Saturday, January 28, 2012

be a tool, or use a tool

there was a post in a goth group that got me ranting. usually i never respond to any of these, because i pheel that my words wouldn't be appreciated there. simple people don't like verbal weirdos infiltrating their niches. not to say that goths are simple people, just most of the posts i've seen in this group, people seem simple, and spelling seems unimportant. i try to be helpful, and they end up making me pheel like an asshole. but i read this one, and of course had something to say. i wrote this the other day, and phigured it was way too long and way too lame to post. but i decided to post it anyway. so now i'm posting it here, since this is my place to talk, because no one will bitch... because no one reads this. anonymity is a good thing. it was supposed to be just a short comment, but turned into this whole long thing. so here's the guy's post first:

Hey everyone, I'd like to talk about bullying toward gothic people. I remember when i was at high school, i had a lot of problems because i was dressed unlike "the fashion", then some people gave me the reputation of a gay/nazi/anarchist... cleaver isn't it? i'm all and the contrary lol. But i really didn't care about that because i played with that, i played with stereotypes, i mean, some people tried to bullyied me, and i answered like somebody really crazy (like if i was posseded by a demon) and i scared a lot of bitches... Until the day a guy wanted to fight with me, i kicked his ass, then nobody tried to fight against me anymore i was just "racist" because the who wanted to fight with me was mixed colored and looked like a "pakistani", so it was me the racist... But i was pretty happy because nobody wanted to touch me again. But what about you? did you have some bad experience at school, or in the street? I remember when i was a student i had another problems with "gangsta" they fought against me only because i wasn't look like "i should be" for them i was disrespectul with their religion... so we fought, and fortunatly i can defend myself. But i remember a girl in paris was unable to defend herself and have been raped just because she was goth... obviously the police did nothing... it's at the limit if police said "done well for you!" so if you have some bad experiences, share it, we'll be happy to help you as well as we can :)

and now my comment:

i find, the best way to defend yourself is not with weapons and punching, but with words. sounds stupid, but if you can outthink them, and make them pheel like a real phuking retard... you win. it's not that hard to do, they are actually retarded. i'm a writer. and a pretty good one. over the years, i've found that i'm really good with words. no one else thinks they can use words, because they never try, they don't know the right things to say, they don't think on a higher level. knowledge can kick anyone's ass. leave them speechless. don't let them get a word in, just keep cutting them down, threats are also good, but the good kind, like 'you see that teacher back there, i think she would see this, and i'm sure your parents would like to know what an asshole you are'. educate yourself, so you can be mercilessly brutal.

i'll give you an example, that, if you're smart, you can translate into your own experience. say i'm doing an interview on some idiot religious news show, and they try the old 'ambush' technique. instead of getting all flustered, which is what they want, therefore they win, instead, say something like, 'oh, oh, i get it, this is your attempt at an ambush, how's that working out for you. i see we haven't gotten past that one yet. yeah, go ahead, tear me to shreds with your words like i've done to you. show me your mind can handle this. show me your mind can battle mine. show me your mind'. they don't know what the phuk to say after that, and the interview's over. you just interviewed them on their own show, made them pheel like an asshole infront of their own audience. they won't phuk with you again. take them down before they have a chance to get a word out. unless they hire an assassin, which they've been known to do, in which case, you're screwed.

