Saturday, May 26, 2012


in xmen first class, shaw said 'if you are not with us, then, by definition, you are against us'. which is basikally what the government said. it's this smallmindedness and closedmindedness that puts us peaceful people in danger. those who don't choose a side, or are by themselves. forcing us to choose one of only two evil sides only worsens things. the lesser of two evils is a dumb perception to have. 'if you are not with us, then, by definition, you are against us'. by definition? who's definition? someone who doesn't know the real definition? someone who's mind is limited by one side or the other. someone's who's eternally blind to a third option. well, phuk that. i'm redefining it. there are more options than 'us and them'. because 'us' is the evil liars, and 'them' are the idiots who go along with the scam. don't pick either one of their 'sides'. choose your own side. make your own option. don't do what they tell you, do whatever the phuk you want. don't believe what they want you to believe, because it's all a lie. 'with us or against us'. if those are the only two options of how they want to perceive you, that's their problem, not yours. choose your own side. be yourself, make your own choices, on evolution's side. because the winds of evolution are about to blow them all over. you can be blown down with them, or you can stand on your own, and maybe, keep standing. it's up to you. not them. don't let them force you to be against yourself. don't give them the pleasure of picking from their left or right hand.

be the third option.

(boy/girl. black/white. right/wrong. phuk that. i am the third option).

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