Tuesday, January 05, 2016


more fragment ideas for the religion. it's the obvious answer to religions. if everyone else can have these morbid religions, why can't i have one based on common sense, logic, love, and the search for truth. why can't a religion be designed the way one should be.

logic is our god. our direction is fearlessly forward. utopia is where we live, and what we build. unity is what we work to achieve.

whatever product, service, or talent you have, that you would like to sell... the price they have to pay for it, if they want it that bad... whether it's sex, music, weed, whatever... we don't take visa. we don't accept cash... they have to become an evolutionist. you can be standing on a street corner, some guy in a suit and tie drives up and asks how much... you cost... well, sir, you can fuck me, but i'm an evolutionist. if you really want to fuck me that bad, you have to become an evolutionist. what does that mean? means you have to leave your life behind, come with me to the land of logic, and never look back. he'll either drive away, or he'll be curious. if he's curious to make it through all the levels, he's an evolutionist. if he's scared to lose his bible, he goes back home with no pussy. well, depending on how you'd like to look at it. but the cost is not cash, it's a choice. you be a responsible human, or you stay in your little hole of fear and hatred forever. it's your choice. what else do you have for sale? i have this wonderful album i made, here's a free sample, listen to this. like it? wanna buy it? yeah, how much is it? you ever hear of evolution? thumbs, logic, and clues? being responsible for yourself? here, here's a pamphlet. save yourself from the lord! get a clue! sprout thumbs and logic glands! you're healed of delusion, my son! now you're a human! you've officially evolved from neanderthal, or homosapien, or whichever one was last. what was lucy? ever seen that movie?

a religion based on truth, or at least the search for. how could that be a bad thing. a religion based on nonviolence. peace, love, harmony, unity. actual forgiveness, acceptance, sympathy, compassion, not apathy, hatred, seclusion, fear, and the family mentality.

fuck marriage. fuck products. fuck monetary status. fuck societal socializing and everything to do with it. like paying upwards of a hundred bucks for a steak to eat with your wife among other quiet strangers. walking to starbucks every morning with your dog on a leash, leaving him outside, socially drinking coffee, smoking outside, even in the rain, going back in, using your thumb device on wifi. playing violent zombie videogames, and then walking out into the world like a brainless zombie fresh off the assembly line.

can i get all the people together, who hate videogames, rap music, religion, and bad drugs, please? can we all come together for a moment? those of us who like to think for ourselves? can we congregate?

i appreciate a good song. i appreciate a good movie. but i don't think entertainment is the final stage of human evolution. i think it's what's keeping us from evolving. from figuring out what else we can do in life.

i'm so sick of consumers, clones, credit cards, cops, concrete, plastic, products, pets on leashes, zombie videogames, drug addicts, and bibles being thrown in my face every day, fingers being poked into my chest every day, words being raped into my ear every day, especially the opinionated ones based on fear, tradition, superstition, paranoia. opinions. beliefs. paranoid people fearing eachother, and using a bible to bring them together, if they can do that, why can't i?

they flood their streets with drugs, then preach about jesus in the garden of temptation. lord save us from these heathens. they either convert you, or they hate you. they use a god in the sky as an excuse to act irresponsibly in this life, while saying otherwise, because they do not have a reason to act responsible for their own actions, but then they project that onto us, make us their scapegoat, blame us for that exact thing, calling us irresponsible for simply not believing what they believe. they take your money, and sell you their lie. an excuse to act like an asshole and hate eachother, even though they wear the same shaped jewelry. for two thousand years now. waiting for the sequel to their sad little movie about violence, abuse, torture, death, living in the past, holding regrets and grudges. it's been two thousand years. their god has never shown his face since the burning bush. delusions that can no longer be proven. from people they never knew and have no reason to trust other than blind ignorance and faith in tradition.

i say let's step away from talking about yesterday. fuck tradition, fuck superstition, fuck violence, fuck hatred, fuck fear.

let's stop having a reason to fear shit. let's stop having anything to fear. let's have no reason to fear anything. why be afraid of something. why be afraid of what you don't know. why not be curious. why not be fearless. why not charge into the future, knowing only forward, and not reverse. why not step out of the cave, finally, once and for all, and be brave. why the fuck not?

because there's a god in the sky that might punish you? yeah, i think we've figured that one out by now.
because there's a government telling you not to break a law that might threaten another human?

did they not read the 'nonviolent' clause?

also, my religion has what i like to call, the 'retroactive' clause. means whenever you finally, fully convert to evolutionism, anything that you claimed under your religion before that, even before the religion was created, is still valid. if you didn't want to pay for a coffee, and claimed it was because you're an evolutionist, it's in limbo until you fully convert.