don't phuk with psychotik religious people, unless you have no fear. not even fear of dying. that means educate yourself with knowledge of the afterlife. and never believe the first lie you hear. any knowledge can be a tool. and there's plenty of knowledge out there, i'm not talking about reality tv. i'm talking about, read the wikipedia pages on reincarnation, or the cerebrum, or prophecies, or different kinds of doctorates. make yourself a scholar, and in today's information age, you can do that for free, no cost. become a wikipedia addict. i read very little compared to some people, but you'd be amazed at how much knowledge i take in. if you can translate right, you can even learn from watching reality tv. which i don't, but just to make a point. i don't watch tv. i haven't seen a commercial in several months. and i pheel so much better. if you watch youtube videos, just watch the right ones. do searches for 'bigthink', or 'terence mckenna', or 'alex jones', or anything else of that nature. smart stuff. trade entertainment for education. you'd be surprised. train yourself. start writing. and i'm not talking about emails. post a blog. and not the kind that's just a bunch of pictures. rant about how shytty your day was, and how stupid traffik was, and how people can't drive, and you had to survive. get your pheelings out, exercise your words, 'work out' the muscle that matters. sharpen your tongue. make your physikal defense a backup plan. if you punch them and knock them down, they'll eventually come back for you. if you make them pheel like a moron, they're alot more likely to stay away. if they phigure out that, to kick your ass, they have to outthink you, they'll stay home and read wikipedia. and hey, you just spread education like a virus. when we all get smarter, and evolve, we'll realize that violence is no longer necessary. the bully caveman's days are numbered. be the smart guy that cuts a few days off. and there's a huge difference between a smart man, and a thinker. if you aren't intuitive and don't think about things, being a smart man will only get you so far. a smart man can get a good job, but a thinker can realize that 'working for the man' is pointless, and can do more important shyt with their time. getting a job won't help you save the world. working for 'the man' won't help you evolve. being asshole's slave won't get you to the top of the ladder. no matter what lies they sell you. they say 'if you work for me long enuph, you'll work your way up'. bullshyt. ask around, and find out how many people that's happened to. and then try to phigure out if they were a smart man, or a thinker. thinkers may die young, but they live in history alot longer. everyone knows who einstein is. no one knows who your boss is. or who his 'hardworking' father was. there's two ways to make a name for yourself. 'get your hands dirty' as the smart man says, or 'think' as the thinker says. people will always lie to you as to which is easier. always find out the truth for yourself. you'll get knowhere believing everyone else's lies. because after all the knowledge we've learned since our caveman days, it's either to trust the bully with the gun, or believe what everone else tells you. well, truth is, no one knows shyt. the more thinking you do, the more truth you learn. and then you're armed with a weapon know won can match.

i live in the desert, and i wear a trenchcoat all year round. you know why no one phuks with me, they can see my Th3rd 3ye. they say 'aren't you hot', i say 'nope'. they say 'are you cold', i say 'nope'. and i walk away. leave them wondering. they'll be too busy wondering who the phuk you are, to come and try to punch you. i've learned alot of things in my life. one of those things, is that stupid people run from heavy words. they panik. they don't know what to do. those news programs think they can kick your ass with a prewritten set of words that they've used many times before. if you can think on your feet, be spontaneous and unpredictable, and outthink them, and if you give them an answer they weren't expecting, you abruptly cut off their speech and leave them stammering, stuttering, mumbling, babbling, and drooling. you just punched their weak brain with a dose of 'phuk you'. you taught them a lesson, 'don't phuk with someone you can't outthink, your prewritten, predictable words won't work on me'. if someone gives you shyt about being goth, you give them shyt about being 'normal', or thinking that 'normal' is the only way to be. they have no personality, they can't choose who they really want to be, or how they really want to dress, they're too scared of being different, but you have the balls to embrace your uniqueness, and they don't. you know who you really are, and they don't. you know that people who are 'normal' are in denial, and delusional, because they think there actually is such a thing as 'normal'. they're blind, look around you, there is no 'normal'. those of you who try so hard to be 'normal', are putting too much effort into something that doesn't even exist, instead of putting enuph effort into being who you really want to be. you deny your true self, maybe because you don't have a 'true self'. the difference between you and them, is that you are already smarter than they are, because you know who you are. and that's a valuable and useful piece of information to have these days. if all they can do is what everyone else is doing, then they're nuthing more than clones. if you're 'impressionable', then any idiot in the world can make an 'impression' on you. but, if you impress yourself, then you're well defined, and no idiot in the world can touch you. you've just had your first lesson in being a real badass. they may have sticks and stones, but... whoever said 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me'... obviously never met me. for me, the opposite is true. sticks and stones can't hurt me, because i'm armed and armoured with knowledge. if you're good enuph, you can make them pheel like a moron and regret throwing that rock, before it even hits you. making them pheel stupid can do much more damage than anything they've got. even permanent damage. when i was in elementary skool, some idiot wanted to fight me, and just being naïve and thinking of the first stupid thing that came to my mind, to try and get out of it, i said 'ok, but i won't fight you with fists, let's make it a fight of minds'. he was dumb enuph to say 'ok', so we agreed to meet in the park on the weekend. by the way, that's the dumbest move any bully can make, and if that's the best thing they can think of, it shows you just how dumb they are, and how easy to beat they are. anyway, this idiot went to the park, and waited. and waited. he came to skool on monday, and by then his anger was gone, and he probly even forgot why he was angry, but he said 'you never showed up, i sat there waiting all day'. well, he just wasted his weekend, and he ended up never hitting me. looks like i won that 'battle of the brains'. and i didn't even know what i was doing, i was just improvising. he didn't even get it. but i sure learned from it. i phigured out i had something they didn't have. something that was much better than anything they did have. and that's a good piece of knowledge to have.

