Saturday, January 28, 2012

bob saget's wild porno bloopers

i had a dream that i was watching some porno video, that was a combination of extremely risky and daring publik things, and bloopers of publik things gone wrong. and it was set to the muzik of enya. like this one guy, was standing up against a wall, next to an old lady, who was apparently waiting for a cab or something, and he's standing there just yanking his doodle, and she doesn't even notice, and just keeps talking to him. she doesn't notice till just before she sees his manjuice shooting out of his dangle, and she almost has a heartattack, but she looks a bit turned on. this video was phuking hilarious, and apparently, other people in this weird apartment building i was in, were watching it, too. this building looked like it was still being built, and under cunstruction, and everything was still bare wood (pun intended), and no actual walls, just the wooden beams everywhere, but people were sitting in rooms watching their tvs and eating pulled pork pizzas, and laffing at this really long video full of clips of publik scenes of all kinds, and riddled with bloopers of all kinds. if that 'phunniest home videos' show was a little more openminded, this would've been the prize winner. hell, they did have bob saget on their show, and he's a filthy mutherphuker. he's also quite an idiot, which is probly why he was perfect for their show. anyone who's dumb enuph to do that show, is dumb enuph to do anything, so i'm sure we could get him to host this erotik comedy special. in the dream, it phelt like this video was a full length movie, about two hours long, cause i kept seeing new things while i was walking around doing whatever the hell else. at one point, it looked like i was helping to build the building. that's a phunny term, isn't it. shows a lack of creativity for whoever came up with those words. build the building. yeah. or 'i'm building a building'. you sure are. who's the big building builder. yes, you are, aren't you. look at those cute little cheeks, now go play with your little hammer. yeah. he left his thinking cap on too long.

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