that journal, it wouldn't have made az much sense. you can take the fact from it, and not be religious, that's my evolutionizm redefined journal... i extracted the truth from it, and compared it to all the vizionz i've had... i'm not religious, and it's not a belief...
take it with a grain of salt, so to speak
she says:
im way people are gonna listen.
The Reverend says:
well, i listened, are you saying i'm nutty?
she says:
im sorry..but the way 'run around' throwing metaphors and then me reading about this and also knowing your fav band is tool..
and seeing your theories are taken from two major religions. (uh, which two religionz? do you even know?).
The Reverend says:
ever hear of joseph campbell
she says:
im reading this
The Reverend says:
you can extract facts and truth from phuking anything, it doezn't matter where it came from, if it ringz true, you can chooze to think it
she says:
you cant say you dont believe
if you are going to tell people
The Reverend says:
first of all, i didn't write that journal, it sayz in there that i copied it from two different sites
she says:
and you think it is correct when everyone else thinks its crazy
your beliving
The Reverend says:
why? why do i have to believe? i don't believe in anything! so stop saying i do, or that i have to, cauze i don't, and i am not telling other people to believe this shyt either, i'm telling them to think for themselvez!!!
she says:
these people all did fucked up drugs and thought of this shit, then later elaborated and are making money
I am thinking to myself
The Reverend says:
am i making money? no
she says:
not you
the creators of this ludacris crap
The Reverend says:
to think for yourself, you don't have to believe this 'crap', it's just a phuking idea
she says:
an idea that you earlier stated
and said
you were going to change the world with
but if people are thinking for themselves
they will obviously brush you off as crazy
im sorry, i am a good debater, and I feel bad for putting you down (sure you do. and you're only a good 'debater', becauze you refuze to listen, and contemplate an idea. it's the same reazon religious people can 'debunk' facts about evolution).
but i just find it sad you cant see what kinda crap this is..
The Reverend says:
there'z a difference between debating, and arguing
she says:
i feel the same way for christians. Sure, think what you want, but its sad
im not arugeing
I know Im right.

(knowing you're right, just provez that you're wrong. you can't make an informed decizion unless you're fully informed. it's best to keep your mouth shut, and let people think you're stupid, rather than opening it and proving it.)

The Reverend says:
i'm not saying that it's not crap, i'm saying extract the truth from it, and think for yourself
she says:
theres no truth except for the fact we are evolving (and what the phuk iz that suppozed to mean? do you think about anything before you say it?)
I alwasy thought that
of course we are
it is being proven everyday
but not in that way at all
our bodies are changing
but..thats it (oh, so only our bodiez can change, but not our mindz? then why have we been learning shyt for so many thouzandz of yearz? why do people write books? we can grow a Th3rd 3ye, but we're not suppozed to think about it? what the phuk?).
we are adapting as all animals do
but i gotta go,..
im sorry i riled you up
but i am realist. and this is................garbage? (remind me to stay away from """realists""". they're just another phuked up, misguided group of people, like the jehova'z witnessez).
The Reverend says:
she says:
i hope we can still be friends
The Reverend says:
of course
she says:
send me a msg if you need to tell me something (a note) Please do
love bye
The Reverend says:


(i commented on rabbit's page) hey, thank you for faving 'lonely horizon', and thank you even more for not complaining about it. (if you're wondering what i'm talking about, just read the comments on it).

(rabbit replied) i gave them something to think about. probably will backfire in my face but at least i think i made my point.

(she commented on 'lonely horizon' ) I like what this poem is about, but may I critisize?

There seems to be a real messiness to some parts. Some lines ryhme and others don't. And when they do, they don't do it in any order. Makes it a little confusing for the reader. Overall, great imagery created.

But..I know you say you can't believe in anything, but you obviously BELIEVE that your shouldn't believe. If you think something is correct, no doubt about it, you BELIEVE that. The definetion:
–verb (used without object) 1. to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so: Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully.

You can't say you don't believe in anything, because at least subconciously, you do. Tool does too, I am sure of it.

(rabbit said) can i ask you a question? would you critisize a modern abstract artist for incongruency and structural rebellion?

is it really that important to be exact and literal in every sense and meaning of each word? if so, you are missing out on alot of great things.

(she replied) No it isn't. Thats why I am a fan of his writing. But sometimes, it just makes no sense.