by the way, if they do end up kicking your ass, you still pheel better than them, because you just phigured out how much of a retard they really are, and you get to go home and tell one hell of a story to your family and friends. then, that guy wonders why these strange people are laffing at him the next day. he pheels like a real asshole. and i'd bet you that he pheels worse than he made you pheel. bruises will hurt for a little while, but wounded pheelings can potentially last a lifetime. especially in stupid panicky idiots who don't know any better. if you put them in therapy for the rest of their life, you win. i wonder if this whole thing is dumb enuph to post. dumb as a blog post. you can be a tool, or you can use a tool. my tool is bigger.

bob saget's wild porno bloopers

i had a dream that i was watching some porno video, that was a combination of extremely risky and daring publik things, and bloopers of publik things gone wrong. and it was set to the muzik of enya. like this one guy, was standing up against a wall, next to an old lady, who was apparently waiting for a cab or something, and he's standing there just yanking his doodle, and she doesn't even notice, and just keeps talking to him. she doesn't notice till just before she sees his manjuice shooting out of his dangle, and she almost has a heartattack, but she looks a bit turned on. this video was phuking hilarious, and apparently, other people in this weird apartment building i was in, were watching it, too. this building looked like it was still being built, and under cunstruction, and everything was still bare wood (pun intended), and no actual walls, just the wooden beams everywhere, but people were sitting in rooms watching their tvs and eating pulled pork pizzas, and laffing at this really long video full of clips of publik scenes of all kinds, and riddled with bloopers of all kinds. if that 'phunniest home videos' show was a little more openminded, this would've been the prize winner. hell, they did have bob saget on their show, and he's a filthy mutherphuker. he's also quite an idiot, which is probly why he was perfect for their show. anyone who's dumb enuph to do that show, is dumb enuph to do anything, so i'm sure we could get him to host this erotik comedy special. in the dream, it phelt like this video was a full length movie, about two hours long, cause i kept seeing new things while i was walking around doing whatever the hell else. at one point, it looked like i was helping to build the building. that's a phunny term, isn't it. shows a lack of creativity for whoever came up with those words. build the building. yeah. or 'i'm building a building'. you sure are. who's the big building builder. yes, you are, aren't you. look at those cute little cheeks, now go play with your little hammer. yeah. he left his thinking cap on too long.

Monday, January 23, 2012

i'm a loser, baby

if i ever do that stupid loser 'L' on my forehead thing, i'm going to do it with the wrong hand, and see if anyone notices, and if they do notice, 'you know you did the wrong hand, right', say 'yes, to make myself look like even more of a loser than they are, yes, just pointing out the hypocrisy of loserdom, cause usually the guy doing the forehead loser thing turns out to be more of a loser than the guy he's doing it to'. unless you're george w. bush doing the forehead loser thing to dick cheney, in which case we enter into such a contradictory standoff, that the universe just disappears, and all that is left, is lewis black standing between two starbucks.

and when i publish this post, it has a box where i can type 'labels for this post', which i never do, but then it gives examples, 'e.g. scooters, vacation, fall', as if that's all that anyone ever talks about, or is supposed to talk about. and i wonder why no one reads my blog. actually, i don't wonder, i like complete anonymity. i'm the world's greatest unknown.

one last thing, about my 'only the strong survive' post. a few years ago, we heard on the news, that two cops were involved in a shootout with one man. each cop emptied two clips and point blank range. POINT... BLANK... RANGE... and no one hit a damned thing. nuthing. i'll repeat that. two cops emptied two clips each at POINT BLANK RANGE... and HIT NUTHING. did you really get the full effect of that. do i need to say it again. two cops and one man had a shootout at POINT... BLANK... RANGE... and hit NUTHING. did you really get it that time. one man. two cops. three guns. four clips. no hits. and a partridge in a phuking graveyard. yeah, the news said the bird saw this shootout, and while it was not wounded, it died laffing.

