Sunday, January 06, 2019

the big fuckin point

all i'm trying to say is this...
you women want equality?
step one: figure out what you're fighting for.
step two: we should trade pedestals. that's just my suggestion, hear me out.
men should get the fuck off the financial pedestal, you've been on it long enough, asshole, and you've created a homeless problem, get the fuck out of the white house, disable the rich... balance.
and women, you need to get the fuck off the 'sexual marketplace value' pedestal. you know what the fuck i'm talking about. but you're not really getting on the financial pedestal, don't get ahead of me.
once the cultural standards based on a rich/poor divide are gone...
just close your eyes and picture it for one minute...
once that's gone... stay with me... there is one pedestal left, isn't there?
sexual attractiveness. say it with me, come on. sexual attractiveness.
yeah, we want that. you've had it long enough. add up how many times you've been rejected, and we'll add up ours, and then figure out the squared equation, the fact that when you feel rejected, if you were in a room full of men, not all men in that room would be rejecting you, you're probably going for the best one, and ignoring the rest, who would happily spend the rest of their lives with you, any of you... whereas one man in a room full of women, how many women would you bet on rejecting that one man? i'll give you a hint; he's not wearing a suit and tie, he's a geek wearing a shirt that says 'the higgs boson gives me a hadron'. that's the choice you get, no more suits and ties. look around you, and look ahead.
you get off the sexual marketplace value pedestal, start being attracted to us, stop calling us disgusting and laughing at us and humiliating us and belittling us and dominating us with your attractiveness and your ability to say no... we reverse those roles, think up new ones, go a new direction, without the control of a monetary society, go forward together... we get to attract you now. you get to approach us, pursue us, we get to say yes or no to you, you get to pay for sex, and then once the 'cock carousel' disappears, we get a 'pussy carousel', and weed out the actual douchebags over a few generations, and boom, partytime.
am i wrong?
you gonna keep bitchin'?
treat the cock as the foundation of the house, and the vagina as the roof of the house that naturally goes over the foundation of the house.
"if you're not fucking her, you are her girlfriend" (rollo tomassi).

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