Saturday, October 08, 2011

food chain gang

(inspired by the line in the last post, 'looking for inferior beasts to munch on'). we are the ones who created 'the food chain', and put ourselves at the top of it, just because we invented guns. not a good invention. animals still kill people everyday. but we still think that we're the top of the food chain, cause we just had a steak. did we take that steak directly from the cow, or did we order it from a chef, and buy it. that does not constitute our food chain status. sure, we can kill a cow and eat it, but can we kill a tiger with our bare hands, or better yet, just our teeth, and eat it. we didn't get to the top of the food chain by being smart, but rather bloodthirsty and psychotik. we're thugs with forks. we're selfish, greedy, pretentious animals. there is no 'food chain', therefore we are not at the top of it. why does it have to be a pyramid, why not a circle, or better yet, a cycle. we eat cows, lions eat us, cows eat lions, and lizards are just snacks.

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