for the verbally challenged

i'm going to say something that's going to put an end to the whole 'offensive language' debate... right phuking now. if they think we're 'juvenile' because we use adult language, then why do they call it 'adult language'. look at the movie rating for any movie you watch, it's called 'adult language'. we're adults, we can use that language. that's one of the cool things we get to do when we turn eighteen; smoke cigarettes, watch porn, and cuss up a storm. it's helpful when we get to tell our parents to phuk off. you're an adult now. if they think we're being 'juvenile', because we use adult language, in reality, they're the ones being 'juvenile', because they're choosing to be offended by a word. it's just a word, it's not a bullet like you use on us, it's not going to hurt you, it's a word. and the fact that you use the whole 'children' excuse to put an 'r' rating on our movies, makes you the hypocrite. because children can handle alot more shyt than you think they can. hell, they can handle alot more shyt than you can. you know when i first used my first adult word, was about eight years old. when i heard my first adult word was alot younger than that, from my psychotik, hateful, evil, sadistik, hypocritikal grandmother, who now says she's never used that language, and tries to censor me when i use it. for those of you who don't know, that's the definition of a hypocrite, right phuking there. look it up, it will use some adult words far beyond your vocabularikal understanding. you know when i saw my first porno mag, that was actually a penthouse, and not just a playboy, was about eight years old. and look how i turned out. just phuking fine. i'm more normal and mature than any of the rest of you. you may not think so, but i sure do, cause i have a more squeegee'd and more mature, adult perception of what 'normal' really is. i got rid of all those hangups when i was eight years old. you think we're being 'juvenile' because we choose to not limit our freedom of speech, and use language that we're entitled to as adults. you're the ones that call it 'adult language', which means that you're the ones being 'juvenile' and immature by choosing to get offended by 'adult language'. you're being children. and you're not being normal children, you're being maldeveloped children in a dysfunctional family, with many drug addictions, delusions, skizophrenia, and all that good shyt, because any child that i've ever known, uses adult language, smokes cigarettes, drinks beer, watches pornography, listens to adult muzik, watches the good movies, and is more mature than you. that's the majority of children in the world can handle more 'adult' shyt than you can. so you're just using this whole 'children' excuse just to protect your own ears, and to put 'r' ratings on our movies, to label us as some sort of deviants, that makes you the hypocrite. you are the deviant, the deviation from the 'norm', you are the hypocrite, and hypocrisy is the real 'offensive language'. people who don't have 'protection' grow up to be alot stronger than you'll ever be. and having 'authority' doesn't make you strong. you're the ones choosing to get offended by 'adult language'. not the rest of us. you are the ones who call it 'adult language' ninety percent of the world, including children, uses adult language. you are the ones who call it 'adult language', you are the ones who call it 'offensive language', you are the ones who let your fragile little minds get offended by words, you are the ones who consider it to be any sort of language other than just plain normal language. and may i remind you, in that respect, you are the extreme minority. look around you. take one of your little polls. do your research. this world is phuked up. if you don't have the balls to say 'this world is phuked up', then you are the problem, and we're coming for you. consider that next time you try to censor me, or try to limit me like you limit yourself, or cut me down to your level. thanks to acid, i'm higher than you, and you can't reach me. you are the minority, in every way. people forget that, because you use a different word, the word 'elite' translates to 'minority'. let me run that little factoid by you again. ninety percent of the world, including children, uses adult language. that means that the ten percent of the world who are immature, childish, juvenile, whiny little weakminded adults like you, are choosing to be offended by a word. debate over. i just won that shyt. and i just won that shyt, because i choose to not limit my speech, or weaken my mind, and i choose to use all words. i use the best words, i use the words that really phuking punch. i don't limit myself verbally, unlike those of you who are verbally challenged. or so mentally weak that a certain set of letters can shatter your perception of reality and make you wet yourself and cry to mommy.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

