there was a post in a goth group that got me ranting. usually i never respond to any of these, because i pheel that my words wouldn't be appreciated there. simple people don't like verbal weirdos infiltrating their niches. not to say that goths are simple people, just most of the posts i've seen in this group, people seem simple, and spelling seems unimportant. i try to be helpful, and they end up making me pheel like an asshole. but i read this one, and of course had something to say. i wrote this the other day, and phigured it was way too long and way too lame to post. but i decided to post it anyway. so now i'm posting it here, since this is my place to talk, because no one will bitch... because no one reads this. anonymity is a good thing. it was supposed to be just a short comment, but turned into this whole long thing. so here's the guy's post first:
Hey everyone, I'd like to talk about bullying toward gothic people. I remember when i was at high school, i had a lot of problems because i was dressed unlike "the fashion", then some people gave me the reputation of a gay/nazi/anarchist... cleaver isn't it? i'm all and the contrary lol. But i really didn't care about that because i played with that, i played with stereotypes, i mean, some people tried to bullyied me, and i answered like somebody really crazy (like if i was posseded by a demon) and i scared a lot of bitches... Until the day a guy wanted to fight with me, i kicked his ass, then nobody tried to fight against me anymore i was just "racist" because the who wanted to fight with me was mixed colored and looked like a "pakistani", so it was me the racist... But i was pretty happy because nobody wanted to touch me again. But what about you? did you have some bad experience at school, or in the street? I remember when i was a student i had another problems with "gangsta" they fought against me only because i wasn't look like "i should be" for them i was disrespectul with their religion... so we fought, and fortunatly i can defend myself. But i remember a girl in paris was unable to defend herself and have been raped just because she was goth... obviously the police did nothing... it's at the limit if police said "done well for you!" so if you have some bad experiences, share it, we'll be happy to help you as well as we can :)
and now my comment:
i find, the best way to defend yourself is not with weapons and punching, but with words. sounds stupid, but if you can outthink them, and make them pheel like a real phuking retard... you win. it's not that hard to do, they are actually retarded. i'm a writer. and a pretty good one. over the years, i've found that i'm really good with words. no one else thinks they can use words, because they never try, they don't know the right things to say, they don't think on a higher level. knowledge can kick anyone's ass. leave them speechless. don't let them get a word in, just keep cutting them down, threats are also good, but the good kind, like 'you see that teacher back there, i think she would see this, and i'm sure your parents would like to know what an asshole you are'. educate yourself, so you can be mercilessly brutal.
i'll give you an example, that, if you're smart, you can translate into your own experience. say i'm doing an interview on some idiot religious news show, and they try the old 'ambush' technique. instead of getting all flustered, which is what they want, therefore they win, instead, say something like, 'oh, oh, i get it, this is your attempt at an ambush, how's that working out for you. i see we haven't gotten past that one yet. yeah, go ahead, tear me to shreds with your words like i've done to you. show me your mind can handle this. show me your mind can battle mine. show me your mind'. they don't know what the phuk to say after that, and the interview's over. you just interviewed them on their own show, made them pheel like an asshole infront of their own audience. they won't phuk with you again. take them down before they have a chance to get a word out. unless they hire an assassin, which they've been known to do, in which case, you're screwed.
don't phuk with psychotik religious people, unless you have no fear. not even fear of dying. that means educate yourself with knowledge of the afterlife. and never believe the first lie you hear. any knowledge can be a tool. and there's plenty of knowledge out there, i'm not talking about reality tv. i'm talking about, read the wikipedia pages on reincarnation, or the cerebrum, or prophecies, or different kinds of doctorates. make yourself a scholar, and in today's information age, you can do that for free, no cost. become a wikipedia addict. i read very little compared to some people, but you'd be amazed at how much knowledge i take in. if you can translate right, you can even learn from watching reality tv. which i don't, but just to make a point. i don't watch tv. i haven't seen a commercial in several months. and i pheel so much better. if you watch youtube videos, just watch the right ones. do searches for 'bigthink', or 'terence mckenna', or 'alex jones', or anything else of that nature. smart stuff. trade entertainment for education. you'd be surprised. train yourself. start writing. and i'm not talking about emails. post a blog. and not the kind that's just a bunch of pictures. rant about how shytty your day was, and how stupid traffik was, and how people can't drive, and you had to survive. get your pheelings out, exercise your words, 'work out' the muscle that matters. sharpen your tongue. make your physikal defense a backup plan. if you punch them and knock them down, they'll eventually come back for you. if you make them pheel like a moron, they're alot more likely to stay away. if they phigure out that, to kick your ass, they have to outthink you, they'll stay home and read wikipedia. and hey, you just spread education like a virus. when we all get smarter, and evolve, we'll realize that violence is no longer necessary. the bully caveman's days are numbered. be the smart guy that cuts a few days off. and there's a huge difference between a smart man, and a thinker. if you aren't intuitive and don't think about things, being a smart man will only get you so far. a smart man can get a good job, but a thinker can realize that 'working for the man' is pointless, and can do more important shyt with their time. getting a job won't help you save the world. working for 'the man' won't help you evolve. being asshole's slave won't get you to the top of the ladder. no matter what lies they sell you. they say 'if you work for me long enuph, you'll work your way up'. bullshyt. ask around, and find out how many people that's happened to. and then try to phigure out if they were a smart man, or a thinker. thinkers may die young, but they live in history alot longer. everyone knows who einstein is. no one knows who your boss is. or who his 'hardworking' father was. there's two ways to make a name for yourself. 'get your hands dirty' as the smart man says, or 'think' as the thinker says. people will always lie to you as to which is easier. always find out the truth for yourself. you'll get knowhere believing everyone else's lies. because after all the knowledge we've learned since our caveman days, it's either to trust the bully with the gun, or believe what everone else tells you. well, truth is, no one knows shyt. the more thinking you do, the more truth you learn. and then you're armed with a weapon know won can match.
