Saturday, March 17, 2018

reverse psychology of trivial traditional paranoia

whenever i say that i don't deserve anyone's attention, people say 'if that's what you say, that's what you're gonna get'.

okay. then let's try it the other way, shall we? and see what happens?

i deserve everyone's attention!

now, what do you think they would say?

i'll bet you a thousand fucking bucks.

go ahead, say it.

oh, but they're always right?

i think i just proved them all... not only wrong, but stupid.

but do you think they'd listen? or change?

oh, i'm still wrong, i'm sure.

fuck you, society.

you keep living under the same rock, one of these days, i'm gonna step on it.

place a landmine under it.

every member of a monetary society is a selfish coward.

prove me wrong. go ahead. i'm daring you.

fuck you all.

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