okay. to convert, you have to go through certain stages, or levels. consider it a twelve step program cleansing the crap of the world from your soul. all the lies, all the untruths, the misinformation, the propaganda campaigns, advertisements and defining yourself through product choices and posting them on twitter. you'll be letting go of all that shit, in stages.

stage one, shedding beliefs. do not believe what anyone else says. ever. follow your own intuition. don't be stupid. stop having excuses to act stupid. be responsible for yourself. stop listening to the media. stop listening to popular music, stop watching cnn, let go of your bibles. let all that shit go. stop buying products to support companies that already have more money than you. stop using money. stop buying shit, especially lies. especially someone else's lies. at least be imaginative enough to think of your own, come up with something unique if you're going to be a retarded wacko. if you want to live in a world of delusion, that's your choice. but you won't pass step one.

stage two, embrace anonymity. no longer identify yourself. no longer carry a wallet, with an identification card, a credit card, no longer be 'on the grid' and 'videotaped by big brother' or 'uncle sam', or whichever catholic pervert is fucking you. no more hats, no more crosses, no more badges. the shedding of political opinions or direction. you become anarchist. your political view from now on, is none of the above. i do not choose what you choose, i do not choose what you give me to choose, your options suck, and i'm no less than you, i'm smart enough to create my own, you can't tell me what to do. i don't have to buy your god, i don't have to serve your prison sentence, i can be forgiven tomorrow in my religion. i do not have to work your jobs, buy your products, build and support your 'civilized society' system of control, you can't videotape me, you can't ask to identify me, because you can pretty much trust that i'm no criminal, i'm not the psychotic piece of shit out there causing problems like you're looking for. if you're an authority figure, or an asshole of any kind, you will not pass this level.

stage three, the shedding of addictions, and the embracing of the psychedelic mindset. not just addictions to drugs. television shows, products, videogames, popular music, the internet, social communication and small talk about the past. you lose all fears as well. all phobias. including gymnophobia and thanatophobia. you also loose the fear of self education, and you be a responsible adult, and look those up on wikipedia right the fuck right now. when something is said that you do not know, you educate yourself on it, as quickly as possible, you do not delay that. we embrace a community where we share joy, love, and happiness for free. we share knowledge and marijuana as a currency. which means a community of people who all know how to grow weed, build a house, and cook food, would be self sufficient, and responsible, and sane. any talents we have, we sell to the other people on this planet, and the price, like i said, is a choice. we won't take your dollar bills and credit cards. we take you. you come with us, or you stay behind. if you really want this cd that bad, if you really want her pussy that bad, if you really want my ozztek computer that bad... you'll come with us. you'll help build our community, and no longer build that old, decrepit system, built on a foundation of fear, blood, bones, and cash that means nothing to nature. we'll eventually have our own farms, everyone will know how to do everything, and it will be done by responsible people, there will be no need to bitch, command, control, punish, fight, argue, get violent, or cause harm to anyone. during this stage, you are required to have at least one ayahuasca trip, to cleanse yourself of addictions. stop using excuses to stay the same, and try to be someone different every day, because you're allowed to be someone different. every day. every morning when you wake up, you wake up with six points. food costs nothing, smoke costs nothing, bed costs nothing. if you help someone in any way, you earn another point. how you spend the points, is up to you, but when you go to sleep that night, they better be spent on something good for that day, because when you wake up the next morning, you start fresh with six points. no debts, no payments, no receipts, no punishments, no ripoffs, no excuses. if you do something wrong, all your points for the day are taken, you'll be humiliated in some way, but when you wake up the next morning, it won't be in a jail cell. you'll be forgiven, and given a chance to act better the very next day. that's what forgiveness should be. when christians talk about forgiveness, they actually mean reimbursement. what all they can reap before they die, believing that what they've sewn will never catch up with them, believing that there's a second chance to come clean in the afterlife because their god is forgiving only of them... wake the fuck up. they make excuses to suck all the best out of life for themselves, selfishly, their beliefs excuse their greed and hatred, and it's about time someone realizes it, if not them. they excuse their violence by telling you to buy products, spend more money. support and build their war machine, to pay for more excuses. not realizing the simple truths they have hidden from you through history. for example, if they go to war and kill someone... of course they can say whose fault it was, they're the ones still living. common sense. logic. taking the thought to its logical end, and not stopping half way out of fear. 'i don't know what's in the rest of that thought, it might be dangerous'. but fearlessly stepping into a war because your leaders tell you. dying for your country, fighting for your god, but having nothing to really live for. having so much to 'fight' for, to 'die' for, is not a healthy way to think. all it does is gives you a reason to hate someone, to fear someone, to hurt someone. you think they're legitimate reasons. nature sees them as excuses, as this organism on her skin simply doesn't realize it's here yet.

