Saturday, February 15, 2014

birdbrained worldsaver

i slept thru valentine's day. i guess that's a good thing. this world needs a therapist and a mediator at the very least. i've realized, i'm never going to be able to change this world into a more logical home of happiness. a more loving and caring species. if i tried to say that it was to make us all happy, they'd just want to start an argument by saying 'no, it's only to make you happy, we're not happy, we were happy with our lost dvds and our media penicillin'. there are too many assholes here, with too many erroneous fucking opinions that are so fucking important to them, they're willing to die for their opinions, instead of living to save their opinions, but at this point, all of our opinions should be scrapped, and we should take a wider look at our world, and you've all already more than proven that you refuse to listen to me no matter what the fuck it could bring. i see where everything goes wrong, and how to fix it with logic, but what i'm seeing is a delusion, and you're sane because you're the one telling me so. great explanation. that clarifies everything, makes this world transparent like it should be, doesn't it. you let me get half an explanation out, and you interrupt me with some stupid shyt like 'you little crybaby', instead of anything productive. fuck you all. i so want to fucking exit this stupid childish irresponsible selfish spoiled whiny world. all relationships are ruined by a lack of responsible communication. i can see it. why the fuck can't any of you agree. are you not adult enuph to want to save your world, or save your own lives logically. and i'm the one who is suicidal. what a joke. the only way to achieve anything in this world is to 'fight for it' or 'die for it'. we need to shoot holes in our vocabulary and create a new language that doesn't support the 'life or death choices' we have to make on a daily basis because of a monetary system we have so much faith in after all these repetitive cycles and bloody earth. this is the world i want to see only existing in movies. the world where military generals say shyt like 'spilling blood on american soil' and all that crap. keep that fiction to the big screen, and let's make a real fucking world. your answer: no. my retort: i'm outta here.

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