Thursday, May 23, 2019

google drive

so... that's fuckin great... can't remove google drive from my laptop now, and it's gonna open a window everytime i start windows now... it went from frustrating to more frustrating while i was just trying to fucking uninstall it. and no one ever sees this shit! no one will ever be here to witness this shit!!! roadblocks, barricades, detours, dead ends, sinkholes...

was life this frustrating when we were in caves?

and why can't my fucking fingers fucking type anymore!!! what the fuck!

and women... what a constant fucking problem with absolutely no solution.

tried to get google drive to reinstall, too... it wouldn't do that either.

so it's just eternally stuck on my laptop as a piece of useless and dysfunctional software whether i want it there or not, and it's apparently a windows related issue. exceptional, right?

and forget about contacting windows, it's easier to find a free prostitute these days.

doesn't windows still charge like five hundred bucks just for calling them?

oh, it gets even better. apparently they also just disabled right click on google image search, so that's fuckin useless now too... thanks. wish they'd stop taking my options away and calling it innovation.

so... fuck it... what is there left to do on my laptop now? is there anything?

everything is so fucking frustrating. i should just kill myself. if only libraries had flyswatters, huh?

oh, and i thought of a new word today...


yeah, it's time for me to fuckin die. hate this fuckin planet and it's never gonna change.

everything sucks and why the fuck am i smelling dog food in a library!

my stomach still won't shut up, i'm out of smokage and food. no one i can ever ask for shit.

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