Wednesday, September 18, 2019

so fuckin depressed

why the fuck does everyone have to make this world so fucking depressing.

i don't even know what the fuck to do right now.

no one gives a fuck.

i wrote a couple new poems today.

no one gives a fuck.

i posted a new video today, and several yesterday.

no one gives a fuck.

i'm a hundred bucks in the hole.

no one gives a fuck.

my the job god chose for me in life, is to argue incessantly with morons.

not only do i not get paid for that...

i don't get shit.

no one gives a fuck.

obviously, you're all entitled to a better life than i am.

i just want a world without all of you.

i want a world without advertisements being forced in my face.

i want microsoft to stop sucking, i want them off my fucking desktop.

stop being digital tyrants. just stop. what good is it doing?

why can't anything be any easier?

why does 'safety and security' and 'privacy' have to suffocate life?

especially when we're not fucking safe in the least.

i don't trust you. and i know i could do better.

stay the fuck outta my life.

i wasn't born into this pathetic world just for you to shit on.

please, for the love of truth, please, kill yourself.

you wouldn't know a truth if it crushed you into the ground.

can you even understand why i hate you? are you capable?

lord, free me from this nightmare hell of yours.

why do i deserve this? why is this the best i can get? is this all i deserve? why?

twenty minutes till lunch.

no one gives a fuck.

when's the last day you got to enjoy?

i just want to be rid of all of you and your crap delusion.

does anyone give a fuck?

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