Wednesday, June 22, 2011

some lame crap

i waz 'tagged' on da. but i didn't want to post this there. but i liked my answerz, so i thought i'd post it here.

1. you must post theze rulez. not.
2. each tagged person must post ten thingz about themselvez on their journal.
3. you have to chooze and tag ten people and post their iconz on the same journal. not.
4. go to their pagez and tell them you tagged them. not.
5. no tag backs. this iz not a 'tagback', it's just an answer.
6. tag ten people. you said that already.

okay, i'm finally going to do this lame crap. i waz tagged by you. phuker. but i'm not 'tagging' ten other people, cauze a: i don't know that many people, and b: everyone i know hates this crap, too. and i'm not wasting a journal for this either, cauze a: no one readz my journalz, and b: my journal space iz for much more important shyt. besidez, i like the one i have up right now. so i'm just going to post this in your comment area, so you know i did it, and can see my crappy answerz.

1. i'm a writer and muzician, and a thinker. be ware.
2. i have an arsenal of good wordz in my warhead.
3. i've been in mental homez.
4. i've done lsd six timez, and i'm well squeegee'd.
5. i waz bill hicks in my last life.
6. i just had to trim my fingernailz, cauze i couldn't type.
7. i'm an alien. i'm not from here. i mean that.
8. i have a truly massive mp3 collection, with no rap. imagine that.
9. i'm the most dangerous evolutionist.
10. i hope my daughter turnz out like 'hit girl'.

groove on, homeburger.

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