Saturday, February 15, 2014

an alternate ending

i so can't wait to say goodbye and mean it. to leave you all alone in this darkness. i know i'm going to have to save my own life this time, i'm just not so sure i want to. stick around and help the people who couldn't save my life, when they won't even thank me till a hundred years after i die anyway. what's the point. my heart's already broken, my life's already over, you can't do much after you lose your soulmate... except try to get her back, or save the world just to make her smile again. the only way it would be worth it, is if she at least smiled in my direction again. at this point, living in this town full of thieves, i wouldn't do it for anything else. no other reason. her smile is the only payment i would want. i never meant to hurt her. i'd do anything to make up for it. she was my angel. what kind of idiot would hurt their angel.

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