Friday, May 27, 2016

windows ten

well, i guess... nothing's ever going to work on this buttfucking computer anymore. windows has taken just about everything from me that i used to enjoy on a computer. the more things i try to do, the less they work. just trying to drag the mail icon from the system tray to the 'hidden' system tray, and that used to work up until a few weeks ago, now i can't drag the icon anymore, it won't bring up the hidden menu box, and i can't change the icon showing up anymore. when is this going to end.

i'm so sick of windows telling me what i can and cannot do on my own fucking computer. fuck you, microsoft, fuck you bill gates, fuck you satya nadela, however the fuck you spell it. fuck all of you, what gives you the right to tell people what they can and cannot do on their own desktops, what makes you think you own everyone's desktop. the more things i use, the more you take away. and i've noticed over so many years, if there's an option i'll start using, it's gone within a couple months.

for example. i got so sick of windows phone, so i finally switched to android, and i'm glad i did. on the android screen on my phone, where you have your home screen, and no one else knows this, but you can add other screens to your home screen, so you can scroll over, hiding icons and having a much cleaner desktop, no clutter, maybe some widgets to make it look nice. first of all, i'll dare you to find anyone else who knows that, or even uses that feature on their phones. secondly, i figured out about a month ago, that you could have up to seven pages on the home screen. more space joy! so i put my calendar on page six, and some writing links on the last page, so i could scroll over there and click the voice recorder button, or the typing button, depending on what i wanted to record and how quick (since texting is for thumbless martians). well, recently, android updated itself on my phone, and after the software update, guess what feature was removed. the one i used. so now i'm back down to five pages on the home screen, and only got to enjoy seven of them for a month or so.

so thank you, software corporations, for constantly removing features i use with your 'updates'.

from what i've always thought, is that, if a computer were built the way it should be built, then whenever you get an update, it would ADD features, not REMOVE them. they feed us all sorts of excuses, like 'security risks', or 'stupid people can't use it' (however you translate that).

it is for this reason, and it's a massive reason to me, that i cannot wait, i cannot fucking wait, to design my ozztek computer. the way a computer should be designed. so that the user has full control over their entire desktop environment, and your desktop never says 'you can't do that'. because my first question is always 'why the fuck not'. if i want my icon up on the top fucking corner, who the fuck are you to tell me i can't put it there, what the fuck is it hurting you if my icon is not where it is on your desktop, why the fuck should it hurt your brain, if my icon is any different from yours. i have yet to get a mature response to that question. they can afford to not give a fuck. and that makes me sick.

i'm poor, flat fuckin' broke, homeless... and i can still afford to give a fuck where you can't?

are you fucking serious?

i'm sorry. i'm sorry if giving a fuck about people and what they want on their desktop in higher quality with less limitations and restrictions makes me a piece of shit compared to you, or makes me your enemy in the 'business' side of things, but i refuse to be a prisoner to your choiceless life, your self restricted joy, i don't know what the fuck is wrong with you, but i cannot wait to get out from under the disturbing weight of your ignorance and domination, you making choices for me because you assume i'm too dumb to make them myself, which puts you in charge of a billion dollar company, where you do nothing but dictate people's lives, and get off on it, and get away with it, and i refuse to find anything to excuse you, because that's your job.

when will i be able to design a computer the way it was meant to be made?
when can i finally have control over my own desktop?
when can i take some of those billions from you, and feed the homeless with it?
when can i invent portable electronic housing to give away to the homeless for free?
to show that a billion dollar company CAN do that, and how you refuse.
where you have all failed, i will succeed, because someone has to show you what losers you are.

the more control you have over things... the less you know about what it means to be human.

we're on this earth. we're all leaving it one way or another.

but you have to have control, which shows your paranoia in a sickening light.

how unaware are you? really? how oblivious? can i gauge it? can i measure it?

didn't the gathering have an album called 'how to measure a planet'? or something like that? i'll bet you fifty bucks right now, no one in this town knows that album exists.

this is too sad.
too hopeless.
and i can't kill myself...
because i'd be betraying my hope.

you can fight for your freedoms...
you can die for your country...
i wish i could kill myself...
i wish i could end this nightmare...
unfortunately, i've got something to live for...
being better than you.

you think yourselves better than me based on wallet size.
when wallets are no longer necessary...
i can prove you wrong on a clean slate.

and i can't wait.

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