Friday, September 12, 2014

sit on this

i need to point this out, because it doesn't seem to be getting thru, and your paranoia and authority and ability to control other people has gotten out of control. i can state it simply, but it will take much more explanation for you to understand. no human should ever have the right to dictate where any other human can sit. if you can't understand that, you should be ashamed of yourself. i'll go into more detail. you stand on that spot of land that's under your two feet, you don't own any more earth than that. you should be able to understand that. but sadly, this whole thing will need to be written.

you built this city, this society, this civilization, for people to be able to congregate and have somewhere to do something, somewhere to live their lives. but everyone who stands on that land, has to pay you for a place to live, food to eat, electricity for their gadgets... the one guy who everyone else is paying to stand on this land is seriously raking it in. great scheme. you almost had everyone fooled. and you would have kept it going had you not fucked up and told me not to sit there. this city functions on money. these concrete buildings function on money. if all those people around that building aren't paying you money, they can't be there. that's not humanity, that's unfairness, and i will point it out till it dies.

in creating a city, you also created homeless people. people who either can't or don't want to take part in your money exchange, your monetary structure, and your dictation of life. you have to understand that, not as a dollar holding boss of anything, but as a human. money has eroded your compassion, and turned you into a paranoid, selfish child. you created homeless people, simply by building a society established on money, some of those people don't like money, don't have much, and therefore cannot exist happily on the part of this round planet you say you own that we should all be sharing equally. we can get into the debate over greed and safety and policy later, as it's just the first grade of this debate. i'd rather point out your childishness, your selfishness, i'd rather focus on those.

no longer does your money get to fund your paranoia and your dominance over me. you men don't realize how much you have to dominate shit out of insecurity, but i watch its embarrassing presence on the streets everyday. it's not healthy. i can have any psychologist, any lawyer, any rockstar, any anarchist, any other homeless person, any hacker, back me up on this, and i will. i'm fighting this little argument of yours to the death. because i'm sick of it. you can't tell me not to sit there. plain and simple. you don't own shit. you own what's under your fuckin' feet, and don't you forget it. don't give me that childish excuse driven horseshit. you're a whiny little fuck who can't listen, and you need a mother to tell you so.

you created a society. some people obviously do not fit into that society. if they can't pay you for a place to sit, you don't let them sit. and i see some of their faces. you close your eyes to it, but i see it. you close your eyes to it simply because you can afford to. i'm about to make the word 'afford' irrelevant. if people do not fit into the structure of rules in your monetary society, seems to me there are a few solutions you've overlooked or not heard.

behind door number one. you give homeless people their own little 'reservation' of land where they can sit till their heart's content. all you need to put there is a fuckin' home depot. you can't take up this much earth, and tell us we can't stand on that part of the earth because you own it. you're simply able to pay a higher price than we can to stand on that spot, you cannot dictate who else stands there. when i was in elementary school, these other stupid kids kept touching my desk one morning, and it was starting to piss me off. every kid that would walk by my desk would knock my pencil out of the little tray at the top of the desk. as a child, i started getting pissed off, and telling everyone to stop touching my desk, which they of course has to be children and touch it more, and the teacher had to be a moron and neglect to notice. that event ended in total chaos because it couldn't be controlled by an adult with logic. it was a disaster. teasing, embarrassment, tears. that was me as a child. since then, i have matured, and realized that what i should have done, was asked the teacher, and if she wasn't mature enuph to help, i should have just shot the whole classroom, and the teacher, and spent the rest of the day reading a book. and a brain like me should be able to do that in the next thirty years. i've got money riding on it.

behind door number two. you start lining your streets with little beds and places to sit. when it comes to pop music, you seem insecure without the numbers. you're constantly trying to convert people to you clones. but when it comes to buildings, you seem insecure with the numbers. 'you can't be here'. do you realize how spoiled and insecure and paranoid you sound. you sound like a whiny little child fighting over a toy, 'no, it's mine'. that's what you fucking sound like. i could have a psychologist back me up on that, and i will. there's no excuse for this behaviour, there's no reason to keep people from sitting down and being able to claim a little spot of earth as their own.

behind door number three. if you can't seem to do one of the first two options, then your monetary structure and dominant dictation of life around you has to go. you're taking up too much space, charging too much money for it, making too much blood off of us, it's not fair in any logical respect, and you need to find another planet on which to take up so much space. and claim it selfishly as yours. there you go, baby, a whole planet to yourself. now how soon are you going to get insecure and call home asking someone to make you less lonely. none of us know who else we have in this darkness of confusion, so stop being a prick, and we'll let you come back home. no one told you that you could own this spot of earth, and you know it. stop acting like because mommy was rich it entitles you to own land. the earth is bigger than you.