Sorry, but deviant art is here so people can comment and critique things. Excuse me for telling him where he could fix or make the poem better. I expect people to tell me the same things. Not all poems deserve a 'great job!'. Some need a little something extra.

(rabbit replied) not saying it is, just saying that in this instance, you might want to rephrase your critique differently for him. he might've viewed it as not critique, but rather complaining. rather ask him why he wrote it this way, why he used such a phrase or what he wanted to convey.

everyone's idea of belief is different and in itself belief is a moot word. it means everything and nothing. dictionary reference will not help in abstract thinking for it's too precise and literal. in my opinion, dictionary reference kills the point in poetry.

but that's my opinion. also i'd like to point out that everyone is touchy, i certainly am, and no one can accurately read anothers reaction in type alone.

(she replied) Very true..but I hate using emoticons, so no one can really tell at all haha.. (first of all, she wazn't talking about phuking emoticonz, she waz talking about how writing lacks the inflection in people'z voicez).

(this iz my reply to her original comment on the poem)

dude. what the phuk? have you heard of the word 'redefine'? i don't even know where you got that definition from, but it's far away from where i am. think outside the box, pleaze. if i say i don't believe in anything, i mean it. people fight and kill over beliefs. beliefs are destroying this world. ideaz are a phuk of alot eazier to change than beliefs. i have ideaz. i change them frequently. i do not believe in anything. i have no beliefs. i don't believe a damn thing. i think for myself. no beliefs, at all. i don't believe that i shouldn't believe, or anything like that. i'll go so far az to say that i hate that word. beliefs are dangerous. beliefs allow the mind to stop functioning. a nonfunctioning mind iz clinikally dead. believe in nuthing. i do not have any beliefs. yes, it iz possible. nuthing iz written in stone. there iz no spoon. i do not believe that i don't believe, or anything like that. i have ideaz. my thoughts are very fluid, and alwayz evolving. no beliefs. no beliefs whatsoever. that, dude, iz freedom.

why do you have to be such a phuking pessimist? can't you just let me be who i am, and not shoot down all my ideaz? who sayz i have to do what you want? that iz not freedom.

i wazn't asking for critique. this poem waz meant to be this way. cloudy, vizual, not alot of meaning. it's unuzual for how i write. i don't alwayz rhyme, and this poem izn't meant to be 'correct' in any way. i go against the grain, i write how no one else iz willing to write. that iz suppozed to be a good thing.

'only if one believez in something, can one act purposefully'? and you say that sometimez i don't make sense. doez that make any phuking sense whatsoever? it iz possible to 'act purposefully' without believing in anything. whoever wrote that definition needz to read a phuking book. only if one haz a truly open mind, can one do whatever they want.

and az far az tool goez, and you being 'sure of it', well, why don't you ask them. how can you be 'so sure' of a band you've never heard and know nuthing about? if you're so stuck on beliefs, then nuthing i can tell you will help you understand me any better. it's sad to see that you're that clozedminded. you're phuking nineteen, and you think you're that much smarter and more experienced than i am. apparently, you've got alot of growing up to do. believe in that.

(she just replied with this) oh my. For someone who people are CONSTINTLY critisizing, you sure are being rude. I was trying to tell you what I thought of your poem. You cant post things up and expect everyone to praise it. I read the poem how I READ it..even if you didnt mean it that way, it came across the way it did.

Just because I am 19 doesnt mean I know nothing. Id love to see how your 19 year old self would react to reading that. Im sorry that Im not smart and on probation like you for doing something stupid. You are a real air head to put me down, at least I didnt have MY kids taken away. Holy shit. Think about your own life before you critisize me, I dont care if I dont know the whole story. You obviously had to of done something purely retarded.

And just because I dont like tool doesnt mean I havent heard or listened to their music. I respect their artistic ability. Thanks though. What a great comment.