stage four. embracing evolution. as you have let go of god by now, and have no need for a more responsible creature to excuse your idiotic behaviour, you can now claim to be a responsible, thumbed creature of nature. as an evolutionist, you have ownership over marijuana. you can sell some to a nonevolutionist, if you want. but remember the price they pay for it. you are free to make movies, but they must be in the direction forward. about the future in some way. your beliefs are no longer beliefs, they are ideas based on science. common sense. logic. you can delve into the realm of imagination, but don't let it get delusional. keep a good understanding of psychology as you enter even your own mind. be a collector of perspectives, like i am. be able to see all of them, but choose your own, unique one. design your own, define your own, perfect your own, constantly evolve your own. you can base our future on imagination, dreams, intuition, inspiration, motivation, even fiction and fantasy, as much as you're daring enough to do, as far forward as you're brave enough to reach. do not order from the same menu in life. you aren't limited to choosing from 'cop, lawyer, or doctor' anymore. be whatever the fuck you want. we just don't want to see you dancing around like a retard in a dragon costume, telling us you're the reincarnation of king tut. you can be the reincarnation of anyone else, except jesus, king tut, l. ron hubbard, or joseph fuckin' smith, okay? if you're any of those fuckers, or even claiming to be, you'll be exiled from evolution permanently. you'll never be granted access into utopia again, but there's a volcano that way, just watch your step. if you see a bulldozer, that's just jed cleanin' up a bit.

stage five. surrendering of all personal opinions, and the beginning of your alignment with logic. whatever you think of yourself. whatever your taste in music. whatever your past that got you here was. leave it all behind. let go of it. all of it. every little bit of self. take peyote with a shaman. die. kill yourself. (this is where idiots are going to misunderstand this, and call it a cult, and this is our way of weeding out the lower intelligence quotients without having to whisper like we're around children. i believe a child can be raised better by a village than one idiotic drug addict parent wearing a cross around their neck and hanging themselves with needles and self loathing excuses. even mensa is based on exclusivity and elitism. not letting people in unless they can pay the price. they fuck people and take what's theirs anyway, and they don't think it's wrong, they blame us. does that sound like a responsible evolutionist? no, that sounds like tom cruise being a scientologist and not tipping his waiter. that's what that sounds like to an ear filled with logic goo. figure that, not having your head filled with bullshit beliefs, suffocating your every choice in life. they can say stupid shit like 'liberals are so open minded, their brains fall out', and get away with it, because we're not fighting back properly. we still assume we're under their umbrella of control, that we need their permission. did the homosapien ask permission to evolve from the neanderthal? no, the fuck it didn't. it used violence. how do we escape violence? with logic. the more fearlessly forward it stretches, the better a chance it has of getting out of this delusion while it's still walking this planet. in this level, you will be aware, that we, as a community, are basically starting over from around the nineteen hundreds, history wise. but we're counting from day one, but the linear time perspective is not important, as we strive to be happy in the moment, to live in the moment, not looking back, thinking forward, but living and enjoying life now. not fearing what's tomorrow, not regretting what's yesterday, not worrying about ten minutes from now, or two hours from now. once the community is at least functional on a communication level, we will start counting from day one. when we become a self sufficient community, no longer relying on any outside sources for survival, we can decide to stop counting, or to start over, or whatever we want, but it is no longer two thousand years since something notable happened. we are notable. we design our day. we no longer wait years for politicians to swim through excuses, trying to resist the dollar bills, lying to us about why it takes so long, because there's so many people involved in your choices. no, you make your choice now, or you're not an evolutionist. fuck procrastination. fuck saving up for a life you never get. fuck eating vegan and not smoking and driving a prius and buying starbucks because you're claiming to help the earth, when a: you couldn't give a shit about the earth or your health, and b: you throw your plastic coffee cup on the ground half way back to your house. if you have anything to lie about, or any reason to hide anything, you won't pass this step. if you have any reason to not like another evolutionist, you will not pass this step. if you still use the word trust, you will not pass this step. if you make excuses for your lack of dedication because of mental issues or trauma or damage, you will be given rigorous therapy before passing this step, as you should be healthy in the mind before even getting to step three. that means capable of making a responsible choice for yourself that other evolutionists would approve of, but we don't need to, because there's no reason to use the word trust anymore. we become a community, and you become part of the community at this stage.

that's all i have for now, i'll come back to this later and add more to it. your brain can't evolve much in a starbucks.

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