record label pussies

note to self: one of these days, i should write a song called 'rock and roll pussies'. and have it say that if you aren't just beating those drums to death with every last bit of energy you have, then you're a pussy. and also talk about how i dare any rapper to try to play fear factory's 'replika', or strapping young lad's 'detox'. and try to rhyme parts of that. like def leppard and poison, a bunch of pussies, and also rappers and pop stars that can't write their own songs, or play any instruments. just really make the case for how they're all just a bunch of pussies. and how the record label does everything, and the pop singer just stands on stage and lipsyncs like a little puppet. use references to how i read on wikipedia about 'paramore', that they wanted to make the girl singer a pop star, and she says 'no, i want to be a rock singer with my band behind me', and the record execs, and i quote, 'decided to go along with her wishes'. as if they didn't have to. man, if that doesn't sound phuking soulless and fake and wrong. how could we have that sort of horseshyt in this world, how could we allow that, as artists, as muzicians, isn't it our responsibility to keep those phukers out of our bizness. they own and cuntrol everything, they own and cuntrol all of us. any piece of art or muzik out there is cuntrolled by a record company who doesn't have the talent to do it themselves. like sonik syndicate; nuclear blast, the most asshole label out there, wants to cuntrol the direction of their muzik. they should have the balls to stand up to this label, and say 'if you want muzik that sounds that way, why don't you make it. don't tell us what muzik to write, do it your phuking self. we're not little monkeys you teach to fetch you a beer, we're not children doing skool lessons, we're rockstars, godddamnit, we don't answer to anyone, especially you. i could write a whole album on that subject alone. all these fake phuking panzy posers out there. a song obviously needs to be written that just really tears them all a new one. as if i haven't written enuph of those already. but i think, exploring that particular, specifik subject, obviously hasn't been done properly yet, so leave it to yours untruly, ozztek undustries, to put that phuking message out there, cause no one else has the balls to do it. those are the same people who don't have the balls to stand up to their record labels. or make their muzik without a label. with downloading, the record labels are becoming less and less necessary. 'we want to make this girl a pop singer'. they choose a girl, based solely on her pretty looks and her pretty voice, just another pretty face, and they stick her on a stage, and say 'here, sing these songs'. and she does it. you want to know why. she's a robot with no soul. you're paying money to see a soulless robot puppet, and the puppet strings are right above the stage, being held by record execs. that's your muzikal world, because you didn't have the balls to stand up to these greedy phuks, and say 'keep your greedy phuking hands out of my muzik'. just the fact that a record company can say 'we want to make this girl a pop singer', means that they have way too much cuntrol, they can do whatever the phuk they want, and they know that we won't resist, because 'we want money'. well, sorry, but you aren't getting my vote or my dollar. they have all that cuntrol, and no resistance, they can do whatever they want, because they have all of our money. if we stop buying muzik, and start downloading it, they lose power. so they get angry, and try to stop us from getting free muzik. you buy a cd for twenty bucks. only a tiny percentage of that twenty bucks actually goes to the artist, the rest goes to the record label, and they use that money to feed you a bunch of soulless horseshyt. how do i know this. because i have a brain, a soul, and i see the puppet strings. there are no strings above me, i speak freely. no one owns me. i can't be bought. because i'm not in it for the money, i'm in it because i have a message of truth to get out there. they don't want the truth spoken, so they'll kill me as soon as they can, just to shut me up. just ask bill hicks, or john lennon. but as long as i breathe, i'll keep talking, because coma patients need to hear this shyt. watch the tv miniseries called 'alice', if you're not too busy watching reality tv. watch something with a little imagination to it. it was aired in 'ohnine, it's losely based on the 'alice in wonderland' story. it's very 3yeopening to someone who's already awake, and sees the strings. i'm in this shyt just to get my message out there. because, when i die, what's going to be more important; the money in my wallet...

or my message in the veins of the world.

this is my rap song, for all you tards and haters
since it's the only way to get thru those sedaters
you think you're so cool, but i remain skeptikal
unless you can try to play fear factory's 'replika'
i dare you to play strapping young lad's 'detox'
and you think i'm weak, because i can't 'box'
but i'll shove a guitar thru the back of your skull
just to show you that you can really be that dull
now just repeat that about forty times to get it
and it will really offend you all, if you let it
you've got to understand something sometime never
we can't just stay in elementary skool forever
grow the phuk up and buy your parents some condoms
and you say i wronged 'em? damn near killed 'em!

wait, what?

only the strong survive

poll: what do people most want to protect in their antisopathetik campaign:

freedom of expression
freedom of speech
online piracy
social networks
comphort zone (comphort has 'zones'? as in 'limits'?)
bizness interests (that's all that this is about: money)

my answer: you should've put an option there for 'all of the above', cause that's what i would choose. 'freedom' does not have limits. even if we do. (but, when it all comes down, what would i really choose. nuthing. take away whatever you want, we'll still evolve beyond you).

and for people who download, calling us 'pirates' is a little elementary, don't you think. immature, unimaginative, juvenile. we're not johnny depp on a phuking boat. i have asked people this question, and just get back blank stares: who needs more money; the rich people making the album, or the poor people buying the album. the movie and muzik industries are not hurting for cash, they're just greedy. there is a difference. you'd do well to keep that in mind during this 'debate' (aka, illogikal madness).

