Sunday, January 22, 2012

only the strong survive

poll: what do people most want to protect in their antisopathetik campaign:

freedom of expression
freedom of speech
online piracy
social networks
comphort zone (comphort has 'zones'? as in 'limits'?)
bizness interests (that's all that this is about: money)

my answer: you should've put an option there for 'all of the above', cause that's what i would choose. 'freedom' does not have limits. even if we do. (but, when it all comes down, what would i really choose. nuthing. take away whatever you want, we'll still evolve beyond you).

and for people who download, calling us 'pirates' is a little elementary, don't you think. immature, unimaginative, juvenile. we're not johnny depp on a phuking boat. i have asked people this question, and just get back blank stares: who needs more money; the rich people making the album, or the poor people buying the album. the movie and muzik industries are not hurting for cash, they're just greedy. there is a difference. you'd do well to keep that in mind during this 'debate' (aka, illogikal madness).

do you ever look at the download numbers on any one torrent? it's usually no more than about two thouzand. and that, when most artists are selling five hundred thouzand copies of each album, seems a little greedy, don't you think. besides, they're copies. takes about a dollar to make each copy, and you're charging twenty bucks for each copy. that's nineteen dollars of profit. and if you took responsibility for yourself, and didn't need to pay for a greedy and pointless record label that 'chose you', most of that money would be yours. here's five bucks, buy a calculator.

the government is trying to take away our freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and just about every other freedom that comes with the internet. these are the same people that ignore our constitution. and i say 'our constitution', because it's certainly not theirs. they ignore the first ammendment, and do every abusive thing they can to take that freedom away. first of all, it's not a 'freedom' that should be given to us by our government and untrusted leaders, we should be naturally born with it. no one has cuntrol or authority over any kind of freedom. that negates the meaning of 'freedom'. these are the same people who ignore the 'freedom of assembly' part, and pepperspray peaceful, nonviolent protestors in the face. i've seen it with my own 3yez, and my squeegee'd Th3rd 3ye, protestors sitting down in a line, and a cop just walking by them, spraying massive amounts of pepperspray right in their faces. can someone say 'police brutality', or 'abuse of power'. these are the same people who murdered gandhi. these are the same people who shot and killed four students at kent state. and we keep letting them get away with it, because they sell us the excuse of 'security'. security from who. these are the same people who kill countless peaceful protesters and other people everyday. and by 'other people', i mean that they can't aim their guns right, and end up killing innocent bystanders all the time, but do they ever get punished. the whole 'job security' thing is only for them. they kill innocent bystanders, people who are not even protesting, just peaceful citizens on their way to work. you just ended that person's life with your ignorance, psychotikally waving your gun around in a crowded street like a phuking madman, letting bullets fly wherever, and taking people's lives who you've never met, don't know anything about, and haven't even been granted the permission to take their life. you probly just killed the one lawyer who could've saved your life. or you probly just killed the guy who had the ability to make our world a better place. you'll never know, because you're too busy killing people to find out who that guy was. if you're going to kill someone, you should maybe do your research better. but, then again, you're trying to take away wikipedia. because knowledge is a bad thing. you know what makes it possible for you to watch your televangelists on tv. knowledge. that's right. some smart thinker invented that tv. without knowledge, you would've never set foot out of the garden of eden. you'd have no technology, no cellphone, no tv, no house, no suit and tie, no bulletproof car to save your life while you're taking the lives of countless others. all you'd have is a tree, a few apples, and a snake. if anyone deserves to have their lives taken from them, it's you. not only did you take a freedom we should be naturally born with, and turn it into a 'government given' freedom, but now you're trying to take that freedom away, because you gave yourself the 'authority' to do so, by manufacturing enemies and excuses. it is not a 'government given' freedom, therefore you can't take it away. just because you're a psychotik caveman with a gun, doesn't mean you have any more authority than any of us. 'authority' is a delusion. an illness of a powerhungry mind. the internet is taking us into a new world, where no one has or needs authority. and that scares you. so you're doing everything you can to stomp that little freedom out. well, best of luck to you, because evolution favours the 'fittest', meaning the most intelligent, not the most psychotik, or the man with the most money or guns, both of which you made for yourself, but evolution, whether you like it or not... i guess i should say, whether your god tells you to deny it or not, does exist, and has been around for eternity. and your days are numbered, no matter how you look at it. so run in fear, you little cockroaches, run in fear, sell us fear and excuses, and try to survive in any way you can. freedom does not have limits. fear, on the other hand, does. one of those hands is getting cut off. like in the old days, when you steal, they cut off your hand. correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe that was you. well, we may be stealing muzik that should be free anyway, but you're trying to steal our freedoms that you don't have the power to steal, no matter how delusional you are. so say goodbye to those hands. and your head, while we're at it. we outnumber you. it's only a matter of time. toodles.

