Sunday, May 13, 2012

more on movie greed

i just realized another thing about the downloading greed conspiracy. i watched a movie on netflix a few weeks ago, called kisses and caroms. it was made by just a few people, with a cheap camera. but it's on netflix, and you can watch it. you have to realize, they put their movie on there. they probly think it's cool that their movie is on there, cause it was a huge achievement for them, and they're proud of it. i bet you they say 'man, it's so awesome our movie is on netflix'. it's an accomplishment, even though the movie wasn't that great, it was a b movie, their budget was probly about fifty bucks. twenty for the pizza, thirty for the camera, action!. meanwhile, movies i really want to see, i have to waste a dvd trip on, and wait days and weeks and months to see certain movies, the better movies. why is that. because the makers of the better movies, the big movies, the blockbusters, are greedy, and want more money. they want you to buy their shyt, not just pay a couple bucks to see it and decide you don't like it and don't want to buy it. most of the movies on netflix streaming, are lame two star b movies. why do you think that is. the makers of the b movies just want you to see their movies. the makers of the blockbusters want more millions. by the way, why don't we call blockbusters 'a' movies, maybe because 'blockbuster' starts with a 'b'? and the movies now adays suck anyway. you see the preview and think it will rock, and then you see it, and it's nuthing like the preview, it sucks, and you wasted that money. if you make a good movie, i will buy it. if the movie sucks, i don't want to waste my money. but these greedy idiots just want more money. if they can charge you two bucks to see a streaming movie, or twenty bucks for the bluray, what option do you think they'll leave you with. that also tells you that they aren't proud of their cheap plastik piece of shyt creations. heavy on the billion dollar effects, but light on story and meaning. it's gone from powerful stories that we purchase, to mindless entertainment we're forced to purchase. have you seen the prices in movie theaters lately. you could easily pay fifty bucks for a movie these days. what the phuk could possibly justify that. maybe if neo grew a third eye and wings, advocated ayahuasca, and had children with trinity who were the next stage of human evolution, instead of compromising for a weaker story, and dying at the end. that's not a story we want to pay to see. if you want our money so bad, make something worth paying for. and why would we pay fifty bucks to see the movie in the theater with a bucket of cheap crappy popcorn, to only see it once, or just twenty to buy the dvd and watch it forever, your price scale was made by someone who failed math and should go back to skool, because all that does is tells us how greedy you are, so you should go back to skool, too. if you have millions and we have nuthing, how do you expect us to buy your shyt. if you want more money, give us some incentive. we're willing to give you every last dollar we have just for a good story, but even if you had every dollar in the world, it still wouldn't be enuph, but you're doing nuthing to earn it, so why should we pay you. why are you so goddamned greedy. the greedier you get, the less you do to earn it. we aren't paying you for that. netflix and the movie industry needs to put their movies on the streaming thing so we can watch them when we want, they need to make movies they can be proud of, so we have a reason to buy them, but we aren't going to buy them if we can't see them first, when we want. incentive. that's the word of the year, against all these greedy bastards in charge of the whole phuking show. when we make a movie, even if it sucks, we're proud of it, enuph to put it on netflix. you had an idea to create convenience, and you don't take it as far as it could or should go, that's your fault. don't bitch at us because you aren't making enuph money, there's a reason we're not paying you, and it's not our fault because we're downloading, it's because you're making crap that's not worth spending our little bits of money on, so stop blaming us for your phukup. or we just might end up owning the industry, and firing all of you. we already own you, cause you depend on us to make your crappy cheap irrelevant low intellectual quality movies, if we stop paying you, you disappear. and we're still here. you lose your job, and we're actually able to pay our rent. that's how greed works for us. these greedy movie people are morons.

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