do you ever look at the download numbers on any one torrent? it's usually no more than about two thouzand. and that, when most artists are selling five hundred thouzand copies of each album, seems a little greedy, don't you think. besides, they're copies. takes about a dollar to make each copy, and you're charging twenty bucks for each copy. that's nineteen dollars of profit. and if you took responsibility for yourself, and didn't need to pay for a greedy and pointless record label that 'chose you', most of that money would be yours. here's five bucks, buy a calculator.

the government is trying to take away our freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and just about every other freedom that comes with the internet. these are the same people that ignore our constitution. and i say 'our constitution', because it's certainly not theirs. they ignore the first ammendment, and do every abusive thing they can to take that freedom away. first of all, it's not a 'freedom' that should be given to us by our government and untrusted leaders, we should be naturally born with it. no one has cuntrol or authority over any kind of freedom. that negates the meaning of 'freedom'. these are the same people who ignore the 'freedom of assembly' part, and pepperspray peaceful, nonviolent protestors in the face. i've seen it with my own 3yez, and my squeegee'd Th3rd 3ye, protestors sitting down in a line, and a cop just walking by them, spraying massive amounts of pepperspray right in their faces. can someone say 'police brutality', or 'abuse of power'. these are the same people who murdered gandhi. these are the same people who shot and killed four students at kent state. and we keep letting them get away with it, because they sell us the excuse of 'security'. security from who. these are the same people who kill countless peaceful protesters and other people everyday. and by 'other people', i mean that they can't aim their guns right, and end up killing innocent bystanders all the time, but do they ever get punished. the whole 'job security' thing is only for them. they kill innocent bystanders, people who are not even protesting, just peaceful citizens on their way to work. you just ended that person's life with your ignorance, psychotikally waving your gun around in a crowded street like a phuking madman, letting bullets fly wherever, and taking people's lives who you've never met, don't know anything about, and haven't even been granted the permission to take their life. you probly just killed the one lawyer who could've saved your life. or you probly just killed the guy who had the ability to make our world a better place. you'll never know, because you're too busy killing people to find out who that guy was. if you're going to kill someone, you should maybe do your research better. but, then again, you're trying to take away wikipedia. because knowledge is a bad thing. you know what makes it possible for you to watch your televangelists on tv. knowledge. that's right. some smart thinker invented that tv. without knowledge, you would've never set foot out of the garden of eden. you'd have no technology, no cellphone, no tv, no house, no suit and tie, no bulletproof car to save your life while you're taking the lives of countless others. all you'd have is a tree, a few apples, and a snake. if anyone deserves to have their lives taken from them, it's you. not only did you take a freedom we should be naturally born with, and turn it into a 'government given' freedom, but now you're trying to take that freedom away, because you gave yourself the 'authority' to do so, by manufacturing enemies and excuses. it is not a 'government given' freedom, therefore you can't take it away. just because you're a psychotik caveman with a gun, doesn't mean you have any more authority than any of us. 'authority' is a delusion. an illness of a powerhungry mind. the internet is taking us into a new world, where no one has or needs authority. and that scares you. so you're doing everything you can to stomp that little freedom out. well, best of luck to you, because evolution favours the 'fittest', meaning the most intelligent, not the most psychotik, or the man with the most money or guns, both of which you made for yourself, but evolution, whether you like it or not... i guess i should say, whether your god tells you to deny it or not, does exist, and has been around for eternity. and your days are numbered, no matter how you look at it. so run in fear, you little cockroaches, run in fear, sell us fear and excuses, and try to survive in any way you can. freedom does not have limits. fear, on the other hand, does. one of those hands is getting cut off. like in the old days, when you steal, they cut off your hand. correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe that was you. well, we may be stealing muzik that should be free anyway, but you're trying to steal our freedoms that you don't have the power to steal, no matter how delusional you are. so say goodbye to those hands. and your head, while we're at it. we outnumber you. it's only a matter of time. toodles.