i see it as a really elementary little cartoon drawing in some newspaper. i see a tiny little round planet. a few trees on it, some little chinese building on the other side of it. and there's two guys standing there. little bubbles above their heads. one guy says to the other, 'you can't stand here'. and the other guy says back, 'it's a big round world last time i looked, buddy'. you have your spot, i have mine, and you can't dictate where i sit. i equally own just as much land as you do, asshole, stop acting more important than me. this is elementary school, and you're pissing off the teacher. it's your turn to shut up and listen. you've dictated enuph mistakes. your track record is horrible. you're fired.

now. if that isn't clear enuph, i will offer this. this morning, i was sitting in a nice small little doorway of a big building. i'll take pictures of it for the lawyers, i know they like images of concrete. and if none of you can have any sense of humour with your logic about this this morning, i'm done feeling sorry for you, and accepting your excuses, and i'll start treating you as a child the way your mother should. you can't give me that 'it's our policy' excuse anymore. money doesn't enable policy. unless it says in your policy somewhere that it does. and if it says that, i didn't click accept. fuck you.

in this little doorway space, there's a sign that says no smoking, there's another sign that says emergency exit only, when you open the door, the alarm sounds, there's no handle on the outside of the door to get in, no one's coming out that door. idiot tells me i can't be there this morning, and won't listen to any part of a debate on the issue, none of them will. not that i'm even trying to debate those verbless idiots, i'm just trying to see how soon they'll lose control of their tempers and blame it on me. i'm just toying with them to see how childish they can be. i recorded one on my phone this morning, and i'm using it as evidence of your immaturity in this argument. you can't even call it a debate.

this tiny little doorway where i was sitting, i'll show it to you all, it's safe, i'm there butt ass early in the morning, sky's just getting light... no one is coming out that door. if they do, there's still enuph space around me to open the door and get thru, i'm not in anyone's way, i'm not hurting anyone, i'm not bothering anything, but you're bothering my morning, my disabled body, and fucking up what i was thinking as a writer, but you don't give a shit about that, you're not listening to that part of the argument, so i'll move on. idiot tells me to get up, i can't be there. i see his ears close over like an elephant crossed with a rhino, and it's children in school from that point on. and he has to run off and get another child because he's not mature enuph to handle it himself, it's above his pay grade and what he's told to do. the only authority any of you have is simply what you're being told to do. can you fucking realize that yet. it would help us get past lot of this.

now, after you see the spot i'm talking about, i hope that in that sort of resolution, you can clearly see that this is just childish, immature paranoia at work here, and no logic to speak of. nuthing is being done about this, no one is debating anything with open ears, it's just getting worse. and i know from experience, when things are this childish, and getting worse, they get out of control quick, and can become a disaster. are you following, are you paying attention yet, are you understanding this yet. do i have to spell it out for you. what legal language do you need, i'll get google translate on it quick.

can you see now, in that resolution, that it's just paranoia. it's one child's ability to tell another child they can't play with that particular toy because they're not good enuph. it's two men standing on a tiny round little world, and one trying to dominate the other out of childish insecurity and need for attention. can i get a psychologist to support that? can i get a lawyer to make this a case. can i get my heroes to back me up. robb flynn, i know you'd stand with me on this. walk with me, and take this seed, a fire for you, so dare to fail, will you?

all i need to ask, is how many rockstars, hackers, anarchists, and other homeless people can i get behind me on this, and this argument ends now. it's over. no longer can you dictate where we sit. if you don't want us sitting there, do what i do, get up and move. stop being such a child, and telling me i'm not allowed to sit on your building when i'm just trying to stay warm. go back to mama's house, and have her make you a bowl of chicken soup, and have her play 'another day in paradise' for you. remember that song? phil collins did that tune. incase you missed your history, he still has more talent than most of your pop stars. when i see pop people walking around the streets, i seriously see them as little walking suckers. you know, like blow pops, the little suckers with the wrapping around the big round head, and a tiny little stick body, and you take the wrapper off, and it's all sticky and gooey underneath, and the flies get stuck to it, and that's how you make pop music, children. tune in for yesterday's class on greed and 'but it's an emergency exit'.

you fuckers want to keep being childish, and not even have the balls to debate me on this... you keep proving that your ears have sealed shut, and it's not going to be a nice day when we kick you out of office. we don't be doing it the nice way. the longer you refuse to listen, the more it's gonna hurt. i remember my mother telling me that when i was a child. there should be some sense of irony in there. if you haven't had a blood bubble in your heart at this point, then you simply aren't allowed to own land. simple as that. if you truly can't get that yet... your time's up. thanks for stopping by, but you can't sit here anymore. fuck off.

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