Sunday, January 06, 2019

new perspectives

when you become homeless, it's not just your home you lose. they don't just take your home from you, they can destroy the sanctity of your home, they can destroy you, your dignity. these people, who... they're just idiots. your average, television watching, product buying, uneducated idiots. you can identify them by whatever product choice they talk about the most. football, wrestling, trucks, whatever advertised thing they buy into. but they have no real education, yet when you ask them for help (because they won't charge for it, and you can't pay anyone else for actual help), they claim the responsibility to help you, then they fantastically fail, and it's all your fault because you asked an idiot, so how could they, why should they claim any accountability for that. your television gets stolen, your computer gets stolen, and what can you do about it? what does anyone do about it? get a new television? bitch about it on twitter and look like a pussy? when they take thing after thing after thing until you're left with nothing, who can you tell, what can you do, where can you go? when they come in and tell you to leave your home, because they have authority, because you didn't pay whatever price, whine, whine, whine... how would you feel? who would you tell? what would you do? where would you go? if you just lost everyone you gave a fuck about... everyone who gave a fuck about you... what would you do. left alone in this world with nothing. no proof of who you are, no legitimate skills or talents, no phone numbers, no education, disconnected from society, and unrecognizable. what would you do. and the amazing truth of it is, this needs to happen to all product buying idiots, so that they too can figure out what life is about on this planet. so they can see that pyramid scheme for what it truly is. a pyramid. in the sky. raining products out of it on fishhooks. little bloody chunks of soul going back up. signatures. paper, plastic, credit, cash, clones, and concrete. assembly lines, factory fog, mass produced, shipped and labeled, defined, assimilated, all put into your place in that pyramid by price brackets. layers and levels of control, secrecy, withholding of knowledge, ownership of ideas, obedience, dominance, and the unknowing acceptance of the fact that the people above you don't want you to truly figure out that there's people above you. no matter how much of a metaphor you think it is, there's still something you're not seeing. and losing a house will do that to you. trauma will open a perception, a perspective, just as well as the psychedelics that you deny exist on this planet for a reason, so yeah, i can see how that would be hard for you to figure out. if that's obvious to me, and not you, could i get a psychiatrist infront of a judge please, and get either of them to say that there is obviously one side here that's not being understood by the other side, cause i could use that to create my own religion, community, government, nonmonetary system, and get the fuck away from you morbid, twisted fucks once and for all. get far away from that television god of yours. you don't see it because you have a home. i see it because i do not have a home. i see you buying products and smiling and affording to ignore me. when you can no longer afford to ignore the truth, it will hit you just as hard. you need to understand that. what i see is the cycle between the products that you call 'god', 'television', and 'money'. they tell you there's a separation between church and state, so how come religions are tax exempt? the less you question, the more they get away with. how come they seem to own the economy, the federal reserve, money itself, how come they tell you to say fifty hail marys when you get something for free, how come they're the ones. do you never ask yourself? do you seriously not have that curiosity inside you? how the fuck do you think a pyramid stands? do i have to explain it to you? they taught this shit in elementary physics when the pyramids were the cool hang out spot. do you truly not know where you've come from? do you really not care? you're a human, but whatever that human shit is, fuck it, i'd rather work at a starbucks and misspell everything and talk like i'm fragile and clueless. dude, you're stumbling over all the history we're diggin' through, asshole. no wonder we found lucy before some idiot turned her into dust. is this what we're so proud of? letting people live on the streets because we can legally use the excuse that we don't know them? fuck that, they're a human with two legs, it doesn't matter if your identification verification system matches theirs identically, pick them the fuck up like a human would do. when someone gets in a car accident, we help them. when an ant loses a leg, the other ants carry him back to their home. but when a human becomes homeless, you see other humans buying more products, and we see you all turn your heads and close your doors, and it's a truly horrific experience that you're oblivious to, and you can claim no responsibility or accountability, and we can't blame you, so how does society as a whole take accountability for the destruction of lives by random idiots? if that issue cannot be addressed in some form of government, and actually responsibly dealt with, find a solution for it that actually works quickly and permanently, make a minimal living law, or something, do something that says 'i'm an adult human on this planet and i didn't let one person suffer ever again'. that's bravery, that's balls, that's outdoing fuckin' robin hood. is it illegal to be a legend? cause those two words have three of the same letters, is that a coincidence? am i losing you? getting too cryptic on you? did you lose your sense of humour a few sentences back? what did you miss? i'm homeless and i see something you don't. i see you. nothing but you. i see chaos, drugs, madness, but i do not see money. can't afford to consider my perspective? then how does humanity unite against shit like this? to prevent suffering? if you don't want to, or legally can't for whatever excuse... seems to me like you're on the wrong side. we should all be brave enough to pick a side right now. either help humanity, or help yourself. the helpyourselves won't make it much further, and the helphumanities will become the new currency. people. not money. people. picture a river flowing. when you make twenty bucks, you have to give that twenty bucks away for something you want. some people just want the money, and not what it buys. i wonder. and some people have way too much, and i wonder what they buy. or who. i wonder things you do not. does that mean i'm less valuable than you? does that mean i should be your enemy? you answer those questions, not me. see, picking a side means you're declaring in a united voice, 'hey, we don't procrastinate!'. is that a bad thing? this is a big planet, there are plenty of places to live, plenty of ways to live, yet you restrict everything because some people choose not to carry a credit card. does that mean you're paranoid, or is it us? all those fables, all those children's rhymes, they never said anything about you locking us out because we can't afford 'in'. it never said anything about you owning everything, and charging too much for just minimal life. simply living. yet you advertise that like it's something you can buy. what about the people who don't want to deal with money, have you ever even considered their existence? seriously? if not, then why are you in charge of them? this is a free country for who? what's free? what was the american dream, can you remember waking up from it? do you care? that's the important question: do you care. apathy is just another product i can't afford, but you can. you don't realize what products do to your perspective. i do. that's valuable information i have that you do not have. everything threatens your life. in what ways do things threaten our lives? do you consider? a shell crab without its shell? picture a river flowing. a current. a snail going from one shell to another? picture money going from one hand to another. a family outside a house. river. money. river. money. river. money. can you see it? vulnerability? who's more vulnerable to loss? me, or you? who's more vulnerable to the elements? me, or you? just once, can we talk about an existence that doesn't depend on what i have that you want. the lion eating the gazelle. who's more vulnerable to poverty? me, or you? who has more to lose, and who has more to gain. how does this rise and fall thing work. all sorts of questions you should be asking yourself, but i'm having to hold your hand and lead you at this point. i wonder lots of things. the mirrors, pots and kettles, debates and disagreements. where do we make one collective decision? a responsible one. when? how long do you wait? and what happens till then? and what does your home really prevent? i'd ask myself that one often, and try to come up with unique answers every fucking time. but that's just me. yeah, i get how it's not you. what i'd pay to hear someday, is... 'i support that'. wow, we have a human in the room! that's valuable to me. detach yourself from everything you know for just one day of your life. and offer your perspective to our situation. it doesn't require much effort. it doesn't traumatize the brain, or damage brain tissue, or cause heart attacks or strokes, it doesn't lead to emphysema or emphasis on stupid. relax. you're not gonna lose a finger. breathe. close your eyes. imagine.
now. what's your solution?

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