Monday, September 09, 2019

a world of fraud and theft

not sure where to write anymore. farcebook sucks, youtoob sucks.

how come banks and rich people have billions of ways to inconvenience poor people at every turn, how come the rich have an arsenal of inconveniences, how come they can fuck up and delay our lives any time they want when it's not even their money, like just the cost of them holding onto our money for us costs us time and other shit we couldn't afford if we were rich. how come that's still possible, how come that's still happening, and how come no one has a fucking satisfactory explanation for it?

how come it's been this fucking long since we've had control over anything including ourselves?

how come people suck so bad?

how come people purposely misunderstand me like it's their job?

how come this shit can't fucking stop yet?

how come i can't customize my own phone or computer desktop yet? why the fuck does microsoft have to keep making everything more difficult, making their operating system work worse and worse, taking options away like it's a game...

microsoft, your operating system is just getting fucking pathetic. what the fuck is wrong with you?

why can't you design something we can actually use? are you incapable? do you give a shit?

what the fuck is wrong with you, microsoft?

what the fuck is wrong with you, banks?

why do both of you suck so bad? and why do i feel like i could do both your jobs a thousand times better than you ever have? without all the greed and judgment and shit...

when does this shit end?

who do i tell that i would like the ability to customize the look and functionality of my desktop because it's mine and not theirs? no one seems to have a mature enough answer.

i asked on farcebook the other day, how do i start my own country?

they had to answer the dumbest possible ways... 'money and war'.

that must be some box to think outside of. luxury mindlessness.

i hate this fuckin world. and it will never change or improve.

ashamed to share a planet with a bunch of losers. and god, i want to design my own fucking desktop already! when the fuck do i get to design my own fucking desktop without all your 'can'ts' and 'won'ts'? seriously? am i allowed? is it okay with you? is it really going to bother you or hurt you that fucking much to let me have a cool looking and functional desktop?

get the fuck out of my life, tyrants! let me be poor without you!

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