update: you're going to love this. this socalled 'freethinker' whose poll i commented on, replied to my comment saying 'freedom does not have limits'. he said 'freedom to kill, freedom to be killed, there must be limits somewhere'. so i replied, 'wouldn't that contradict with 'freedom to live'? freedom to kill is not a freedom, neither is freedom to be killed. we need to step out of this psychotik and homicidal nightmare, and learn to evolve in harmony. that is a freedom'. people have phuked up understandings of 'intelligence' and 'freedom' and other words that should mean what they say. only a psychotik and illogikal mind in this world would think that murder is a freedom. those are the people that think anarchy won't work. if there weren't governmental order, people would just go nuts, and would be complete chaos. no, the idiots would all kill eachother, and we would live in peace, because we're smart, thinkers, and know how to hide until the 'chaos' stops. does no one know this. it's called logik. 'if we didn't have a government, people would just go nuts', yeah, and you're one of them. look around you. the world is already chaotik enuph, the government commits mass genocide everyday, and we let them get away with it. that's 'freedom to kill'. if we had real freedom, and no governmental limits, i'm sure we'd do just fine. what reason would we have to kill eachother. think about it. please. do us a favour, and think. the government is the enemy, not us. do i really have to do the world's thinking, is that my responsibility. even these people who are 'fighting for freedom', don't even really know what freedom is. they think it's the freedom to check their email. that's what they're fighting for. whatever the government tells or sells you as 'freedom' is not freedom. if it has a price tag with blood on it, then it's not free. the definition should be freed. freedom... does not have limits. even if we do. if we let you out of the cage, and your first instinct is to kill someone, instead of running free and enjoying freedom, then you're the problem. there are, believe it or not, some of us who would not kill anyone, but instead run free, and enjoy freedom. not all of us are psychotik and stupid. some of us are fighting for true freedom. the fact that i have to clarify and say 'true freedom' instead of just 'freedom' means that something is wrong. maybe, before we let you out of this cage, we can give you a dictionary. if you tear it up and try to eat it, we know not to open that particular cage. if you read it, and learn the true definition of 'freedom', and appreciate it, then your cage gets opened. how's that, is that the deal we can make. it's called logik. religious people think logik and thinking are bad things. religious people are responsible for more deaths than any thinker. religious people are holding us prisoner. hence the whole 'freedom' idea. come on, do i really have to teach this class of elementary students and buttmonkeys, or can we get to more important subjects already. can we all understand the real meanings of the words i'm using. 'evolution' is not the name of a cellphone, or a videogame. 'freedom' is not something you can buy in a store, or something you have to fight for. 'freedom' does not have limits. look it up. if you put a chain around 'freedom', then it's not free, is it. if you put limits on freedom, it's not freedom. freedom doesn't have the same limits that your mind does. well, class, i think we've learned our lesson today, about how and why 'only the strong survive'. actually, i'm going to clarify that line, and i'm going to say 'only the smart survive' or 'only the sane survive'. fearless, limitless.

only the evolved survive.

and, once again, i was met with nuthing but blank stares...

