Sunday, February 09, 2014

fragments of heart

i wake up on a wet pillow every morning. i can't watch a movie without crying. every time i see the girl in the romantic comedy look at the guy with those eyes, i feel like i'm having a heart attack. i wish to god she would just say yes to me, just one more time. i have to see that smile, it keeps me alive and breathing. my stomach feels completely empty. it's so easy to just sit on a cock, why don't women do it more often, it's so easy and fun and feels good, why are we so scared, just sit on it. why are we so afraid of eachother. if we fucked our women more often, they would smile more often. fuck your ladies as they're handing food out the drive thru window, so they smile more. you'll sell more food, trust me.

since she's gone, and i have no one to touch me anymore, probly ever again thanks to her. she does permanently own my heart. since she's gone, i'm just going to start typing up my fantasies again, like i used to. i've always wanted to be touched. i've always wanted to just be fucking touched. that's it. is that so much to ask. and i am fascinated by attractive women, i just have this extreme urge to touch them, and have them touch me. it's not about fucking for me, it's about touch. caress. care. i love to touch. it's sensual. pleasant. peaceful. nonviolent, nonthreatening, nonhurtful. what is so wrong with people, i just want to touch, and they all look like they feel like they're gonna be raped or something, like i'm such a creep, they don't want to touch me. i fucking hate you cold people, you cold fearful people that don't know love. i hate you people. i'm doomed to live a life alone, i just know it. i can't get my heart back, she's gone. i wish i could send her some concert tickets at least, just so she can still get to see a show. there was so much i wanted to do for her. my heart hurts.

i would die for some girl to love me so much, love me enuph to touch me often enuph. i would die to have a girl, when she's naked in the bathroom, flossing her teeth, and i walk in there, and she grabs my cock, and says 'my man with his big meaty cock'. i love when women touch cock, and talk about cock, it's sexy.

it's fucking hot. girls get to choose their guys, but they aren't choosing enuph guys, and they're choosing all the wrong guys, and if we actually made it to where women had to choose evenly, and give love to men evenly, i would still be sitting ignored in the corner of the room. my heart hurts. they're going to kick me out of this house any minute now, i can feel it. hateful fuckers. i want to fuck her in the ass again, because with any other girl, it's cool enuph, but with her, poking her in the tush was just fucking...

spectacular. she was amazing. perfect. i love her. my heart hurts. especially attractive women. the more beautiful you are, the more beautiful it is when you talk about cock with that beautiful mouth, or putting it in your mouth, it just looks like art, it's beautiful. my eyes could look at that for my entire life and never get tired of it, women are just so fucking beautiful, and i'm massively, immensely fascinated by them. the more beautiful they are, the more intrigued i am, the more obsessed i get, daydreaming of just touching that ass, pulling her up close to me, the less i know her, the hotter it is. some random girl, just pull her body up to mine. or reach down and touch her pussy lightly, and then lift her up by it. i loved doing that with perry, and i miss doing that with perry, and i can't wait to do it with other hot women, especially the ones i don't know yet. what a way to get to know a girl, impress the shyt out of her pussy first, make it wet with your manstrength, make her cum with your first touch. fuck what bobbi told me.

she said, when you're with a girl, if you make her cum the first time you're together, she'll stay with you. but if you make a girl cum by lifting her up by her pussy before you even meet her. if she's not expecting anything, any touch, any man to impress her right at that moment, and you walk up and surprise her like that. she'll marry you. you could ask her to marry you right there, infront of all those people in the middle of the meeting. and she would cry and giggle while screaming yes.

i want to create a group of anonymous friends who randomly encounter eachother in public, and just touch eachother, without having to know eachother or exchange numbers and crap first. people who just like to be touched by random people. i know people like that exist out there, cause i'm one of them. i would love to be spontaneously touched in public by a random stranger, a girl who i haven't met yet, and she just walks up and touches me. what would be so wrong with that. i would love that. i'm sure there are people who would do that. what if we identified ourselves by wearing a certain type of clothing, to pick eachother out of a crowd. what if, if we were safe to be touched, we all wore something green on our shirts, as like a green light for go, touch me. it would be kind of an irish day thing. like saint patrick's day or something, but all year long, some colour that's not already copyrighted by irish people or breast cancer people. wear a green ribbon on your shirt if you like to be randomly touched by strangers, and strangers will come up to you and touch you, and make you happy, and you can touch them. and it's only touching, no fucking, no sex, no violation, no violence, nuthing to fear, nuthing to be afraid of, no reason to fear eachother, we're humans, earthwalkers of level ground, and we all have skin, and it likes to be touched, so why not let people make you smile.

how come women look so beautiful with freckles, but men look like boys. i wanted to marry my lady. i wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. she's the only woman i ever would have married, because i loved her that much. i always will love her, and i miss her. my ex succeeded in breaking us up, but because i played into it, i let my trauma get to me, and i took it out on her, cause i had no one else to help me, and i fucking hate people, you all fucked us up. god, my heart hurts. i blame you all for this pain, caused to her and i both, and i will make it right someday, because i have to be her hero. i have to love her. i lost her. and it's my fault. you killed me with your perfectly planned game. but it's not over yet. i hurt so much. legalize love already! bittersweet smiles and empowering tears. i miss my baby.

and i don't know how you ladies pack those asses behind you. how do you carry those things around with you, without constantly touching them. it's an ass. the perfect shape for a hand. so are your tits. set them free. free yourselves. you women have asses. we don't need starbucks and reality shows, you have ass! we're fascinated by you ladies. stop saying no so much. say yes to life. say yes to saying yes. it feels better and makes you smile. why not. wear a green ribbon to let us know you still love us and we're not disgusting repulsive beasts. we're begging to come out of the jungle. let the young ladies welcome us into the meadow, we've got some smiles to make, it's a bright new day. say no to hate and fear. legalize love. these are strange times. could touching eachother be any stranger.

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