the government iz going to kill me just like they killed bill hicks, and many otherz. they don't want people fighting against their liez, and speaking the truth. if i just happen to die from a car accident, or cancer, or a heartattack, or a crazy lone gunman, or a 'suicide'... whatever it may be, it couldn't be more obvious. it waz them. follow my lead, grow your knowledge, feed your knowledge, and uze that knowledge to bring them crashing down, so we can live freely for once. every civilization iz destroyed by man'z greed. uze that information to try to live peacefully for a few generationz. give your children a chance to be children. don't force them to go to skool for twelve yearz, let them play in the fieldz of creative passion, and teach them what they need to know when they need to know it, by yourselvez. they don't need pencilz, or books, or teacher'z dirty looks and psychologikal abuse. let us learn what true freedom can really be. let us connect with the earth, thru her toolz of communication that she givez us. stop destroying everything. learn to live in harmony with eachother and the earth herself. raize your intellect, instead of your stack of dollar billz. make knowledge the new currency for a new world. learn to love everything again. learn to learn.
update: don't puss out, and cower down to their power and cuntrol. don't let them murder you, too. stand together and fight. unite, if only for the one cauze of demanding your freedom. ignorance may be bliss, but knowledge can bring peace. you can chooze to be blissfully unaware of the destruction of everything, including yourself, or you can chooze to uze your head, make them dead, and learn to live in peace. if we let them cuntinue their game of ignorance and murder, they will bring about their armageddon. they will destroy this planet, and all the meaningful artistik bæuty we have created in moments of clarity. but if we uze that artistik vizion to fight hatephire with lovephire, fight their smashin' with passion, take away their little toyz of destruction, and sit them in the corner of their own darkness and death, for their definition of their eternity, uze their weaponz against them, give them an overdose of their own medicine that they're killing us with, and rid the world of their violence fetish and addiction, then we would be in awe of all the new wayz we could live, love, and learn in peace, in harmony with the earth and all her living creaturez. all we have to do, iz make a choice, right now. run, cower and die, or think, fight and live. 'you don't fight for peace, you peace for peace'... david icke. we shouldn't have to fight for peace, but we've sat in submission for so long, and let the government have their way for so long, that they've taken cuntrol of the game, and they've made that the rule. so we have no choice. we have to fight one last great fight, in order to appreciate the peace we're fighting for. you've been sitting on the couch drinking their beer and watching their tv for far too long. it's time to walk out that door of comphortability, and into the world of fear, wake your neighbor up, no matter your disagreements, and unite to fight with sight for the right to true freedom. your government made you complacent and docile for a reazon. so you wouldn't fight back. it's time to leave that behind, and look to the future. if you can't see what's going to happen, and how life might be, then phuking do something about it to make it the way you want it. allow your mind to show you the direction. then allow your heart to guide you along the path. if we don't do it now, we may never do it, and thingz will end before you know it. don't let them have their way. make a choice. now.
Sunday, July 03, 2011
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