Sunday, September 14, 2014

a thought on knowledge...

something i realized today. and i'm just summing it up here, i recorded it. this morning, i realized there was nuthing i could do on a sunday, so i wasted the first couple hours of my morning listening to an idiot interrupt me over and over. just because he had pot. not enuph to give away, but just enuph to smoke to where i still don't get stoned, and it's a complete waste of time. after i walked away from this idiot, i passed by an information booth. and i thought to myself, how much information do you have. how much are you worth. do you have anything that's worth something to me, can you answer the questions i have to ask. and that's when i realized, knowledge is already a currency. i can sell what i learn to overcome homelessness here, cause no one else is. i also realized, i need to start walking and asking and seeking in the directions of the people who have the answers to my questions, the knowledge i seek that's valuable to me, otherwise i'm wasting my time. so no more talking to people that have pot, because that's all they have. no information. and i'm thirtyfive years in debt, i have no more time to waste, i need answers now, and if you're not giving them to me, you're wasting me time, and i'm walking away. no more sundays. no more vacations, not one more wasted moment. it's not a tug of war rope anymore, it's a rope going up a hill, and you keep grabbing the nots till you get to an apple, or something that will lead your body further up hill. the people at the bottom chewing on the bibles are going nowhere. i'll never know how they got the equation apple = knowledge = evil, that's not even a fucking math equation, speak english or get the fuck back in the history books where you belong, i'm evolving, i see it as apple = knowledge = fuel, value. which is what is needed to build a new world on a new currency. figure that out, i don't have time to explain it to you. but basically, that's my philosophy now, that's my rule that i will get out of the habit of breaking just for an interesting human experience. fuck humans, they don't have what i need. but that's my rule, if you aren't answering my question with anything positive, or in the direction of yes, i will walk away quicker and quicker, because i'm wasting my time, getting nowhere with you, and the woman who i will marry, who will be most valuable to me, will be the smartest girl on this planet, because that's a relationship. unless, of course, perry comes back. she's eternally got my heart. that smile is worth more to me than any knowledge, it's the holy grail i seek. it does more to my heart than any amount of knowledge could do to my brain. it gives me the most fuel. i love you, hunny.

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