Sunday, January 06, 2019

that's refreshing

okay, time to make more out of this site than just a blog. i want to do two things today. put one post that explains it all, from evolutionism, to what i'm trying to accomplish, step by step. the other, i want to put some of my old poetry and images on here. liven it up a bit. but my neck is so fucking stiff, i can't even think this morning.
update: i can't. the wifi sucks too much.
since i can never say or do the right thing, i can never do what society wants, i can never please anyone, i can only be told how wrong i am...
i'm not even allowed to call the suicide hotline in los angeles anymore...
i'm sick of banging my head against an apathetic society.
if anyone wants to actually, seriously talk about evolution, you know where to find me.
till then, i'm just posting a bunch of poetry on here. since that's all people ever really care about as far as anything of mine goes. i'll spend a year appealing to, appeasing, and pleasing society, and see how far it gets me, just so i can use it as more ammunition against you and your american coma mentality that i couldn't prove wrong if i stole lucy.
i've removed everything else from this site. thank you for enjoying as much as you did.
every dream of mine is a shortlived nightmare, but i can't blame society for my problems.
whine, whine, whine...
when you're ready to understand me, you can fuckin' email me.
till then, enjoy poetry, prose, and anything but the real me.
am i allowed to feel ashamed yet, master?
update: june fourteen, twenty seventeen. spent most of may in jail. a week after i got out, half my shit got stolen. i fuckin' hate my life. i feel like i'm trying to sell myself on a street corner, and no one's interested in buying my ugly ass. why are people so cold and cruel. where the fuck are the warm people. the smart people. i feel like such an alien. after all the people i've given my site to, still no comments or anything. no one's interested. not a fucking person who has viewed this site has left a comment. same with my deviantart. no matter what site i'm on, no matter what morning i wake up, i have no messages. thanks, people. kickin' party you got here. havin' a blast. i can't stop wishing i was born in the year twenty three hundred.

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