Friday, January 01, 2016

just another bad day

well, my new year is already off to a great fuckin' start. it's barely noon, and i've already had two violent encounters with black crackheads. not including christmas day. so, what, is this violent black crackhead... and... supersluts out the window day? so my mind is fucked. thinking about anything at this point is impossible. i'll spend the rest of the day spacing out on movies and sorting my music. i fucking hate people, i need to get away from them as soon as possible, and i still don't know anyone motivated enough to actually help. i'm hoping zach and holly so far, and i still need to email monique, but i tried googling her, and got lost immediately. i wish the cops hadn't stolen her card from me. pricks, pricks, and more pricks, everywhere i look, it's violent psychotic neanderthal prick with a badge or a stick day, hey, let's kill someone before the day's over, it's a great way to end the first day of the new year, with a dead man. that's how nigger brand beer does it

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