Monday, January 09, 2012

world war madness

the dumbest thing about world war one, was not how many cuntries fought, or how many people died, which are both astonishing numbers, but rather the fact that the war was ended by the signing of treaties. like treats for the good little fighters and puppets. the fact that the leaders stayed indoors and signed papers, while followers were dying in massive numbers. a hundred and thirtyfive cuntries fought, and more than fifteen million people died. and then, don't forget about world war two. obviously, those 'treaties'... didn't work. around sixty million people died. it was madness, everyone was attacking everyone, and no one was sane. you can't tell me that wasn't all planned. for the allies to win, and the bad guys to lose, after so many people were murdered by the leaders. the leaders have led us down a dark, blind path of hopeless, psychotik suicide. wasted lives. it's all about power and money. and no one thinks there's anything wrong with that. even to this day. patriotism is a disease. an interesting fact about world war two, as said on wikipedia, is 'between fifty and seventy million people died'. that means that in the madness of mass murder, and ultimate manufactured chaos and conphuzion, around twenty million people were just forgotten about. there were too many deaths to count. their fighting meant nuthing, they died in meaningless martyrdom. the kicker, is that 'martyrdom' is seen as a good thing. whoever sold us the 'war' idea, was a con artist of the worst kind, but we were the dumbest consumers of all, because we bought it, hook line and blood. we're on the titanik. and we also bought the consumerism lie, when they told us to go shopping, to buy their worthless products, to give them all our money and 'support' the war. we are sheep. it's never been 'we, the people', that was an illusion created to give us false hope that we had some sort of power. the worst thing the war did, was distract us, and blind us from the truth, so the faceless, secure leaders could sit behind closed doors, and do whatever they want to us. we weren't fighting for our security, we were fighting for theirs. an orchestrated amerikan nightmare. world cuntrol, world domination. paid for with our blood. we have been sold. we bought the lie, and now they own us. and the mask of it all, was the word 'superpower', as if just plain and simple 'power' wasn't good enuph. the more money, the more blood, the stronger they get, and the more 'power' we lose, and the more they own us. it's never been 'we, the people'. it's 'we, the sheeple'. the whole 'war' idea taught us to be completely psychotik to eachother, instead of our leaders. it taught us to trust our leaders, and not eachother. and combined with religion, it was the greatest lie ever sold. you can see it in the crack between church and state. we have no power. and they don't just have power over their manufactured 'enemies', they have cuntrol over all of us. we handed it over, in exchange for 'security'. we were already secure. they were the bullies in the caves, and somewhere along the way, they convinced us to protect them. it wasn't the people we killed who were the enemy. it was the faceless leaders sitting securely behind closed doors, and giving the order for their blind, obedient masses and followers to go out and kill as many of eachother as they could, just so the 'leader' could get more power over more people. more blood, more money, more cuntrol, more souls. all the 'power' you need is in your hands. stop killing yourselves, and point that gun higher. after the war, the united nations was set up to develop support between cuntries, and to prevent future wars. looks like that didn't work either. it was a lie, the united nations was set up to manufacture wars, as they spit humans out of factory assembly lines to fight these wars, and think they're doing something good. it was the leaders standing together behind a wall, exchanging puppet strings and green sanity. then the cold war, what a great name, began between the two superpowers. are you seeing the colours of christmas yet. the cold war, the civil war, or how about the name 'the war to end all wars', they sure know how to name these things, leaving only a hint at what they're really doing, and we don't see it. that's just a test to see how blind we are. like looking at tiny letters on a lit up box. if you look closely, you can see the strings over us being pulled, as we're running thru those fields with guns, taking the lives of our fellow humans, with no knowledge of the afterlife or reincarnation. and if you look at who's pulling those strings, it's all the leaders, standing together. and then, the 'decolonization' of asia and afrika, where those cuntries were given their 'independence', and at the same time, politikal integration, the process of 'uniting cuntries'. the separation of the other cuntries, and the unity of our cuntry for more power against them. and we even celebrate 'independence day'. that's a good one. conphuzing, isn't it. drawing lines on a map, to separate the masses into prejudiced sections, telling us we're different from eachother in ways we don't even fully understand. that's a great distraction. not to mention the 'economik recovery'. where did all that money go. it disappeared along with our sanity. and their wallets mysteriously got bigger. why do they need our money, they already own everything. they even own shyt that shouldn't be owned. why does the value of money constantly fluxuate. i've seen that green colour before, when i was locked in a mental home, a prison for thinkers, or anyone who's not 'normal'. and i've seen darkness of the worst kind in the pockets of humanity. there must be some sort of superhuman power in those green dollar bills, the more money they take from us, meaning the poorer we get and the richer they get, the more power they have to cuntrol our souls. we don't just hand over green paper, we hand over our sanity, and walk away with a book about god's childish gluttony for cuntrol. i wonder which one of them created the term 'the rich get richer and the poor get poorer'. that was a great observation of an undetected lie. you know how to catch a liar in a lie... ask them the same question twice. you don't need a machine to tell you if someone's lying, you just need common sense. you need to outthink them. and liars are always pretty phuking stupid. they're dumb enuph to lie in the first place. but we lied when we said we trusted our leaders. and that lie gave them more cuntrol over us, and gave us less knowledge of ourselves. are you starting to wonder how this works yet. connecting any dots. they can kill us, but we can't kill them. they don't even kill us, they tell us to kill eachother, and we do it. we waste our lives, we die for nuthing, and we should be proud. our families should be proud, because we were heroes, and defended our cuntry and fought for freedom. no, we dove headfirst into psychotik insanity. if you have to fight for freedom, then it's not free. you are not free. you are a slave staring at your own death. the 'high cost of freedom', means you don't pay for it with green paper sanity, you pay for it with your life. and we're also told to kill anyone who tries to tell us differently. those are not strings above us, they're nooses. and when we die, what do we get for all our hard work, and giving up our lives... a white stone in a field of uniformity, and we're lucky if they put our name on it. the more obedient you are, the better chance you have to see your name on a stone, as you finally see what the madness was all about. we're not fighting for 'freedom' anymore, we're fighting for survival, and that's something to fight for. the next great war will be the ghost war. there's power in numbers. the question is, who's power. twenty million people lost in the blood and dust of history, and forgotten about. that could've been you. now, i think you know where to point that gun they gave you.