update: you're going to love this. this socalled 'freethinker' whose poll i commented on, replied to my comment saying 'freedom does not have limits'. he said 'freedom to kill, freedom to be killed, there must be limits somewhere'. so i replied, 'wouldn't that contradict with 'freedom to live'? freedom to kill is not a freedom, neither is freedom to be killed. we need to step out of this psychotik and homicidal nightmare, and learn to evolve in harmony. that is a freedom'. people have phuked up understandings of 'intelligence' and 'freedom' and other words that should mean what they say. only a psychotik and illogikal mind in this world would think that murder is a freedom. those are the people that think anarchy won't work. if there weren't governmental order, people would just go nuts, and would be complete chaos. no, the idiots would all kill eachother, and we would live in peace, because we're smart, thinkers, and know how to hide until the 'chaos' stops. does no one know this. it's called logik. 'if we didn't have a government, people would just go nuts', yeah, and you're one of them. look around you. the world is already chaotik enuph, the government commits mass genocide everyday, and we let them get away with it. that's 'freedom to kill'. if we had real freedom, and no governmental limits, i'm sure we'd do just fine. what reason would we have to kill eachother. think about it. please. do us a favour, and think. the government is the enemy, not us. do i really have to do the world's thinking, is that my responsibility. even these people who are 'fighting for freedom', don't even really know what freedom is. they think it's the freedom to check their email. that's what they're fighting for. whatever the government tells or sells you as 'freedom' is not freedom. if it has a price tag with blood on it, then it's not free. the definition should be freed. freedom... does not have limits. even if we do. if we let you out of the cage, and your first instinct is to kill someone, instead of running free and enjoying freedom, then you're the problem. there are, believe it or not, some of us who would not kill anyone, but instead run free, and enjoy freedom. not all of us are psychotik and stupid. some of us are fighting for true freedom. the fact that i have to clarify and say 'true freedom' instead of just 'freedom' means that something is wrong. maybe, before we let you out of this cage, we can give you a dictionary. if you tear it up and try to eat it, we know not to open that particular cage. if you read it, and learn the true definition of 'freedom', and appreciate it, then your cage gets opened. how's that, is that the deal we can make. it's called logik. religious people think logik and thinking are bad things. religious people are responsible for more deaths than any thinker. religious people are holding us prisoner. hence the whole 'freedom' idea. come on, do i really have to teach this class of elementary students and buttmonkeys, or can we get to more important subjects already. can we all understand the real meanings of the words i'm using. 'evolution' is not the name of a cellphone, or a videogame. 'freedom' is not something you can buy in a store, or something you have to fight for. 'freedom' does not have limits. look it up. if you put a chain around 'freedom', then it's not free, is it. if you put limits on freedom, it's not freedom. freedom doesn't have the same limits that your mind does. well, class, i think we've learned our lesson today, about how and why 'only the strong survive'. actually, i'm going to clarify that line, and i'm going to say 'only the smart survive' or 'only the sane survive'. fearless, limitless.

only the evolved survive.

and, once again, i was met with nuthing but blank stares...

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