Monday, May 09, 2016

monday's misery

i've got three things i could do today.

a: panhandle with this sign:

i'm just a product you'd never buy...
you're just a product i'd never buy...
so where do we unite?

b: go to seattle indian center and get my head and body right, talk to darren.


c: disappear and be left the fuck alone and not have to deal with people.

it's a choice i don't even want to make.
my head is so fucked, i'd rather just die.
i'd rather not exist today.

if people are going to suck that badly...

i'd rather die. today. monday, may ninth, twenty sixteen.

my mother died may thirtyfirst, one year after i left town. it only seems right.

i miss you, mom. you were right. they all learn the hard way.

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