(and this iz my reply. let's hope she doezn't reply back) dude. first of all, learn how to spell. secondly, who iz constantly criticizing me? who? and third, i'm the one being rude? do you remember our im conversation? you were the one being rude, and telling me i can't do what i want to do. that's not rude? and my 19 year old self reading my poem? that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. of course my 19 year old self would like it, i'm still me, but evolved. think about what you say before you say it. i'm not putting you down, i'm telling you like it iz. and my kidz were never taken away from me, they were taken away from bobbi. know what you're talking about before you say shyt. so it's ok for you to criticize me, even though you don't know my story, but no one can criticize you? who the phuk do you think you are? you think you can say whatever the phuk you want, and no one better talk back. i'm so glad i'm not 19 anymore. you refuze to listen to anything anyone sayz, cauze you think you're right, and everyone else iz wrong. THAT iz just like religious people. phukin... just let it go, dude.

(and, of course, this iz her reply. she just haz to have the last word, cauze she'z a spoiled little brat, and she knowz she'z right) You are still on proves my point enough. Bye. (ok, what the phuk doez that have to do with anything? did she even read a word i said? and provez what point? she waz never making a point, she waz just wanting to argue with me, and disagree with everything i said. what the phuk? i'm on probation, so that meanz i am not allowed to write poetry? i'm not allowed to say anything? hello? iz this thing on?

let's just hope she lets this go, and i don't hear from her again).

(this iz what she posted in her journal) I recently had an arguement with a friend on here who I won't name, but it was about religious (even though you think its not, it IS) beliefs, and I put him down. I'm sorry, I will always supply facts. You tell me something like that..I can't help it, I think its crazy talk. (do you still believe that the earth iz flat?) Believe what you want, I don't care, just don't try to proove it to me, because I can so easily disproove it. (you were asking me to prove it to you, i did, and you kept saying i didn't. and being able to 'so eazily disprove it', doezn't mean shyt. skeptiks can debunk anything, becauze they throw a bunch of bullshyt at it, and let their beliefs get in the way of truly understanding anything, and ignore all the facts, becauze they don't think they're facts). Anyways..sorry. I am a true athiest. In EVERY sense of the word. (tell me, then, what doez an athiest believe? i started off being an atheist, and i evolved. i took it a few steps further, and became an evolutionist. that doezn't mean i believe in any god, or anything. it meanz that i know that i'm evolving, becauze when i compare life now to life in the dark agez, i clearly see evolution smiling at me. sorry to trample all over your beliefs).

(and this iz a small conversation we had later)

she says:
hey butt buddy lol
The Reverend says:
butt buddy?
she says:
just a joke. (not very phunny)
The Reverend says:
what's up
she says:
nothing watched the movie coraline
stop motion animation
good movie
The Reverend says:
cool... i have 'knowing' from netflix... i'm about to watch it here in a while
i waz out all day, driving around
she says:
i worked lol]
The Reverend says:
she says:
not cool (uh, if it's not cool, then why the phuk do you talk so much about it everytime i talk to you?)
but i have two days off
im seeing bruno tomorrow. (well, of course you are. how many people just lost some braincellz. how many people just shot themselvez. and you wonder what's dumbing down amerika).
The Reverend says:
i hated when i worked at aohell, all everyone did, on their breaks, and before and after work, waz talk about work... i'd go out for a smoke break, and i'd talk about anything but work... in this movie, waking life, this guy sayz that you work a whole day, and go home, and then you wake up, and realize it waz a dream... not only do they get your waking hourz for minimum wage, but they get your dreamz for free
oh god, i just lost some braincellz
she says:
well i work a tthe keg
i guess sometimes i do talk about work
but the rest of my life is better. (how iz it better? cauze you have money to party with? you don't like 'the man', but you don't mind spending hiz money)
the keg is a really fancy steakhouse
very highclass.
dont think they have them there where you are
but i could be mistaken
The Reverend says:
nope, down here we have outback steakhouse
she says:
we had went out of business because of us (well, good for you)
The Reverend says:
she says:
the keg is really popular in canda
but i know they have some in the states
more spread out tho
The Reverend says:
yeah, tucson sucks for good placez... it's suppozed to be a retirement town, but it's really phuking huge, and there'z nuthing to do here... moviez, the occazional concert, but even the concert venuez suck
she says:
i live in a big city
I love it.
not too crazy culteral
but a lot to do, and near niagra falls and toronto
The Reverend says:
speaking of... have you read 'dragon'z phire' or 'ghost town' yet? they talk about me living in tucson
she says:
not sure
The Reverend says:
can i link you? do you mind?
she says:
The Reverend says:
you still there?
she says:
yeah i commented one
just busy hold on
The Reverend says:
oh cool, thanks

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