i live in the desert, and i wear a trenchcoat all year round. you know why no one phuks with me, they can see my Th3rd 3ye. they say 'aren't you hot', i say 'nope'. they say 'are you cold', i say 'nope'. and i walk away. leave them wondering. they'll be too busy wondering who the phuk you are, to come and try to punch you. i've learned alot of things in my life. one of those things, is that stupid people run from heavy words. they panik. they don't know what to do. those news programs think they can kick your ass with a prewritten set of words that they've used many times before. if you can think on your feet, be spontaneous and unpredictable, and outthink them, and if you give them an answer they weren't expecting, you abruptly cut off their speech and leave them stammering, stuttering, mumbling, babbling, and drooling. you just punched their weak brain with a dose of 'phuk you'. you taught them a lesson, 'don't phuk with someone you can't outthink, your prewritten, predictable words won't work on me'. if someone gives you shyt about being goth, you give them shyt about being 'normal', or thinking that 'normal' is the only way to be. they have no personality, they can't choose who they really want to be, or how they really want to dress, they're too scared of being different, but you have the balls to embrace your uniqueness, and they don't. you know who you really are, and they don't. you know that people who are 'normal' are in denial, and delusional, because they think there actually is such a thing as 'normal'. they're blind, look around you, there is no 'normal'. those of you who try so hard to be 'normal', are putting too much effort into something that doesn't even exist, instead of putting enuph effort into being who you really want to be. you deny your true self, maybe because you don't have a 'true self'. the difference between you and them, is that you are already smarter than they are, because you know who you are. and that's a valuable and useful piece of information to have these days. if all they can do is what everyone else is doing, then they're nuthing more than clones. if you're 'impressionable', then any idiot in the world can make an 'impression' on you. but, if you impress yourself, then you're well defined, and no idiot in the world can touch you. you've just had your first lesson in being a real badass. they may have sticks and stones, but... whoever said 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me'... obviously never met me. for me, the opposite is true. sticks and stones can't hurt me, because i'm armed and armoured with knowledge. if you're good enuph, you can make them pheel like a moron and regret throwing that rock, before it even hits you. making them pheel stupid can do much more damage than anything they've got. even permanent damage. when i was in elementary skool, some idiot wanted to fight me, and just being naïve and thinking of the first stupid thing that came to my mind, to try and get out of it, i said 'ok, but i won't fight you with fists, let's make it a fight of minds'. he was dumb enuph to say 'ok', so we agreed to meet in the park on the weekend. by the way, that's the dumbest move any bully can make, and if that's the best thing they can think of, it shows you just how dumb they are, and how easy to beat they are. anyway, this idiot went to the park, and waited. and waited. he came to skool on monday, and by then his anger was gone, and he probly even forgot why he was angry, but he said 'you never showed up, i sat there waiting all day'. well, he just wasted his weekend, and he ended up never hitting me. looks like i won that 'battle of the brains'. and i didn't even know what i was doing, i was just improvising. he didn't even get it. but i sure learned from it. i phigured out i had something they didn't have. something that was much better than anything they did have. and that's a good piece of knowledge to have.
by the way, if they do end up kicking your ass, you still pheel better than them, because you just phigured out how much of a retard they really are, and you get to go home and tell one hell of a story to your family and friends. then, that guy wonders why these strange people are laffing at him the next day. he pheels like a real asshole. and i'd bet you that he pheels worse than he made you pheel. bruises will hurt for a little while, but wounded pheelings can potentially last a lifetime. especially in stupid panicky idiots who don't know any better. if you put them in therapy for the rest of their life, you win. i wonder if this whole thing is dumb enuph to post. dumb as a blog post. you can be a tool, or you can use a tool. my tool is bigger.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
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