Sunday, January 06, 2019

how to navigate the multiverse

think of something you wanted to change about your youth, some choice that would have drastically improved your life. for me, i would run away from home when i was twenty or younger. so i would travel back in time and tell myself to run away from home and be homeless in seattle pursuing all my writing talents, start a band, tech company, religion, all my dreams, etc... and then go back to my origin time, and watch the change happen around me. if you go back and deliver yourself enough little messages to control the direction of your life through the multiverse, kinda like having your hand on the steering wheel for a moment, you can alter your position in the multiverse to a better universe where your life worked out the way you wanted it to. problem solved. but you can't go back in time and kill anyone or change anything for anyone else, you can only make ripples in your own life, if you change anyone else's, it might result in energy backlash taking you in a wrong direction, kinda like the wind blowing your boat around in the ocean, and ending up in the bermuda triangle, which could take you virtually anywhere else. toodles.

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