Thursday, November 03, 2011

the next step is ours

well, all those youtube videos about october twentyeight, aaand... nuthing happened. yet another prediction date that came and went, and nuthing happened. which could mean any number of possible theories. my guess, is that the people in cuntrol of this stupid world, have temporarily shut off the evolution switch, or are keeping us in a delusion so deep, that it makes the amerikan dream look like someone huffing glue and spacing out. either way, i think the answer is, we need to wake up. in more ways than one. on many different levels, literal, metaphorik, metamorphik, and possibly even ethereally. we grew thumbs for a reason. perhaps it's time we find out why. flip the switch. turn the light on. tell the neanderthal bully he doesn't know who he's phuking with. his time is up. put that wetbehindtheears salamander with thumbs back in his place. in the water. if nature won't take the first step and help us evolve, maybe we need to have the balls to take the next step. maybe they're all waiting for us to step up to the plane. stop being led by a parental phigure of any kind, and start taking responsibility for ourselves. tell daddy to shove it. we all know what that means. we all know what the answer is. it's time to have the balls to admit it to ourselves.

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